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-How does grayscale and motion blur work compared to the calc?
-Also ashbad on SAX chatroom a few minutes ago was being curious about how does the emulator or parser operates with Axe code. To me it seems to require the source code, rather than the compiled executable, but he was wondering how do you emulate the TI-OS and if you were actually including TI-OS code in the emulator (which I doubt you would do, since I'm sure you know copyright stuff very well) to allow the emulator to run Axe programs exactly as they are on a real calc. I myself think it is possible to do an interpreter that would mimic the calc screen behavior to a certain extent like you did, although Ashbad didn't seem so well convinced. He basically found the idea of an Axe emulator useless, which I disagree with (again, maybe it's just that he just has strong biases against everything Axe-related). However I'm kinda curious too, since your emulator emulates Axe programs surpringsly well it seems. Could you give a bit more info about how it manages to run without emulating any part of the TI-OS? In any case, if everything was written on your own and you really use the axe source rather than compiled executables, then that's even more impressive to me, especially that now we can play Axe games without even compiling them.
-How does it work for Axe programs containing multiple files, such as pictures, sub-programs, etc? Are they detected?
-Will in the future it be possible to have a version containing only the emulator, where you can choose the axe project to run, like in any other emulator, for those who have many Axe programs and want to save space? Of course standalone executables are awesome too, since now we can pretty much turn our Axe games into computer games.
-Will the language be expanded in the future so if, for example, below the Axe source header we put something like ANOVA("RES":320x240:Full), your exe file uses 320x240 full screen resolution instead of 96x64 windowed and ANOVA("COLOR":256) if one wants Pt-On/Off/Change to display sprite data in 256 color mode instead of 2 (monochrome) and to allow Line/pxl commands to be useable with colors too That would basically allow someone to create actual computer games by using Axe language, so they don't have to learn a new language if they ever quit calc stuff but still want to make old skool 2D games like Mario on the computer. TokenIDE/SourceCoder could still be used to write programs for the time being, although if both won't let people create 8xp files larger than 24 KB or even 64 KB, that might be annoying.
Wow, that is really amazing. I can imagine it being really useful for testing Axe programs
Maybe if you extend it also make sure that you tell how large the pixel size is