Author Topic: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)  (Read 6357 times)

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4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« on: July 17, 2013, 06:47:41 pm »
(Cross-posted from Cemetech)

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been working on a four channel interrupt-based music player for use in assembly games. This program is for 15MHz+ calculators, so no, it won't work on normal TI-83+. Today, I'm proud to report that I've gotten more than just a frequency sweep test written. Today, I've got actual music to play.

For this test, I embedded the source (almost verbatim) of the track "Same One (Bellon)" found with QuadPlayer, and wrote a small routine that feeds that information almost verbatim into the sound driver. After tweaking the frequency delays of the audio interrupt and messing with the tracker timing, I ended up with this:

(Note: The music is much cleaner on hardware. And when the computer trying to record this isn't struggling)

More work needs to be done with the actual timing or file interpretation (or perhaps the source is at fault? I dunno.) and there does seem to be distortion in the sound at higher frequencies. For the sound linked above, the crystal timer for the sound driver is set at CPU (15MHz) / 8 with a delay count of 30 (which resolves to about 62.5KHz), while the timer for the music tracker was ... well.... guessed and tested until I found that it played it at a rate "close enough" to how QuadPlayer played it.

At the mentioned rate above, I ran further tests to see how much of the CPU is actually taken by the audio interrupt. Using Wabbitemu, I got ~76.5% used, while on my TI-84+SE, I got ~74.8%. During tonight's HCWP, I'd like to distribute this test program to see what numbers other people are getting. I'm especially curious to see if the timings vary a bit more on TI-83+SE hardware.

Another note: Since this an audio-only program, there isn't much in the way of screenshots, unless you like watching a blank screen for the current test, or a bunch of rapidly-changing numbers for the prior test.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 08:02:41 pm by Iambian »
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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2013, 07:27:27 pm »
Hey Iambian! I'm currently creating a sound device for the TI84+ but creating music is kind of pain. I'm using Bleeper to make melodies and because it uses the PC's speaker it sounds pretty close to the tones produced by the calc. It's very basic though and I was wondering if you knew of a better way to create music?

*The link says the sound is not found or private!
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 07:52:08 pm by AssemblyBandit »

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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2013, 08:03:01 pm »
Link modified in original post. Quick link here:

To answer that question, at the moment, you'd have to ask anyone who created QuadPlayer music files. It's probably a pain since it's done PC-side, but seeing as people has done it, it's not as difficult as messing with hex values. Try downloading QuadPlayer and figure out how to make music for that. Once you do, it's as simple as copying (most) of the source into the test program (as it stands). I'll eventually throw together a way to play music external to the player
« Last Edit: July 17, 2013, 08:09:24 pm by Iambian »
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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2013, 08:06:28 pm »
Sounds awesome! 4 channel, thats Nintendo quality right?

Offline Iambian

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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #4 on: July 17, 2013, 08:23:02 pm »
At the moment, the audio is simply four square wave channels. I have a way to put in a noise channel, but nothing that I know of is tracked to play that type of sound. That's what the tracker I'm planning will include the ability to put in.
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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2013, 08:26:42 pm »
Mine is only square at the moment too. I want to have one channel play bg music and the other play sound effects. It would be nice to have more channels but the MCU I'm using doesn't have enough timers... or I need to use them more efficiently.

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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2013, 05:11:11 am »
Very impressive. Sounds great, especially considering it's interrupt-timed. Looking forward to the tracker! I'd also be very interested to see the source of the player, of course.

Yeah noise channel should be trivial to implement, by simply parsing a sufficiently pseudo-random part of the ROM - I usually use $3000 as a starting point. You might be able to save more CPU time though, by doing the "click drum" trick used in many ZX Spectrum routines. SpecialFX and Savage both pull their drums on interrupts, check the code included in Beepola if you want to know more.

Now, in case you were aiming for full GB sound emulation, to emulate the gameboy's wav channel on the other hand is something entirely different. It's probably doable with intersective pulse width modulation, but i doubt it will be possible with interrupts running.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2013, 05:11:55 am by utz »

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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #7 on: July 18, 2013, 06:55:09 am »
Mine is only square at the moment too. I want to have one channel play bg music and the other play sound effects. It would be nice to have more channels but the MCU I'm using doesn't have enough timers... or I need to use them more efficiently.
What mcu are you using? If you got an atmega168 or 328 you could use my software:
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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #8 on: July 18, 2013, 07:35:05 am »
Sounds awesome! 4 channel, thats Nintendo quality right?
Not quite, The NES has 5 channels, The Commodore 64 is 3 channels. I *think* the Gameboy is 4 channels. Anyho, this is coming along quite nicely Iambian. ^^

