It's a german project, after all.
spellshaper,you are amazing at title screens,this one is beautiful like the rest :thumb: glad to hear the progress lolje,can't wait for a screenie! :D
:lol: Yea I started to work on the Pause-Menu and speeding-up the cursor-engine - It's so awesome. What I can say so far is that the pause menu pops up very cool and you'll be able to change the interval in which you get ressources (which also means the interval in which the AI builds soldiers and so on), and also the contrast. When I'm done it'll be much smoother... :D
new screenshot: 
You'll get the next demo when the pause-menu is finished
EDIT: OMG!!! Look what I found:
oh, and - it's elfprince13's birthday today!
Cool! Can't wait for the demo! Keep it up :thumb: Happy Birthday Elfprince13! :D
wow cool stuff! keep it up!
and how did u know elf birthday? o.o its not even in the birthday events at bottom of forum
happy birthday elf tho
QUOTE | how did u know elf birthday? |
I was on UTI and I saw it in the information-bar very left. I thought maybe you don't know it and I just posted it here.
Version update: version 0.5.
New features: -Stable-menu -Better, Smoother, Faster cursor -the Pause-menu which feels really awesome. You can change the game speed, change the contrast and save. (This menu is so perfectly graphical... check it out!!!)
-and also a little Readme (includes just Installing instructions and credits, 'Usage' will come later.)
Download is attached in the first post.
oooh I c, he prbly forgot to put his birthday info here
I'll try the new version asap!
Same here,great work! Can't wait to see what the AI will be like! :D
Edit:Tried it out,looking good :thumbup: Cool system so far, can't wait till battles are implemented :D One suggestion to improve the game is maybe XORing the cursor,as it overwrites the current tile,also, each time you play the game, you get a new HQ! :P
Thanks for the compliments, Dragon_Lance! I hope I'll manage to make a good AI and battlemode...
QUOTE | One suggestion to improve the game is maybe XORing the cursor,as it overwrites the current tile |
Oh, no! I tried that and it didn't look better than this...
QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | also, each time you play the game, you get a new HQ! |
? A reason for that could be, that you didn't start playing from the program 'AOC2', you just opended the program 'MAP', or that you everytime pressed the 'New Game'-button I just tried it and when I load a saved game I don't get a new HQ...
--- --- --- ---
I've got a little problem; I need 8*8 sprites for the soldiers but I can't draw them because then they would really look weird... So if you have sprites of you feel able to make 5 different 8*8 soldier sprites, just post 'em!
Hmmmm,maybe i installed it wrong :( As for the Soldier sprites, would stickish figures be ok?
stikish soldiers would be quite ok if you can see if they are trooper, archer, rider, hunter or recruit.
wow amazing work as always lolje I am really amazed by your stuff, keep up the good work! :) only problem though :( since there is no control instruction in the readme I never got able to find how to open the pause menu :( what is the key to open it?
hehehe :P xlibman, how did you quit? With [ON]?
Just press [mode] to open the pause menu.
pressing mode only brang a TI-OS homescreen style menu and both options quitted the game (altough save saved progress) I didnt saw the menu as it is in y our screenshot
If you see a basic-menu asking wheather to save the game or or not, you probably have an older version installed. Download version 0.5 (in the first post) and install it.
EDIT: It could also be my false - maybe I zipped the wrong files... :sad: - Just wait for the next version (well, in this version you just can build so it's not that important...)
Oh and I began with the battle mode. I still need sprites!
yeah i think it was the lastest version, is the new one avaliable?
:P A new version? Far away from it. I just begun with the battle mode and I don't have the soldier-sprites, yet...
take your time think alot think of everything u got.
and then amaze us with some aaahwesome news B)
like working barracks and other buildings! %)
*Spellshaper demands zerg as bonus race! XD
Actully, building off Spellshapers idea, it would be cool if you implemented an endgame reward, and extra "futuristic" race to use in skirmish mode.
oh, other races...
good idea but first I'll have to code the main game, afterwards I'll think about levels, different modes (e.g. skirmish), bonusses (which is actually a great idea) and so on.
EDIT: This is the re-release of version 0.5; I uploaded the wrong files, but now the file attached in the first post is really the new verison with the pause menu and the stable-menu.
ooooh great, I'll get this one! thanks!
~25% of the battle mode is done now. :bounce: and without having a seroius problem. I think it'll all be easy until I start eith the AI...
I just wanted to say that it's still being worked on AOC hard - I just can't give you a new verison because with an unfinished battle mode that wouldn't make much sence...
yay keep up on the updates! :) I cant wait to see the battles finished
give me a couple of days and when i'm done I will be able to present you a great battle mode with AI...
I just need some time
AI? You completely amaze me Lolje, if it is done, it'll be the first of it's kind! :D Keep up the great work :thumbup:
still working... :ihatemypc:
I would say I'm done so far with the User-interface. Now I'll have to do:
1. AI (economy, which should be quite easy)
and then:
2. AI (Engine for the battle mode :/ )
cool, any screenshots? :)
you want more, you get more. Here some screenshots of the battle mode:
As you can see in the screenz, the Battle Mode User Interface is 100% done. As you can NOT see in the screenz, I also added the economy-AI.
Now The To-do list to finish the battle mode: -AI for the battle mode
wow as said this morning on IRC, just WOW! will the units move around and all?
thats hawt man, hawt.
QUOTE | will the units move around and all? |
Yes, it will be just like in Advance Wars. :D  :D  :D  Like you can see in the second Screenshot first you choose were to go, then you choose wheather to attack or not. When you choose where to go there is also a Radius showing the Fields, which you can go to with the Soldier but I didn't take a screenshot of that.
This game looks totally awesome I can't wait till it is finished.
wow if it can even more I'm gonna kill ticalc staff if they wont feature this
Hehe. True. ^_^
Keep it up lolje! And if ya run out of power, be sure to check my supply of energy bars! *munches*
any new screenies to report?
@xlibman I agree this should be a definete feature because the game is so crisp and clean
Now everything in the Battle-Mode apart from the AI is done :king: .
I will start to work on it in a few ours when I'm done with Homework (:chaingun: ) and some Computer-releated Things.
When I'm done you will get the next Demo :pop: *looking forward* (Also because I want to play it myself when it's done :D )
yeh man dis is lookin NIICE.... :psychedelic: woord... AHA good luck with that AI son... :gah:
I cant wait to try it and try to pwn the enemy :D keep it up!
sounds good. keep us up to date, then :)
how is it progressing so far?
Oh, I just integrated the Pause-Menu for the battle-mode. It's quite similar to the normal Pause-Menu but the options are:
-Respawn -End Turn -Yield -Quit
aaah I c, what does yield do?
QuoteBegin-xlibman+19 Sep, 2006, 19:18-->QUOTE (xlibman @ 19 Sep, 2006, 19:18) | aaah I c, what does yield do? |
uhm you yield?
yield = give up
aaah i c, I didnt knew lol
:timebomb2: I have got great news for you all! :timebomb2:
The progress of the next AOC-II-Demo is getting closer to the 100 % very fast - which means in short that it will be playable with AI very soon!
