Author Topic: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)  (Read 68135 times)

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Offline Princetonlion.tibd

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #120 on: July 17, 2014, 07:11:02 am »

How are the DLC packs going?

EDIT we might as well celebrate the completion of this project
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 10:09:23 am by Princetonlion.tibd »

Offline 123outerme

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #121 on: July 19, 2014, 09:19:48 am »

How are the DLC packs going?

EDIT we might as well celebrate the completion of this project
The DLC packs haven't been started yet, I have been very busy with sailing camp (it really knocks the wind out of you!) and lots of activities this summer. I will work on them when I have some free time, but for now, they are on hold. ._.

Offline Princetonlion.tibd

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #122 on: July 19, 2014, 09:20:30 am »

How are the DLC packs going?

EDIT we might as well celebrate the completion of this project
The DLC packs haven't been started yet, I have been very busy with sailing camp (it really knocks the wind out of you!) and lots of activities this summer. I will work on them when I have some free time, but for now, they are on hold. ._.
I don't mind, I'm also not really programming

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #123 on: July 20, 2014, 11:03:04 am »
Not trying to beat a dead horse or anything, but just as a question, how hard was THE GAME?
* 123outerme runs

Seriously, I don't have a real opinion an anything Source Seekers. Since I programmed it, I know how to solve every puzzle, beat every enemy, etc.
I found the difficulty not too bad, except of course that aforementioned enemy that was very hard to beat :P.

By the way, since I was busy I didn't have time yet to try the latest versions, but do they let you skip the A TILDA^3 PRODUCTIONS logo animation?

Offline Princetonlion.tibd

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #124 on: July 20, 2014, 12:01:55 pm »
Not trying to beat a dead horse or anything, but just as a question, how hard was THE GAME?
* 123outerme runs

Seriously, I don't have a real opinion an anything Source Seekers. Since I programmed it, I know how to solve every puzzle, beat every enemy, etc.
I found the difficulty not too bad, except of course that aforementioned enemy that was very hard to beat :P .

By the way, since I was busy I didn't have time yet to try the latest versions, but do they let you skip the A TILDA^3 PRODUCTIONS logo animation?
you store something to K to skip the animation

I found the game easy :P compared to Sorus axe remake of reuben quest (which took me 1 hour)

Offline 123outerme

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #125 on: July 20, 2014, 01:24:32 pm »
Not trying to beat a dead horse or anything, but just as a question, how hard was THE GAME?
* 123outerme runs

Seriously, I don't have a real opinion an anything Source Seekers. Since I programmed it, I know how to solve every puzzle, beat every enemy, etc.
I found the difficulty not too bad, except of course that aforementioned enemy that was very hard to beat :P.

By the way, since I was busy I didn't have time yet to try the latest versions, but do they let you skip the A TILDA^3 PRODUCTIONS logo animation?

I haven't been working on anything, since I've been too busy. Storing any number to K has been there for a while, but other than that, not much.

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #126 on: July 20, 2014, 01:57:38 pm »
Not trying to beat a dead horse or anything, but just as a question, how hard was THE GAME?
* 123outerme runs

Seriously, I don't have a real opinion an anything Source Seekers. Since I programmed it, I know how to solve every puzzle, beat every enemy, etc.
I found the difficulty not too bad, except of course that aforementioned enemy that was very hard to beat :P .

By the way, since I was busy I didn't have time yet to try the latest versions, but do they let you skip the A TILDA^3 PRODUCTIONS logo animation?
you store something to K to skip the animation

I found the game easy :P compared to Sorus axe remake of reuben quest (which took me 1 hour)
Well, considering there are RPGs that last 50 hours and that the original Reuben took 3-4 hours, I actually find Reuben Quest remake easy. :P In fact, Reuben original looked harder mostly because of the much slower speed that made grinding for levels look more tedious.

One of the hardest calc RPG gotta be Illusiat 7: The Legend of Gwaf or some of the early 2000's ASCII RPGs.

Offline Princetonlion.tibd

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #127 on: July 20, 2014, 03:03:26 pm »
Not trying to beat a dead horse or anything, but just as a question, how hard was THE GAME?
* 123outerme runs

Seriously, I don't have a real opinion an anything Source Seekers. Since I programmed it, I know how to solve every puzzle, beat every enemy, etc.
I found the difficulty not too bad, except of course that aforementioned enemy that was very hard to beat :P .

By the way, since I was busy I didn't have time yet to try the latest versions, but do they let you skip the A TILDA^3 PRODUCTIONS logo animation?
you store something to K to skip the animation

I found the game easy :P compared to Sorus axe remake of reuben quest (which took me 1 hour)
Well, considering there are RPGs that last 50 hours and that the original Reuben took 3-4 hours, I actually find Reuben Quest remake easy. :P In fact, Reuben original looked harder mostly because of the much slower speed that made grinding for levels look more tedious.

