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Update: Actually, maybe not All twenty-one levels are complete, but I'm only about 60% sure I'm going to be able to add high scores and all that other stuff. It's almost definitely going to be lacking a storyline, unless I stop procrastinating absolutely everything in my life.
Where's the E?
Thank you for downloading Absolute Madness. Slide back, eat your desk, and enjoythe game!======== ASCII ========________________________________________________________________________________ -- -- --- ----- -- - -----| ----| ----| |\ /| / \ | \ | \ | |__ |____ |____ | V | /---\ | / | \ | | | | -- -- -- -- ----- - -- -----| |---- |----________________________________________________________________________________ ======== INSTALLATION ========Use TI Connect or TiLP to download NESS.8xp to your calculator. That's it!To play, you can run prgmNESS from the home screen or start it from any popularshell, such as MirageOS or DoorsCS.======== MENU ========Before you even reach the menu, you may see a message telling you that your highscore data has been cleared. This is normal for a first run; it will appearagain if you ever try to tamper with the high score data (stored in list MDATA).I'm warning you!At the main menu, use the arrow keys to navigate, 2nd or ENTER to select, andCLEAR to go back a level or quit.play: Start playing the game. new: Starts a new game from level 1. edit: Opens the level editor, allowing you to design your own levels. See the section below about the level editor for details. sav: Opens a submenu to load a saved game. See the section below on saving games for more information.high: Opens the high score table; press ENTER to return to the main menu.quit: What do you think, genius?======== GAMEPLAY ========Absolute Madness is a puzzle/action platformer. Your goal is to avoid thespikes, floating enemies, and falling boulders and reach the right side of thescreen in each level. There are many things that make Absolute Madness unique asa platformer, so read on!Left and right: Use the left and right arrow keys to move left and right. (Simple, right?) Rarely, you'll notice that a repeating arrow key (left or right) "misses a beat" and leaves you a single block short of where you should be. This is a problem only on the faster calculators (TI-83 Plus Silver Edition, TI-84 Plus, and TI-84 Plus Silver Edition) and is caused by the program running a bit faster than the calculator can handle repeating keypresses. (How ironic. A TI-BASIC program going too fast.) The simplest way to avoid this pitfall is to press and release the arrow keys repeatedly, instead of holding it down.Jumping: Use the up arrow key to jump. To jump to the left or right, press the left or right arrow keys right after you release the up arrow. It takes some practice to get used to this, but it's the only way to handle directional jumping in TI-BASIC. Remember you cannot hold two buttons down at a time, or the calculator will ignore both of them. Practice jumping in the first few levels, because by the time you get to the more difficult ones, you'll be required to jump precisely. (By the last level, you should be fairly adept at perfectly timing your jumps.) The sequence of a jump is as follows: one frame after you press the up arrow, the character moves up one block; the second frame, it moves up another block; in the third, it "hangs" in midair; then it starts falling. You cannot jump again until after the third frame, when it starts falling. You'll notice that if you just happen to land on a block on the second frame, pressing up immediately still does nothing; just keep pressing it until you do jump. You're always able to move left and right (unless something blocks the way, of course). You can land on anything (literally, anything) with a flat top.Dimension swapping: Beginning in level five (this was supposed to be a surprise), some levels begin requiring you to swap between two maps ("dimensions"). Press ALPHA to swap. Not all levels have two dimensions, and when there's only one, ALPHA does nothing. Swapping into a filled block will cause you to lose a life.Bonus packs: Some levels provide the opportunity to acquire a bonus pack, in the shape of two small brackets with an open center. Each bonus pack provides one point; five points makes a life. Not all bonus packs are accessible. Levels 4, 8, 12, and 16 are special "bonus levels" that let you recover some extra points (in preparation for some truly insane puzzles). When you lose a life, all bonus packs in that level are disabled, even if they still appear.======== SAVING ========Trust me; you will need this.During the game, press VARS to open the game save dialog. Select the slot inwhich you wish to save by pressing 2nd or ENTER, or press CLEAR to cancel. Thegame saves your current level, points, and timer (what?). Your position in alevel is not saved. All data is stored in list MDATA.======== EDITOR ========Absolute Madness has full external level support, including a fully-featuredbuilt-in level editor. Access it from the second game menu.In the editor, press Y= and WINDOW to switch the active block style, then use2nd to insert at the current cursor point. Use GRAPH to test a level; you willreturn to the level editor as soon as you either die or complete your customlevel.Levels are stored as lists, and can be stored to any valid TI-83 Plus list name.Do not use L1, L2, L3, or L4 because they are used by the game itself. Namedlists (lists whose names begin with the small L found in 2nd [list] > OPS B:Lfollowed by one to five letters) are recommended.Saving levels: Press TRACE while in the level editor, and when the program quits press the STO> button. "Ans->" should be pasted in your homescreen. Type one to five more letters to name your list, then press ENTER.Opening levels: Press ZOOM while in the level editor, and when prompted press 2nd [list], find your list, and select it. It should be pasted into the prompt screen; press ENTER to load.If you create a level you think worthy of sharing, send it to me! My contactinformation is below. Level packs shared with me will be posted in a publicrepository for others to enjoy.======== FILES ========Absolute Madness uses many variables. Most are cleaned up upon normal return(quitting from the main menu). Only the following are really useful at all:NESS: Program NESS contains the entire game. If you want to keep playing, please don't delete it (for obvious reasons).MDATA: All saved games and high scores, including high-score names, are saved in this list. Please do not have this archived.======== EGGS ========Find four of the five instances of the number 42 hidden throughout the game, andyou get a gold star :)======== CONTACT ========Made by Deep Thought ([email protected]) a member of Omnimaga Coders of Tomorrow http://www.omnimaga.org/ The most hyperactive forum around. Join us in #omnimaga on EFnet! Revolution Software http://www.revsoft.org/ Seven years and counting, and still home to so many amazing projects. ClrHome Productions http://clrhome.org/ Come here for suggestions and bug reports. Or just for the heck of it.======== RIGHTS ========Copyright (C) 2011 DEEP THOUGHTYou are free to download, use, and transfer this software at will. If the sourcehas been made publicly viewable (in the case of TI-BASIC programs, if theprogram is not edit-locked), you may assume that you are allowed to edit it aswell, as long as you and the original developer (DEEP THOUGHT) are clearlyidentified.