I just wanted to inform you about that so that you don't think I would have stopped working... ;)
nice to see new progress I was getting worried that it would be delayed :( I cant wait to try it, will this be final release or demo btw?
final release??? :alien: naaaaaaaa don't worry, man. I'm really far away from that because I'll (if the memory allowes me to) also integrate some other features like story,campaign,different triggers to win,skirmish mode and maybe some cheats.
Oh and you shouldn't think i will stop coding after this project... I still have lots of ideas which just wait to get a really game 0_o :dazy:
I love these smileys... lolje
lol those smileys are weird, only reason why I added them ;) what are u planning to add in the game next?
it's all in the first post... Or do you have any other idea?
lol i alwyas forget to check the first post :P I always am used to see updates in new posts lol
dude,keep cranking this out, nice work
Update The Battle-Mode is done, which means for you that you will get the next Demo soon! (Which will include a fully functional AI and is still being perfected) Secondly, I made an animated Screenshot of the Battle-Mode:

This animated screenshot shows the Battle-mode, which I just finished. It doesn't look perfect at all yet but I'm just perfecting it (adding a window 'Your Turn' and scrolling after you end your turn). It shows a whole Battle between a human player (top) and the AI-enemy (bottom); The beginning is maybe a bit confusing because the players place there soldiers first but just watch the whole 'clip' and then you know what the battle-mode will be like...
Next Demo will be featured soon! lolje
thats really amazing lolje, keep up the good work on this! Do you mean the battle are implemented but not shown on the screenshot or just not implemented at all yet?
o.o ownage dude
QUOTE | Do you mean the battle are implemented but not shown on the screenshot or just not implemented at all yet? |
What I tried to explain was that there is everything shown I did until now in the screenshot - also the battle mode. Besides this I said that it maybe doesn't look perfect at all but I would make it better soon. And that's what I do now. Perfecting the Battle mode and adding some windows. :) 
cool ^^
and this is a real-time game too, am I right?
Kevin showed me that screenie and it is amazing! This game is so detailed i love it!
Awesome work once more lolje :D .
Thank you all! Next Demo will come very Soon ;)
sooner!!! sooner!!
yeah yeah calm down elfprince13 ^_^ all in due time. GIve lolje some time to breath. ;)
and yeah, it is pwnage. keep it up!
I can't wait untill aoc calc has problems with aoc1 though. I think it can't run basic programs
Hiya welcome here :) what calc OS do you have? if you have 1.17 it may be a problem, but i think it should run BASIC games fine. Do you try to run the game from the prgm menu or from mirageOs/Ion? because BASIC programs are run directly from prgm menu, not mirage and Ion. What error do you get?
Sorry to say but the Release of AOCII will be delayed even more - I have to move due to some problems with my family [...:banghead: ...]
the good thing about that is that is that I'll probably code more at all cuz I won't think about all that crap all day long and I'll be more concentrated but - the bad thing is that it's probably gonna be hard to get internet access...
Well, after all it's definitly better for me cuz I currently feel like this: :microwave: ...and I don't want to become completely mad, take drugs or even hurt people and all that crap... lolje
I'm really sorry to hear how things go wrong from you lolje (after the convo on ICQ), I wish life was more fair to people who deserves it the most, I hope things get better for you soon :(
will you release some kind of "before-leaving" demo?
Good luck, lolje. Hope to hear from you again soon.
we all get busy from time to time... <_<
sorry to see you go, and it sucks that you're family is having issues. Good luck with the move and everything else
QuoteBegin-crzyrbl+28 Nov, 2006, 15:19-->QUOTE (crzyrbl @ 28 Nov, 2006, 15:19) | we all get busy from time to time... <_< |
i think in lolje it was more personal problems, rather than business. reread his post carefully
ah well... I hope we hear from ye soon... leave us a msg when aou can! :)
Well, thats maybe my last post before you won't see me that often anymore - but I managed to package the *hopefully working* latest Version of Age of culture II [in the first post!]
I hope you like it... :D lolje
wow nice to see it done! Are you ok btw? I hope things go well for you in the near future and I hope to see you return later, good luck!
I'm gonna try the game asap!
lolje you once again forgot to include prgm*THETA*AOC in the zip file so I cannot run the game :(
as far as I know it's integrated - I'm 100% sure... btw I'm fine :)
whhere is it? cuz when I load the prgm in PTI or TilEm its not listed. I use TI-83+ and TI-83+SE btw. Could u send me the program separately?
just open it in something like winzip/rar 7-zip.
now it works, lolje renamed the theta program, it seems on my side TI-84+ programs using the theta character cannot be sent to my TI-83+SE using TI connect or emulators
ah I c.... at least it works with you now ^^
IMO, cavalry units are too dang strong. I kept on pwning the AI with just 3 riders and 3 hunters. You could add a system in which some unit types are stronger against others, ie riders good vs archer, infantry good vs rider, etc.
It would be sweet if you added the ability to destroy buildings in battle and maybe even siege units :D . Also, you could make the battlefield bigger and add some randomly spawned obstacles.
recruits need something special other than being the weakest unit and the ability to produce them at the HQ.
The most pwnsome thing you could add is multiplayer, then people can play against their friends (maybe even on one calculator!...but i'm being too expectant :wacko: ).
BTW, is there any way to win? %)
But anyway, the demo's great. Ich hoffe, dass du zur
1. Weeeee we gottanew memba! *Spellshaper
hi and welcomke here! You just registered in time :D (before we disabled registration system)
i wonder if lolje will try to finish his game while he has no internet anyway?
sigh... :(
I really do hope Lolje does get a way to connect to the internet, cause I gotta show my friend that BASIC isnt as hopeless as he thinks <_<
oh, and I forgot to add a wierd bug in my last post:
There are "ghosts" in battles! Whenever I kill an enemy unit, it keeps on attacking me! Luckily, its the same thing the other way around, so whenever one of my units die, I can still attack with them and I dont lose them (my population stays the same) :lol: .
hm... gotta poke lolje bout that bug when I find him ^^
@delnar he got some life trouble and had to move away from home, which explains his no internet access :(
did you checked this btw? (altough the coding isnt as great as lolje's)
Yes, I think I played more than half of those games before :D
I was perplexed about why AOC II .75 has a Mirage OS header, when the xLib readme clearly states that xLib programs can cause instability when run with Mirage OS :/
Suddenly thought about this: What happens if AOC II supports up to 4 players, instead of 2?
