Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI Z80 => Topic started by: bfr on March 06, 2007, 10:25:00 am
This is a program I started making a while ago, although I never really got around to finishing it. I might later on, but I'm going to put it online for anybody to download it in case they want to finish it. It is in TI-BASIC for the TI-83+/TI-84+ series. It definitely isn't completely optimized at the moment, partially because I wanted readability. It is meant to serve as an aid to those learning about vectors because it offers (or it was intended to offer) a few handy features:
- Visual plotting (including addition and other operators) of 3-D vectors
- Conversion between equation formats
- A table of values for vectors
- The ability to calculate the angle between two vectors
- The ability to calculate where two vectors intersect
So far, all it can do is visually plot 3-D vectors, which is kind of cool, and adjust the window. Here's a screenshot of it:

It can be downloaded here:
that's pretty cool. Can the camera by shifted over or is the original always kind of fixed there on the left?
It can be shifted over. :)
Nice work with the graphing ability. :thumbup:

Perhaps you add some of these features (should be easy, as I have already done this on my 89):
- vector length
- unit vector (and graph)
- dot product
- cross product
- triple product
- projection
- bound vectors
- check for orthogonal
- check for orthonormal
Well, I could, but I've kind of stopped working on this. I might continue working on this sometime, though. Good suggestions, though.
Yeah dot product would be a great addition