Author Topic: [Ti-Concours] BlocksMania  (Read 1927 times)

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[Ti-Concours] BlocksMania
« on: May 13, 2012, 10:33:59 am »
I'm posting this to get a lil' placeholder until I get a computer working with my calc.

But for waiting, here is my new project, specially for TI: BlocksMania, based on the IPhone original game!

In this hand made picture of the level 1, you are the circle, and you must go to the goal (cross), but you can move only when you are still (for example after collided with the boxes). There are not any fire mode object nor move switcher in this first level, but they will come relatively fast across the levels! That game is goaled to be an brain eater! :p
It's a early alpha version at the moment, the engine is not finished, Im ust finish teleporters and goal.
I planning al teast 30 15*24 levels with good RLE compression who works at the moment, that won't be (I think) a good problem...

Anyway, I'll try to remember finish the engine for the next week! :p