BTW, yesterday I thought I caught a bug when the smith kept on saying ERR: Label, but then I looked at the first post in this topic... :paf:
i think i should try to talk to lolje about the mirage thing. xlib can indeed cause trouble with mirage
EDIT: Btw delnar check your emails ;)
Stupid age thing...
thanks xLibman, forgot to check for a few days
I had some problems with the resource variables before my calc crashed <_< (see UTI for more details). Whenever there was a battle, I never lost a single troop because of my 1337 tactics :P . In the end, I had so many resources that the display screwed up and I had to quit w/o saving because the vars were too big. I wish there was upkeep in AOC II. That means that the more and/or better soldiers you had, the more resources would drain. If you cannot pay the upkeep, the unit is dismissed. That would go along with another idea... to have the miners and loggers on the battlefield in a battle (one sprite in the back of your city), so that way, if the enemy is strong enough, he can drop your resource production by killing your miners/loggers :D .
This game rocks. I wish lolje was here to hear me say this but yea I always dreamed of having Empire Earth on my calculator and this is as close as I can get. Well so far with what im playing off of this is definetly a great xlib+basic game.
true that, this game rocks!
oh and yea the age thing sucks for forums x.x . imo it doesnt make much difference if the person is 12 or 13 really x.x
indeed, when i first saw him in feb 2006 i was so amazed at how great he was at BASIC alerady, and it was with AOC1, which didn't used any asm libs
:hi: hiya ^^ Now I'm here since 4 days and tomorrow I'll visit my new school for the first time.
QUOTE | IMO cavalry units are too dang strong. |
Truely - I'll have to balance them...
wow nice to see you again lolje, how is it going right now? I hope you are doing well :)
*Delnar_Ersike claps that lolje is back working on the project now. Danke schoen!
edit: about the mounted units being too strong, I had an idea to decrease riders' attack. Also, in the smithy, there should be some "special" upgrades along with the "boring" (+1 health, +1 damage, etc) upgrades. Upgrades like infantry do 150% damage vs riders and hunters (pikemen), archers get +1 range (longbowmen), riders get +1 damage if they moved two squares before attacking (charge), hunters can spend movement points after they attacked (tactics), and you can convert miners or loggers into recruits after the enemy has attacked you at the cost of an extra 50 wood and 10 gold per recruit (drafting). You may also add branching in techs, meaning there are two techs but you can only research one out of them. Branching techs like the choice between longbowmen (the range bonus) or crossbowmen (+1 extra damage) and the choice between pikemen (the bonus vs mounted units) or swordsmen (150% bonus vs foot soldiers). If there is space in the interface, you may add damage reduction (armor), where the unit receives less damage but always receives at least 1 damage from attacks.
Hope that wasn't too many suggestions for smithy for you to handle, lolje. When I start dreaming, I can't stop :D .
QUOTE | I hope you are doing well
QUOTE | But as far as I know Voyage200 has the same Firmware as Ti98+... (My brother owns a Titanium) ? |
you mean an 89+? Yes, I think they are the same, although I don't have any 68k. If I'm right, I think all 68k calculators have the same firmware, only different hardware utilities (which I think is pretty useful: * Delnar_Ersike
voyage 200 is same than 89 in overall, except for bigger screen. most 89 programs will work on v200, except there may be some slight graphical issues
Just to ask lolje, are you also going to make a German version, maybe for your classmates/friends?
hmm I don't think so but maybe very very soooon in the future...
wow I LIke your new avatar :) it reminds me a bit necro's stuff, with the red and b/w, but it fit pretty well
you might even want to red out your "II", too :P .
Also, how is the game progressing?
I'm currently coding - I found out that I didn't write an ending for wars yet <_< :)
wow now your avatar is even better. If onyl calcs had color now :(
maybe you could make a false promise on ticalc by putting your avatar into one of the screenshots :P .
So...any progress yet? Es ist langweilig, wenn ich keine guten spiele an meinem taschenrechner habe.
Ja, ich habe das gedankt (ist das richtig?)
back in eglish: yeah i can't wait for some progress and maybe a demo (unless there is one out already <_< )
QuoteBegin-trevmeister66+31 Jan, 2007, 17:02-->QUOTE (trevmeister66 @ 31 Jan, 2007, 17:02) | Ja, ich habe das gedankt (ist das richtig?)
back in eglish: yeah i can't wait for some progress and maybe a demo (unless there is one out already <_< ) |
1) Yup, your German is correct, though I am not an expert: I only go to German School for three hours and only on Saturdays :oops:  , but i have been learning it since preschool (hehe, they have preschool grade at the school :P  ) 2) Made a spelling error (again): QuoteBegin -->3) Check the first post for version .75 ;)  , though there is no way to win and there are some bugs concerning the battle system
o, ok thanks.
i took German for 4 years i think. Not taking anymore though :(
QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+1 Feb, 2007, 0:12-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 1 Feb, 2007, 0:12) | QuoteBegin-trevmeister66+31 Jan, 2007, 17:02-->QUOTE (trevmeister66 @ 31 Jan, 2007, 17:02) | Ja, ich habe das gedankt (ist das richtig?)
back in eglish: yeah i can't wait for some progress and maybe a demo (unless there is one out already <_< ) |
1) Yup, your German is correct, though I am not an expert: I only go to German School for three hours and only on Saturdays :oops:  , but i have been learning it since preschool (hehe, they have preschool grade at the school :P  ) |
If you wanted to say "Yeah, that's what I thought" the translation would be"Ja, das habe ich mir gedacht." denken = present tense gedacht = past tense Where'd lolje go? I'm already missing him. :( 
QuoteBegin-Spellshaper+1 Feb, 2007, 8:1-->QUOTE (Spellshaper @ 1 Feb, 2007, 8:10) | QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+1 Feb, 2007, 0:12-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 1 Feb, 2007, 0:12) | QuoteBegin-trevmeister66+31 Jan, 2007, 17:02-->QUOTE (trevmeister66 @ 31 Jan, 2007, 17:02) | Ja, ich habe das gedankt (ist das richtig?)
back in eglish: yeah i can't wait for some progress and maybe a demo (unless there is one out already <_< ) |
1) Yup, your German is correct, though I am not an expert: I only go to German School for three hours and only on Saturdays :oops:  , but i have been learning it since preschool (hehe, they have preschool grade at the school :P  ) |
If you wanted to say "Yeah, that's what I thought" the translation would be"Ja, das habe ich mir gedacht." denken = present tense gedacht = past tense Where'd lolje go? I'm already missing him. :(  |
:paf:  stupid me, I suck at dativ :paf:  Well, I saw lolje idling at Omnimaga yesterday, that's why I posted
QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+1 Feb, 2007, 17:01-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 1 Feb, 2007, 17:01) | QuoteBegin-Spellshaper+1 Feb, 2007, 8:1-->QUOTE (Spellshaper @ 1 Feb, 2007, 8:10) | QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+1 Feb, 2007, 0:12-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 1 Feb, 2007, 0:12) | QuoteBegin-trevmeister66+31 Jan, 2007, 17:02-->QUOTE (trevmeister66 @ 31 Jan, 2007, 17:02) | Ja, ich habe das gedankt (ist das richtig?)
