Man, took me forever to get on a comp. -.-

OK here are a couple more bugs I noticed:
can jump over trees and other obstacles. Even if they are surrounded by
enemy troops, cavalry are able to "jump" over anything, whether it be a
tree, a rock, or another cavalry. If possible, implement a pathfinding
routine so that troops must go around troops and obstacles instead of
just jumping to the square.
-The AI needs a serious improvement. Even
on Hard, I completely crushed the AI despite the fact that it was my
second time playing. Only on Hardest did the AI put up a fight, and even
then the battle AI sucked, as you will see from my next paragraph. If
possible, make a bigger difference between difficulty levels and make
the AI harder.
-On Hardest, the following battle ensued: the AI had 1
hunter, 2 archers, 2 infantry, and 1 recruit; I had 5 recruits. Guess
who won. If you said the AI won, you are wrong. If you said I won, you
are also wrong. Here is what happened: This was on the forest map. I
placed my troops. The AI placed its troops. I cautiously advanced my
inferior force. The AI charged forward recklessly. After a bit of
tactical maneuvering on my part, the AI was able to defeat 4 of my
recruits, while I was able to defeat 2 of his infantry and 1 archer. My
resource losses: 40 Gold, 200 Wood. The AI's resource losses: 125 Gold,
225 Wood. Something is definitely not right here :Oo:

continuing the story, my remaining recruit had 1 HP left. The AI had an
archer 3 units away from my recruit. It could have easily moved toward
my recruit and killed it because of archers' range. But no, what did the
AI do? It moved in the exact opposite direction of my recruit.
Confused, I moved away with my recruit. The AI did not even try to chase
my lonely recruit. After another turn, I noticed the AI was charging at
my city center with its hunter, infantry, and archer. Curious, I
stalled with my recruit and watched what happened. The hunter finally
reached the city center. The next turn, the AI stalled for a moment. It
then proceeded to move its hunter into another square adjacent to my
city center. Then, a weird error message appeared, saying "ERR:

". I
selected the first choice, "Quit", and then the screen displayed a whole
lot of garbage, which I erased by pressing [Clear]. I then proceeded to
the memory menu to erase the temporary programs and matrixes. I looked
up at the amount of free RAM I had: the calc displayed that I had about
31000 B of free RAM. Suspicious, I exited the memory menu when I was
done. The calc's screen turned blank and I couldn't turn on the calc
with [On]. So I took out a battery and put it back in. When I turned the
calc on, a RAM Cleared message greeted me. O_O

I guess that was the AI's revenge for not being able to destroy my city center. :alien:
This post has been edited by Delnar_Ersike on 18 Nov, 2007, 14:00