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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #9 on: July 18, 2013, 07:37:12 am »
It's more like the zx spectrum with its bleeper routines. Wil you add pulsewidth modulation too (using envelopes or LFO's) so you can create some complex compositions?
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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #10 on: July 24, 2013, 12:27:19 am »
It's more like the zx spectrum with its bleeper routines. Wil you add pulsewidth modulation too (using envelopes or LFO's) so you can create some complex compositions?
The current audio driver does not support that and cannot support that in any way. Sorry.
And now, a crosspost from Cemetech:

I've started working on a full-featured tracker. When I dove into that project, I thought it would be all nice and easy, given that I had written out plans for the actual tracking part, but then reality hit me.

File selection would be easy, but creating a new project file? That's what I spent the last two days working on and it's still not fully complete. The menu that allows the user to type it in, however, has been (functionally) completed. So many thing went wrong in it. If you look at the screenshot below, you'll understand why it took so long.


The code is a huge mess, as well. I'll clean it up after I apply brain bleach and let it simmer so I remember absolutely none of it.

Next in line: Input verification and file creation.
Also, I talked about adding background music for the tracker's title screen. Good idea? Bad idea? If it's included, there will be a (hidden) option of opening that track for editing.
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Offline Keoni29

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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #11 on: July 24, 2013, 05:04:31 am »
Music? Fl studio has a little sound it makes when you start it up. Maybe have something like that and just include a bunch of demo files if people want to hear some demo music.
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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2013, 01:58:40 pm »
A tracker would definitively be nice, but since our crowd is mainly oriented towards graphical music creation interfaces, future feature additions that would be nice would be note presets that you can select from a list (Do re mi fa sol la ti do) after choosing the octave, then when selecting the note, it would automatically translate it to its hex equivalent.

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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2013, 03:11:03 pm »
A tracker would definitively be nice, but since our crowd is mainly oriented towards graphical music creation interfaces, future feature additions that would be nice would be note presets that you can select from a list (Do re mi fa sol la ti do) after choosing the octave, then when selecting the note, it would automatically translate it to its hex equivalent.
Right off the bat, I'm not going to be showing people a hex view. To me, it's not productive at all and discourages actual use. If you want to see hex, you can anyway by switching the view mode, but what you will see instead of hex is a pitch notation A-G, prefixed by which octave it is. For example:
Code: [Select]
0A. 1A. 3G. 3C. /16
The time code only really makes sense if you've defined a tempo earlier. In the example above, I defined a sixteenth note. The dots in the pitch notation is to show that it is not showing a hex value, which *can* happen if the hex underlying the pitch value doesn't correspond to anything the program knows. As for timing, it'll make a best guess if the time value is off, tho display "???" if it simply can't figure it out.

The actual interface is based off a menu on the right side, which is accessed via the CLEAR ^ / * - + ENTER buttons (whole right column of buttons) while the arrow buttons control the data selection cursor. This side menu changes depending on what you're doing, too.

The menu options themselves are 3 letters long, which don't give you much clue by themselves what they do, but pushing the Y= key (F1) will briefly cover the edit pane to show you a brief description of what each option does.

It shouldn't be much longer now before I have a simple version of what I'm talking about ready to show.
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Re: 4-Channel Interrupt-Based Audio (83+SE;84+;84+SE)
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2013, 05:31:21 pm »
Right off the bat, I'm not going to be showing people a hex view. To me, it's not productive at all and discourages actual use. If you want to see hex, you can anyway by switching the view mode, but what you will see instead of hex is a pitch notation A-G, prefixed by which octave it is. For example:
Code: [Select]
0A. 1A. 3G. 3C. /16
The time code only really makes sense if you've defined a tempo earlier. In the example above, I defined a sixteenth note. The dots in the pitch notation is to show that it is not showing a hex value, which *can* happen if the hex underlying the pitch value doesn't correspond to anything the program knows. As for timing, it'll make a best guess if the time value is off, tho display "???" if it simply can't figure it out.

How will sharps/flats be represented? It seems to me that it would be best to use an extra character to specify when note values are hexadecimal, making hexadecimal values always three characters, and then using the third character in letter notation to display sharp/flat when necessary.

Also, notes with octave values attached traditionally have the octave following the note letter and sharp/flat symbol. What do you think about representing notes more like this, then:

Code: [Select]
A♯0 $1F G♭3 C3  /16