back in eglish: yeah i can't wait for some progress and maybe a demo (unless there is one out already <_< ) |
1) Yup, your German is correct, though I am not an expert: I only go to German School for three hours and only on Saturdays :oops:  , but i have been learning it since preschool (hehe, they have preschool grade at the school :P  ) |
If you wanted to say "Yeah, that's what I thought" the translation would be"Ja, das habe ich mir gedacht." denken = present tense gedacht = past tense Where'd lolje go? I'm already missing him. :(  |
:paf:  stupid me, I suck at dativ :paf:  Well, I saw lolje idling at Omnimaga yesterday, that's why I posted |
hm.... I should be on #omnimaga more often ._.
lez stop the quotage here, ther's an extra thread for that. ^^
i think he meant the forums, not the channel, since he doesnt visit the channel x.x
*quotage ownage* :D Yea, I was on the forums browsing in some topics. I started to get back into work but I mostly just produced senceless stuff :D
Well, I'll try to continue ;)
it's good to hear from you again. ya, it's all good, take your time.
and that is a lot of quotes o.o
'tis been almost a month since the last post about this project. What has happened to it, Lolje? :/
Well, I'd say you got to wait some more time, sorry... I have quite a lot to do about school and so on. :(
me wants to see it work.... :D
me wants to hear some progress... :P
*bump* lolje? Are you there? Is there any progress, or is this project dead? :o
Yeah... I miss the days of AOCI where there were HUGE updates almost daily.
No, it's not dead - there was progress all the time, but I couldn't post because I didn't have internet access...
Now I can directly post from my new home^^
Excellent! You must really be excited. :D
Additionally, I got one week free time!!! No school until the next wednsday :) So I'll probably spend some time on coding :D
Yays! Can't wait!
you shoould change your name to santa because you just made christmas come in the summer for me.
You know we all can't wait for this release! If this is released this year, then I think this game will be one of the options in the POTY!
:gah: Can't wait! :w00t:
btw I just added randomly spawned Rubbish/Cutten Trees
So that means the battlefield will be random every time? Sweet, that would go hand-in-hand with a bigger battlefield! BTW, I hate that fence that separates the two halves, removing that and the trees leading outward to it would significantly make the battlefield bigger.
hmm yea, good idea!
for a few seconds, i thought spelli had taken over AOC lol.
So, anyway, any proggress?
Well, so much for the daily updates like in AOCI... <_<
delnar remeber what happened with supersmashbros, i dont want another 1 month penalty :)
Grrr...I was waiting forever for lolje to come back, and I celerate when he does and can't wait for new AoC2 updates...then it dies again 3 days later! lolje, what is happening? Exams?
well I can always reduce post count by 100 everytime someone bump this topic :)
Internet connection shredded <_<
I never said something about daily updates...
QUOTE | Yeah... I miss the days of AOCI where there were HUGE updates almost daily. |
QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | Yeah... I miss the days of AOCI where there were HUGE updates almost daily. <_< |
QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | I never said something about daily updates... |
I know you didn't, I was talking to Super_Speler and myself back there.
QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+6 May, 2007, 8:27-->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 6 May, 2007, 8:27) | for a few seconds, i thought spelli had taken over AOC lol. |
Yeah, his avatar is so looking like spelli's old one.
Good News! I just added that you can win/loose battles, win/loose the game, an NA-Dummy that appears when you click on the smith and a RAM-dummy that appears when you don't have enough RAM.
Oh and I fixed the bug that the prices in the barracks/stable building (they use the same code) are sinking...
Look forward to a huge update! I will upload it very,very soon ;) lolje
QuoteBegin-lolje+1 Jun, 2007, 0:48-->QUOTE (lolje @ 1 Jun, 2007, 0:48) | Good News! I just added that you can win/loose battles, win/loose the game, an NA-Dummy that appears when you click on the smith and a RAM-dummy that appears when you don't have enough RAM.
Oh and I fixed the bug that the prices in the barracks/stable building (they use the same code) are sinking...
Look forward to a huge update! I will upload it very,very soon ;) lolje |
*drools* :w00t: 
Finally, I just uploaded the long awaited update v0.8 !! Check the 1st Post for the download :)
Awesome, I'm gonna test it a little later today.
Im going to test it now
W00t! I am going to test it within 15 minutes and post my opinion after I have done that.
Awesome! I'll try to test it soon, but I have schoolwork and studying to do (mainly because of upcoming finals).... :/
EDIT: I downloaded it and I'm playing it right now. This is incredible. o.o :king:
EDIT AGAIN: After playing it for a while, I got an ERR: MEMORY
Woot, first bug report: Bug #1: Well, it's not really a bug, but I noticed that you have a MirageOS header, when the xLib readme clearly states that xLib programs produce instability whenever they are run from MirageOS Bug #2: Stupid "ghost" soldiers again. I once destroyed almost all of the enemy's army and they only had 1 archer left with 1 HP...and they attacked my troops twice! Bug #3: After the battle, the cursor didn't appear and the game didn't detect any keypresses at all!
1. Well, I'm quite sure AOCII contains no memory leeks at all but I'll have to test it
2. The ghost bug is still counting to the 'known bugs' so it'll be fixed soon
3. I'll also test the cursor for key detection after a battle, maybe I'll have to fix something there as well ...
thx for posting! lolje
Hmmm, exactly 10 days after the last post. So, any progress?
I did some bug fixing during the last days;
1. Well, I'm quite sure AOCII contains no memory leeks at all but I'll have to test it I already started to check it, but didn't find a leak,yet...
2. The ghost bug is still counting to the 'known bugs' so it'll be fixed soon Not done, yet - but thought about possible causes of the bug
3. I'll also test the cursor for key detection after a battle, maybe I'll have to fix something there as well ... Tested - but to me it seems to work perfect... ??
*Sorry for double posting*
Well, about the ghost bug - the attack-value of the dead soldiers who are attacking is set to zero, so they shouldn't do any damage to you...
(the life-points count is the same variable place in the matrix as the attack-value)
QuoteBegin-lolje+24 Jun, 2007, 7:44-->QUOTE (lolje @ 24 Jun, 2007, 7:44) | *Sorry for double posting*
Well, about the ghost bug - the attack-value of the dead soldiers who are attacking is set to zero, so they shouldn't do any damage to you...
(the life-points count is the same variable place in the matrix as the attack-value) |
Hmmm, interesting...then why did my soldier (with 1 HP) die after the ghost soldier attacked it?
As for the keypress thing, maybe Omnicalc, MirageOS, or DoorsCS screwed around with the xLib hooks.
BTW, you have a broken avatar picture.
Sorry for the double post, but any progress lolje? It's been exactly 2 weeks since my last post...
It look nice, I hope this project is not cancelled.
have you played it? its very fun. i also hope it isnt canceled
no, is there a version to download?
Look in the first post, you'll find AOC2 v0.8 there. However, there are still a few bugs/unfinished content in it, including a very annoying bug that lets enemy soldiers fight as invisible and indestructible soldiers after death until the end of the battle.