One of the hardest calc RPG gotta be Illusiat 7: The Legend of Gwaf or some of the early 2000's ASCII RPGs.
That's why I play ASM RPGs only :P

EDIT: because ASM games are smaller(usually) so I can fit a few in my calc just in case I get frustrated (90% chance)
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 08:37:18 pm by Princetonlion.tibd »

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #128 on: July 20, 2014, 04:43:48 pm »
Except that there are like four decent ASM RPG for the 83+ series (one of which is actually written in Axe and is a remake rather than a full game) that are completed. All others are just demos of unfinished projects or very buggy. BASIC has many more quality RPGs since it takes much less effort to make them than in ASM, but a lot of them are low quality or slow so it takes more time to find a good one. On top of that, one of the only 2 completed/non-buggy ASM RPG out there, called Dying Eyes, is even harder than most BASIC ones.

On TI-89/92+/V200 calcs it's even worse, since the only ever completed ASM/C RPG was CalcRogue.

I personally don't judge calc games solely based on the programming language, since a lot of games in each language are actually fun to play.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 04:47:57 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline Princetonlion.tibd

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #129 on: July 20, 2014, 08:06:28 pm »
Except that there are like four decent ASM RPG for the 83+ series (one of which is actually written in Axe and is a remake rather than a full game) that are completed. All others are just demos of unfinished projects or very buggy. BASIC has many more quality RPGs since it takes much less effort to make them than in ASM, but a lot of them are low quality or slow so it takes more time to find a good one. On top of that, one of the only 2 completed/non-buggy ASM RPG out there, called Dying Eyes, is even harder than most BASIC ones.

On TI-89/92+/V200 calcs it's even worse, since the only ever completed ASM/C RPG was CalcRogue.

I personally don't judge calc games solely based on the programming language, since a lot of games in each language are actually fun to play.
I love calcrouge. it's the only game I play :P
That's because it's the simplest and most entertaining RPG I've found for the v200 so far. Only prob, it's too hard :P
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 08:28:13 pm by Princetonlion.tibd »

Offline 123outerme

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #130 on: July 27, 2014, 03:46:53 pm »
When I was writing down some ideas for Source Seekers Battle, I thought that some of those could be added. So, when I get back from Band Camp, expect these things to be added:

*Multiple save files
*Naming your character
*More secrets
*Configurable Keys

Offline 123outerme

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #131 on: July 31, 2014, 05:40:21 pm »
When I was writing down some ideas for Source Seekers Battle, I thought that some of those could be added. So, when I get back from Band Camp, expect these things to be added:

*Multiple save files
*Naming your character
*More secrets
*Configurable Keys

So, I'm back from band camp. I'm sorry to say that character naming and configurable keys will not be able to work due to my need to study text engines and the On button. I'm still working on the multiple save files and other things. Here's the changelog for 1.3:

Changelog V1.3:
*Added secret "delete save" button (on home menu, hit 0)
*Added ingame method of skipping intro sequence. Press anything other than On or Enter to skip the intro. (Yes, DJ O, this is finally in!)
*Actually fixed bug in lvl 9
*Rewrote some text to make sense
*Removed need for having the 5th variable in LSSAVE
*Huge code optimizations (10770 -> 10695 bytes, a 75 byte difference)

« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 10:07:49 pm by 123outerme »

Offline Princetonlion.tibd

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #132 on: July 31, 2014, 09:19:58 pm »
I think your code might be better without the colons (unless you removed them already)

Gave me a minor headache when I tried optimizing.

Delete save seems like a good way to troll others:P

Offline 123outerme

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #133 on: January 06, 2015, 06:28:04 pm »
I was thinking a little bit and decided it would probably be worth it to fix everything wrong with SS, and with the (assumed) death of SS Battle, I want to "right my wrongs".
Spoiler For Sin Counter: 6:
*Gigantic size
*Glitch on Lvl 4
*Clearer HUD (some people got confused about the bridge level "LVL B"
*Stupid final battle
*Lack of sidequests/redeeming value
*Lack of a level creator (will take place of DLC if I can do it)
Not beating up on myself, just these are the things I could do better now because I'm better.
If you have any opinion on this/any feature requests feel free to tell me!

Offline 123outerme

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Re: [Pure BASIC] Source Seekers (TI-83 & up)
« Reply #134 on: August 22, 2018, 12:57:41 pm »
After 4 years, I received a message on Reddit from a user who recently downloaded my game, and a glitch on Level 4 prevented them from continuing. Not letting a fan get turned away empty-handed, I rewrote the entire game, consolidating the 13 "mini-engines" to one, fixed all bugs, and slightly tweaked gameplay.
