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Looks pretty cool, as always. One suggestion I have, though, would be to update the wall graphics in a way that they look more 3D-ish. Not real 3D, but I mean like, instead of flat walls like in the first NES Dragon Warrior/Quest game, make them like Dragon Warrior 2, 3 and 4 instead, where walls have some depth, or like in Joltima. Another idea would be like Zelda on the SNES and GB, although smaller to not force a full map change. It would update the game graphics to today's calculator ASM standards. That said, the way the game looks at the moment looks pretty nice too.
You could always generate "dynamic" wall tiles. Just use 1 wall tile in your tilemap, but while loading the map make it detect what types of tiles are immediately adjacent to it. Then, you can figure out what kind of tile image is supposed to go there. If you do this, I recommend calculating all the tile image types beforehand. It'll take a bit of time and space, but the level compression will save more in the long run.
The first one is too simple in my opinion