Well, there is some progress; I improved the Engine which displays the story (not integrated yet) so that it writes the text middled^^ I just found the introduction, which was made by dragon_lance (also an omnimaga-member).
== == == == ==
When the soldiers are invisible, but still attack, that should normally mean that the soldiers had been deleted on the tilemap-matrix ([J]), but the value of the soldier in the Soldier-log-matrix ([A]) has not been set to 0. But I tested it, and the value for attack, as well as the one for life-points is set to 0.
Bug fix soon! lolje
Great job so far with this. Any chance of a release date?
cool, I like progress! Keep it up mate!
Delnar, perhaps if you take ss's using some emulator then we could clear it all up. i have not seen this bug and have played it a decent amount.
QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+16 Jul, 2007, 18:57-->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 16 Jul, 2007, 18:57) | Delnar, perhaps if you take ss's using some emulator then we could clear it all up. i have not seen this bug and have played it a decent amount. |
Yeah, I tried doing that, but it failed because none of the emulators would cooperate. WabbitEmu: Wouldn't accept the picture because it's not Pic-9 PindurTI: Wouldn't accept any file because of the stupid non-archive-compatible ROM code I loaded into it TiLem: Couldn't ungroup the group correctly VTI: Wouldn't accept the picture because it's not Pic-9 Flash Debugger: It doesn't work correctly for me anyway.
-> The ghost bug is fixed!
I just needed to add one If-statement... the hardest part was to get into the battle mode code because of the brake
Awesome!!! How long would you say till the final release?
cool, updates! Will there be a new screenshot soon?
Yayz, no more fighting undead! :P
What's next, the smith menu? Or maybe 2v2 gameplay... j/k about the last one, it would be a serious overkill, especially since this is in BASIC (even if it looks like assembly).
even in assembly 2v2 would be impossible, unless you manage to get wi-fi connection to your calc or a special cable you make yourself, because the only link cable they have would only allow 1v1
didn't Timendus on IRC write a 4 calc protocol assuming you were able to build the link cable hub. He even had some directions to make such a hub at one point. Regardless, I think PTI properly emulates that hub, but I'm not sure. Here's an old, but it might have been replaced by his BELL link project.
oooh yeah i remember seeing this on mc somewhere. this looked cool, only downside is that you still need to build the cable. :(
DJ, I don't think you need to build a cable for 4 players: you can easily have 1 human players and 3 AI, or 2 human players and 2 AI (one AI "hosted" on each calc). Of course, that might result in some complex AI functions because of the need for AI's to communicate with the players and/or with each other.
that's a good point.
"even in assembly 2v2 would be impossible, unless you manage to get wi-fi connection to your calc or a special cable you make yourself, because the only link cable they have would only allow 1v1" -> Two players on one calculator, two players on another calculator. :)
That will take a while...
Since there was a problem with memory-errors, I just optimized the whole system by splitting ZAOC into ZAOC and ZAOCBLD and calling the battle mode from the launcher. Now it runs very little faster and doesn't need that much RAM:
Maximum RAM-use before optimizations: ~18000 Maximum RAM-use after optimizations: ~13000
Secondly, I made the battle mode AI less predictable. Now the AI units don't always walk to the left, but also to the right or straight to your castle.
p.s.: Can you see the 'Secondly' bold??? The tags don't seem to work for me anymore...
wow thats big optimisation, and yes i saw the secondly in bold. Nice job so far on the game lolje
Congrats on the optimizations lolje, 5kB optimized off of your programs is a lot! Now, if your programs were a bit more readable, we might be able to help you optimize even more...
QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+13 Aug, 2007, 4:0-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 13 Aug, 2007, 4:00) | Now, if your programs were a bit more readable |
uhm, do you imply his programs are not? Because if it's the case I can give it a try when its out :paf:  because mines are this way too :D 
The tags don't seem to work in the signatures ?
The final release doesn't seem that far (-54125+Age of culture II_______80%) ?
Tags were disabled in signatures because people put huge pics or aniamtions that take ages to load and slow down pages in them, and whenever i removed them they put the images back again so i just disabled all code in signatures
QuoteBegin-bfr+12 Aug, 2007, 12:18-->QUOTE (bfr @ 12 Aug, 2007, 12:18) | "even in assembly 2v2 would be impossible, unless you manage to get wi-fi connection to your calc or a special cable you make yourself, because the only link cable they have would only allow 1v1" -> Two players on one calculator, two players on another calculator. :) |
It *is* possible to make a multi-connection game with the TI-84+. This would take mad handling skills though for passing data. A sane number of players to support for multi-connection would be 4 to me. Anyways it is possible with GetCalc( to choose between the I/O port and the USB port for which one you would like to send data over. This means you could have something like this. TI 84+ -> TI 84+ -> TI 84+ | V TI 84+ Which means one calculator has two calculators hooked up to it. And the others use the remaining port to chain on another calculator. It *is* possible as I stated above and I have always wanted to try it, but I don't have that many calculators :( 
QuoteBegin-Halifax+15 Aug, 2007, 8:58-->QUOTE (Halifax @ 15 Aug, 2007, 8:58) | QuoteBegin-bfr+12 Aug, 2007, 12:18-->QUOTE (bfr @ 12 Aug, 2007, 12:18) | "even in assembly 2v2 would be impossible, unless you manage to get wi-fi connection to your calc or a special cable you make yourself, because the only link cable they have would only allow 1v1" -> Two players on one calculator, two players on another calculator.
Progress News
I fixed the bug with the key detection problem after wars (You couldn't move because after the war the program always returns to the point the battle mode was executed - that could be on the map as well as in some buildings. The problem here is that when the program returns to a building, it won't display the menu, so you seem to be on the map again, but without a cursor ('WTF, I can't move!')
Now the battle mode is always executed from the launcher prgmAOC2, so that bug is fixed as well (Also a part of the RAM-optimizations) lolje
glad you fixed it, can't wait to hear more progress :)
Me too, one more step to a bugfree AOC2...
come on lolje you can do it its like 85% right? :P
Maybe approx. 1 - 2 weeks until the next update will be done...
darn those weeks will be long until I see the progress posted :D I can't wait!
its gona be so sick, i cant wait!
