Alright, I finally got a computer that can run TI-Connect (though it is still buggy) and successfully downloaded AOC2 v0.85 and sent it to my calc. It's pretty awesome, though I do have a couple of constructive criticisms.
Things that need/can be/should be fixed:
-I played against the AI and after a while, I noticed the AI was creating units without having the building (ie creating infantry w/o barracks, creating hunters w/o stables, etc.), or at least the buildings weren't displayed on the battlefield in the enemy castle area. If possible, please have it so that the player can see the enemy barracks/stables/blacksmith when in a battle.
-I found out that I can attack my own units. Though it can be pretty cool at first to kill your own units, I see no reason to do this other than mess around. If possible, please remove this feature.
-I find the population limit unrealistic. Usually, there are more than 10 troops in an army, and though I do know about the limitations of BASIC as well as the calculator itself, it is still unsatisfactory, especially once more unit types roll around and the player can implement multiple unit types. And while my army of a mere 10 troops camp around a fire, about 1000 miners and 200 woodcutters work away endlessly a kilometer away. Not only do the workers not get food, drink, or supplies (aka upkeep), but they are homeless bums as well as they have no shelter except a tiny little city hall. If possible, increase the population limit for soldiers and create a population limit for miners/woodcutters (maybe even create houses just like in AOC1.5, only there is also a limit to the number of houses you can create).
-I see that you have provided a better way to tell that the smith menu isn't implemented yet, and I thank you for it. However, the text scrolls a bit too fast to be able to be read by someone. If possible, slow the text scrolling down a bit.
-I find it tedious to always go to the mode menu to end my turn whenever I am done moving. If possible, implement a feature that the battle automatically ends your turn once you are done moving all your units.
-When I select my cavalry (rider or hunter) in the second row from the bottom to move, I can only move one space down even if the cavalry has 2 movement points. If possible, make it so that the camera scrolls whenever the range of the movement of the unit goes off the screen.
-Why does the loser of the battle always lose a specific number of lives, no matter how many troops the loser has lost? Why cannot the number of lives lost depend on the number of troops the loser has lost, the number of troops the winner has lost, and/or the number of miners and loggers the loser has?
Suggestions for future features:
-Link play
-Smithy menu
-Map editor/more maps
-Smithy menu
-Siege weapons
-Smithy menu
-More than 2 players
-Oh, did I mention the Smithy menu? -.-

Anyways, great game, even if it needs some improvement before v0.9 and eventually v1.0