QuoteBegin-dinhotheone+14 Sep, 2007, 9:47-->QUOTE (dinhotheone @ 14 Sep, 2007, 9:47) | its gona be so sick, i cant wait! |
its gona be so sick, i cant wait to test some more betas for a couple more bugs! XD  I've gotten quite bored nowadays with nothing to test other than Castlevania (and even if it's great, it has a couple of bugs only da masta can find :P  )
bugs aren't too bad, as long as they don't cause crashes. they're just a bit annoying to fix sometimes depending on how deeply rooted it is xp
QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+14 Sep, 2007, 20:23-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 14 Sep, 2007, 20:23) | da masta |
QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+14 Sep, 2007, 18:06-->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 14 Sep, 2007, 18:06) | QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+14 Sep, 2007, 20:23-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 14 Sep, 2007, 20:23) | da masta |
<_<  |
Being modest was never one of my best qualities. :P 
QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+15 Sep, 2007, 18:52-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 15 Sep, 2007, 18:52) | QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+14 Sep, 2007, 18:06-->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 14 Sep, 2007, 18:06) | QuoteBegin-Delnar_Ersike+14 Sep, 2007, 20:23-->QUOTE (Delnar_Ersike @ 14 Sep, 2007, 20:23) | da masta |
<_<  |
Being modest was never one of my best qualities. :P  |
I noticed -.- 
Recently Added 5 different difficulties...
ooh nice to hear! Any idea when the next beta or screenshot will be? %)
And where does your avatar come from? o.o
QuoteBegin-lolje+18 Sep, 2007, 10:46-->QUOTE (lolje @ 18 Sep, 2007, 10:46) | Recently Added 5 different difficulties... |
Methinks three difficulty settings is enough, but it's all up to you.
Also, do you have the tech tree/blacksmith menu done yet?
QUOTE | Any idea when the next beta or screenshot will be? |
Not, yet - but it's a good idea to make some new ones...
QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | where does your avatar come from? |
It's a pic I found on google; edited by me :P  (Edited with 'Cartoonist') QuoteBegin -->QUOTE | do you have the tech tree/blacksmith menu done yet? |
Nope, otherwhise I'd prolly have told you...
QuoteBegin-"lolje's signature"+-->QUOTE ("lolje's signature") | Projects -Age of culture II_______80% -Age of culture V200____10% -Shizzle's Game Pack___95% |
lolje, why is it that the AOC2 completion percent has been reduced by 5? RAM Clear? Program deletion? Messed up calc?
He probably re-examinated the completion percent...?
QUOTE | why is it that the AOC2 completion percent has been reduced by 5 |
The number in my signature always represents the latest version available - which is yet 0.8
Hmmm, for some reason I thought it had been at 85% before. :/
same here, i guess he did a mistake last time he edited his sig :P
I remember 80%...
well all i know is that the version for download on the first page or the download section is 0.8 for sure (and it pwn ^^)
yeah I agree ^^ and the new version will be better :)
I'm currently having kinda Hardcore-Programming-Weekend. Yesterday I honestly spent more than 8 hours on AOCII (!!) Now the user can choose one of two different maps and one out of 5 different difficulties.
I'm planning to add at least one map until the next update. Secondly, I'll have to reorder the subroutines to reach the minimum of required RAM.
All in all I still need about 6 days to finish/upload the next update.
New Screenshots will be added as soon as possible (one of those annoying :rage: -Vista [zu Deutsch: Kackvista] Compatibility problems...)
8 hours ?!!! O_O
that's lot of work !
hope you get the screens out too. but 8hrs, that's pretty hardcore. good job!
this is why you wait at least 3 years after an OS is released to use it :P , to ensure everything you need will have been updated to be compatible with it.
And 8 hours? O_O the last time I did this (except metroid II) was back in june-july 2003 when coding the Reign Of Legends 2 and I did it every day, this makes 64 hours a week O_O
But this must have given AOCII lot of progress, nice work!
8 hours?! Nice! :king:
Yeah, Vista really sucks, you should consider upgrading to XP. Probably the only good thing about Vista is DirectX 10, and that is only if you are considering playing one of the following games Hardcore: Bioshock, Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, and Crysis.
As for maps, if you already implemented the feature to have players choose between 2 maps, wouldn't it be much easier to implement fan-made maps? Maybe create a map editor alongside AOC2, and have the players create their own maps to upload on ticalc...
halo 3 isnt for pc yet, halo 2 is though
QuoteBegin-DJ Omnimaga+23 Sep, 2007, 12:55-->QUOTE (DJ Omnimaga @ 23 Sep, 2007, 12:55) | halo 3 isnt for pc yet, halo 2 is though |
Yeah, I know, but the graphics in Halo 3 kind of require DX10 to be able to play on the PC.
same for Halo 2, it's vista only as well. You can manage to hack it to run on XP but it run very slow apparently so you need to set settings as low as possible
QuoteBegin-lolje+23 Sep, 2007, 4:39-->QUOTE (lolje @ 23 Sep, 2007, 4:39) | I'm currently having kinda Hardcore-Programming-Weekend. Yesterday I honestly spent more than 8 hours on AOCII (!!) Now
QUOTE | wouldn't it be much easier to implement fan-made maps? Maybe create a map editor alongside AOC2, and have the players create their own maps to upload on ticalc... |
It'd be fantastic but it's not really possible because:
1. The maps are stored in matrices and I don't wat to use matrices else than [J] (to prevent Problems with other programs, that make use of matrices
2. To establish a map that works (with the AI-Player) you need to consider a lot of special conditions
I would keep a map editor for later. First finish the game ;)
And for a map editor he would need to use Celtic in the game to call levels directly from programs (celtic allow to copy a line of an existing (archived) program to another)
Ah yes, true, but it would be so sweet to have a map editor for AOC2!
I agree but I think like DJ Omnimaga, keep it for later, first finish the game :D
I'm really sorry but I will need even some time because I need to rewrite the AI-Part of the Battle-Mode in order to make it running faster and better;
If I would have given you the current Version, you wouldn't have been able to see everything the AI does with its units in the battle mode because the camera setting is (in older versions) fixed for every AI-turn.
In the upcoming version the camera will be always fixed on the unit the enemy currently uses.
I'll probably need ~3 days to rewrite the AI-part. Thank you for understanding...
wow nice, the camera feature seems nice. take you time :) I will be looking forward to it when it's done :)
Yeah, take your time. IMO, the AI is one of the most important, if not THE most important, aspect of all games, so improving the AI usually means improving the game experience by a huge amount. Also, while you are at it and have time, make sure the most difficult setting for the AI is more than just giving the AI a boost in resources and unit stats; AI's that think like humans are always fun to play against... :P
Version update!!! :gift:
I'm very proud to present you version 0.85!
(The Download is attached in the 1st Post!)
Most important Changes
- Completely rewritten AI (enemy player)
- An option to choose between 2 different Maps
- 5 Difficulties (Very easy, easy, normal, hard, very hard)
- Some very important Bug-fixes (Fixed the ghost bug as well as some bugs in the battle-mode, eliminated Memory-errors)
- Less RAM required
YTES! YES! YES!!! *orgasm*.... err... j/k I'm downloading ASAP! I'm very glad the new demo is finally out! :D
YAYZ!!!!! Time for more calculator gaming... errr, bug testing... XD
EDIT: Cr*p, I hate TI Connect on a Mac... oh well, I'll just have to wait until I get a Windows machine again (which might take a very long time, knowing my parents)... :(
ok I plan to try this as soon as Metroid II: Enhanced is done, which shouldnt take too long
I wish I could connect my TI to the computer to try this...:(
you canT? Don't forget we can help if you have trouble sending stuff to your calc (sometimes softwares will not work properly for some people/os) in the help section, unless you mean you don't have the actual cable
As for me (if u saw the other topic) I get this when trying the game :(
I don't think you can because it is my TI USB port which have problems (damaged)
oh I see, sorry to hear :(
@DJ: The weird background is caused by the missing tileset; Normally the tileset would be stored in Pic No. 100 ('ZunMin'). In your animated screenshot the tileset 'ZunMin' was missing.
Possible Reasons:
-> Sending the group to the emulator failed
-> You ungrouped the group 'AOCV085' before sending it to your calculator and tried to send the 2 Files 'AOC2' and 'ZunMin' (On windows the names are differ from the TI-OS Names!), but the emulator didn't receive the tileset for some reasons (?)
-> The emulator you used isn't able to handle hacked pictures (As far as I know, PindurTI works with hacked Pics...)
Are you sure you have sent the group to the emulator correctly?
well your game doesnt weork with PTI because almost all the files gives me transmission error. To fix this problem you must unarchive them before sending them to the PC to remove the archive flag, which PTI doesn't support. In wabbitemu when you send a group to the archive it only contains the first program in the group, the rest is wiped out
so it is no luck to play the game on emu I'll have to try it on real calc but that will be in like 3 weeks maybe since my calcs are full
Well, I'm sorry for you not bein able to use AOCII (v0.85) with emus but that's a problem with the emulators, not with my game... :( (which is fully compatible with TI-Connect!)
Yeah I know it's really emu problem. SIlly PTI that wont accept archived files x.x
However, I have a good news: I just found my bro's 83+ which we lost when moving to appartment so I'll try it after bed time (lolz it's 3:51 AM here ._.)
AWESOM! GAME! o.o O_O o.o O_O o.o :gah: :w00t: :paf: :wacko: :gift: :pop: :king: :evil: :lol: :angel: :thumbup:
No but seriously nice job on this so far, I played it yesterday throughly and it rules other xLIB/BASIC strategy games out there. :)
Sorry for the offtopic, but does somebody know a good emulator that can emulate flash apps and archive memory ?
PindurTI and Tilem are the best one avaliable. Wabbitemu is good too but it has some bugs and cannot handle groups correctly
it can be a bit annoying sometimes to transfer all those files to the emu. much easier w/ a real calc :)
but then you can't do animated screenshots :(
maybe someone should make an oncalc animated screenshot taker ^^
that would rule, I wonder if it's possible. It could save the pics in appvar and when sent to the PC a program could convert them to animated gifs. It could take in account Z address and contrast settings as well
forgot about contrast ^^
i keep forgetting that LCD physics can really affect screenshots. PTI has so many LCD options. it's one thing to screenshot and another to store raw data.
edit: sorry for the offtopic
doN,t worry it's have been a while since
Alright, I finally got a computer that can run TI-Connect (though it is still buggy) and successfully downloaded AOC2 v0.85 and sent it to my calc. It's pretty awesome, though I do have a couple of constructive criticisms.
Things that need/can be/should be fixed: -I played against the AI and after a while, I noticed the AI was creating units without having the building (ie creating infantry w/o barracks, creating hunters w/o stables, etc.), or at least the buildings weren't displayed on the battlefield in the enemy castle area. If possible, please have it so that the player can see the enemy barracks/stables/blacksmith when in a battle.
-I found out that I can attack my own units. Though it can be pretty cool at first to kill your own units, I see no reason to do this other than mess around. If possible, please remove this feature.
-I find the population limit unrealistic. Usually, there are more than 10 troops in an army, and though I do know about the limitations of BASIC as well as the calculator itself, it is still unsatisfactory, especially once more unit types roll around and the player can implement multiple unit types. And while my army of a mere 10 troops camp around a fire, about 1000 miners and 200 woodcutters work away endlessly a kilometer away. Not only do the workers not get food, drink, or supplies (aka upkeep), but they are homeless bums as well as they have no shelter except a tiny little city hall. If possible, increase the population limit for soldiers and create a population limit for miners/woodcutters (maybe even create houses just like in AOC1.5, only there is also a limit to the number of houses you can create).
-I see that you have provided a better way to tell that the smith menu isn't implemented yet, and I thank you for it. However, the text scrolls a bit too fast to be able to be read by someone. If possible, slow the text scrolling down a bit.
-I find it tedious to always go to the mode menu to end my turn whenever I am done moving. If possible, implement a feature that the battle automatically ends your turn once you are done moving all your units.
-When I select my cavalry (rider or hunter) in the second row from the bottom to move, I can only move one space down even if the cavalry has 2 movement points. If possible, make it so that the camera scrolls whenever the range of the movement of the unit goes off the screen.
-Why does the loser of the battle always lose a specific number of lives, no matter how many troops the loser has lost? Why cannot the number of lives lost depend on the number of troops the loser has lost, the number of troops the winner has lost, and/or the number of miners and loggers the loser has?
Suggestions for future features: -Link play -Smithy menu -Map editor/more maps -Smithy menu -Siege weapons -Smithy menu -More than 2 players -Oh, did I mention the Smithy menu? -.-
Anyways, great game, even if it needs some improvement before v0.9 and eventually v1.0
THE POST 13516739 welcoem back delnar :)  I wonder if the 10 unit limit is just that he didnt implemented a feature that increases it or something, maybe he will add it later
THE POST 13516739 welcoem back delnar :)  I wonder if the 10 unit limit is just that he didnt implemented a feature that increases it or something, maybe he will add it later
THE POST 13527364 Man, took me forever to get on a comp. -.-  OK here are a couple more bugs I noticed: -Soldiers can jump over trees and other obstacles. Even if they are surrounded by enemy troops, cavalry are able to "jump" over anything, whether it be a tree, a rock, or another cavalry. If possible, implement a pathfinding routine so that troops must go around troops and obstacles instead of just jumping to the square. -The AI needs a serious improvement. Even on Hard, I completely crushed the AI despite the fact that it was my second time playing. Only on Hardest did the AI put up a fight, and even then the battle AI sucked, as you will see from my next paragraph. If possible, make a bigger difference between difficulty levels and make the AI harder. -On Hardest, the following battle ensued: the AI had 1 hunter, 2 archers, 2 infantry, and 1 recruit; I had 5 recruits. Guess who won. If you said the AI won, you are wrong. If you said I won, you are also wrong. Here is what happened: This was on the forest map. I placed my troops. The AI placed its troops. I cautiously advanced my inferior force. The AI charged forward recklessly. After a bit of tactical maneuvering on my part, the AI was able to defeat 4 of my recruits, while I was able to defeat 2 of his infantry and 1 archer. My resource losses: 40 Gold, 200 Wood. The AI's resource losses: 125 Gold, 225 Wood. Something is definitely not right here :Oo:  . -OK, continuing the story, my remaining recruit had 1 HP left. The AI had an archer 3 units away from my recruit. It could have easily moved toward my recruit and killed it because of archers' range. But no, what did the AI do? It moved in the exact opposite direction of my recruit. Confused, I moved away with my recruit. The AI did not even try to chase my lonely recruit. After another turn, I noticed the AI was charging at my city center with its hunter, infantry, and archer. Curious, I stalled with my recruit and watched what happened. The hunter finally reached the city center. The next turn, the AI stalled for a moment. It then proceeded to move its hunter into another square adjacent to my city center. Then, a weird error message appeared, saying "ERR: ???". I selected the first choice, "Quit", and then the screen displayed a whole lot of garbage, which I erased by pressing [Clear]. I then proceeded to the memory menu to erase the temporary programs and matrixes. I looked up at the amount of free RAM I had: the calc displayed that I had about 31000 B of free RAM. Suspicious, I exited the memory menu when I was done. The calc's screen turned blank and I couldn't turn on the calc with [On]. So I took out a battery and put it back in. When I turned the calc on, a RAM Cleared message greeted me. O_O  I guess that was the AI's revenge for not being able to destroy my city center. :alien: This post has been edited by Delnar_Ersike on 18 Nov, 2007, 14:00
THE POST 13527364 Man, took me forever to get on a comp. -.-  OK here are a couple more bugs I noticed: -Soldiers can jump over trees and other obstacles. Even if they are surrounded by enemy troops, cavalry are able to "jump" over anything, whether it be a tree, a rock, or another cavalry. If possible, implement a pathfinding routine so that troops must go around troops and obstacles instead of just jumping to the square. -The AI needs a serious improvement. Even on Hard, I completely crushed the AI despite the fact that it was my second time playing. Only on Hardest did the AI put up a fight, and even then the battle AI sucked, as you will see from my next paragraph. If possible, make a bigger difference between difficulty levels and make the AI harder. -On Hardest, the following battle ensued: the AI had 1 hunter, 2 archers, 2 infantry, and 1 recruit; I had 5 recruits. Guess who won. If you said the AI won, you are wrong. If you said I won, you are also wrong. Here is what happened: This was on the forest map. I placed my troops. The AI placed its troops. I cautiously advanced my inferior force. The AI charged forward recklessly. After a bit of tactical maneuvering on my part, the AI was able to defeat 4 of my recruits, while I was able to defeat 2 of his infantry and 1 archer. My resource losses: 40 Gold, 200 Wood. The AI's resource losses: 125 Gold, 225 Wood. Something is definitely not right here :Oo:  . -OK, continuing the story, my remaining recruit had 1 HP left. The AI had an archer 3 units away from my recruit. It could have easily moved toward my recruit and killed it because of archers' range. But no, what did the AI do? It moved in the exact opposite direction of my recruit. Confused, I moved away with my recruit. The AI did not even try to chase my lonely recruit. After another turn, I noticed the AI was charging at my city center with its hunter, infantry, and archer. Curious, I stalled with my recruit and watched what happened. The hunter finally reached the city center. The next turn, the AI stalled for a moment. It then proceeded to move its hunter into another square adjacent to my city center. Then, a weird error message appeared, saying "ERR: ???". I selected the first choice, "Quit", and then the screen displayed a whole lot of garbage, which I erased by pressing [Clear]. I then proceeded to the memory menu to erase the temporary programs and matrixes. I looked up at the amount of free RAM I had: the calc displayed that I had about 31000 B of free RAM. Suspicious, I exited the memory menu when I was done. The calc's screen turned blank and I couldn't turn on the calc with [On]. So I took out a battery and put it back in. When I turned the calc on, a RAM Cleared message greeted me. O_O  I guess that was the AI's revenge for not being able to destroy my city center. :alien: This post has been edited by Delnar_Ersike on 18 Nov, 2007, 14:00
THE POST 13527457 better AI? thats the sicket manuever ever, you got pwned delnar
THE POST 13527457 better AI? thats the sicket manuever ever, you got pwned delnar
THE POST 13528644 O_O  you're a thorough beta tester
THE POST 13528644 O_O  you're a thorough beta tester
THE POST 13528815 Heh, you got BSOD (black screen of death) :P  . That was the A.I.'s plan the whole time.
THE POST 13528815 Heh, you got BSOD (black screen of death) :P  . That was the A.I.'s plan the whole time.
THE POST 13529968 Haha, yeah, Delnar has always been a thorough beta tester...even when not asked. :)  So far I like how Agre of Culture II is progressing though, keep up the good work.
THE POST 13529968 Haha, yeah, Delnar has always been a thorough beta tester...even when not asked. :)  So far I like how Agre of Culture II is progressing though, keep up the good work.
THE POST 13530584 altough I am wondering what happened to progress, because even though lolje was on yesterday he didn't posted in one entire month :( 
THE POST 13530584 altough I am wondering what happened to progress, because even though lolje was on yesterday he didn't posted in one entire month :( 
THE POST 13531709 maybe he's away on thanksgiving visiting relatives?
THE POST 13531709 maybe he's away on thanksgiving visiting relatives?
THE POST 13531748 Yeah, that could be quite possible. Too bad the airline tickets are too much. >.> or I would be going to Florida. :( This post has been edited by Halifax on 20 Nov, 2007, 19:41
THE POST 13531748 Yeah, that could be quite possible. Too bad the airline tickets are too much. >.> or I would be going to Florida. :( This post has been edited by Halifax on 20 Nov, 2007, 19:41
THE POST 13532000 He lives in Germany, not Florida :-P
THE POST 13532000 He lives in Germany, not Florida :-P
THE POST 13533141 I never said he did...I was just saying that I was going to Florida if the tickets didn't cost so much.
THE POST 13533141 I never said he did...I was just saying that I was going to Florida if the tickets didn't cost so much.
THE POST 13533185 oooh I see, sry for the misunderstood I was sure you were talking about lolje
THE POST 13533185 oooh I see, sry for the misunderstood I was sure you were talking about lolje
THE POST 13535350 Well, honestly there was no progress since the last version of Age of culturebecause i'm quite busy with school and a lot of other stuff in the moment.
But there will be still progress in the future, of course...
THE POST 13535350 Well, honestly there was no progress since the last version of Age of culturebecause i'm quite busy with school and a lot of other stuff in the moment.
But there will be still progress in the future, of course...
THE POST 13535568 good you are still planning to finish it, I would hate to see it die now, so much has been done alerady ._.
THE POST 13535568 good you are still planning to finish it, I would hate to see it die now, so much has been done alerady ._.
THE POST 13536009 so much for my 50% rule :)  well, school's more important...
THE POST 13536009 so much for my 50% rule :)  well, school's more important...
THE POST 13536718 yeah...rl always gets in the way of what were planning ^^ * Spellshaper
THE POST 13536718 yeah...rl always gets in the way of what were planning ^^ *Spellshaper