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#include "grammer3.inc"_DispHL = 4507h_NewLine = 452Eh_PutS = 450Ah#define bcall(x) rst 28h \ .dw xscrap = 8000hdenom = scrapnumer = scrap+4out = scrap+8.db $BB,$6D.org $9D95 ld hl,testinput ld bc,testinput_end-testinput call hashlookup jr c,+_ ld hl,s_NOTFOUND bcall(_PutS) ret_: inc de \ inc de ; Now DE points to the pointer to the parsing code ex de,hl ld a,(hl) \ inc hl \ ld h,(hl) \ ld l,a ex de,hl cpi ret po ;HL points to the input, BC is the size left ;DE points to the code that parses the instruction push de rettestinput: .db "Disp Yay, it works!",0testinput_end:hashlookup:;HL points to the input;BC is the max size;return nc if failed to match, c if success ld (input_save),hl ld (input_savesize),bc ld a,b or c jr z,match_null call computehash ld hl,(input_savesize) xor a sbc hl,bc jr z,match_fail ld b,h ld c,l ld d,a ex de,hl add hl,hl ld (hash),hl ld de,hashlut_builtin add hl,de ld e,(hl) inc hl ld d,(hl) ld hl,(input_save);BC is the input size;HL points to the input string;DE points to the comparison ld a,(de) cp c jr nz,match_fail inc de ld b,c_: ld a,(de) inc de cp (hl) jr nz,match_fail inc hl djnz -_ scf retmatch_null: ld de,t_null+1match_fail: ld hl,(input_save) ld bc,(input_savesize) or a retcomputehash: ld e,0_: ld a,(hl) sub 48 ret c cp 10 jr c,$+5 sub 7 ret c cp 68 ret nc ld d,a add a,a add a,d xor e ld e,a cpi jp pe,-_ ret hashlut_builtin:.dw t_null ;00.dw t_null ;01.dw t_null ;02.dw t_null ;03.dw t_null ;04.dw t_null ;05.dw t_null ;06.dw t_null ;07.dw t_null ;08.dw t_null ;09.dw t_null ;0a.dw t_cosh ;0b.dw t_null ;0c.dw t_null ;0d.dw t_null ;0e.dw t_null ;0f.dw t_null ;10.dw t_null ;11.dw t_atan ;12.dw t_null ;13.dw t_sinh ;14.dw t_null ;15.dw t_null ;16.dw t_null ;17.dw t_null ;18.dw t_null ;19.dw t_null ;1a.dw t_null ;1b.dw t_sqrt ;1c.dw t_null ;1d.dw t_null ;1e.dw t_max ;1f.dw t_null ;20.dw t_null ;21.dw t_ClrDraw ;22.dw t_null ;23.dw t_null ;24.dw t_null ;25.dw t_null ;26.dw t_null ;27.dw t_null ;28.dw t_Ellipse ;29.dw t_null ;2a.dw t_null ;2b.dw t_null ;2c.dw t_null ;2d.dw t_null ;2e.dw t_null ;2f.dw t_null ;30.dw t_null ;31.dw t_null ;32.dw t_null ;33.dw t_null ;34.dw t_null ;35.dw t_null ;36.dw t_null ;37.dw t_null ;38.dw t_null ;39.dw t_ln ;3a.dw t_null ;3b.dw t_null ;3c.dw t_pi ;3d.dw t_null ;3e.dw t_null ;3f.dw t_null ;40.dw t_null ;41.dw t_null ;42.dw t_null ;43.dw t_null ;44.dw t_null ;45.dw t_null ;46.dw t_null ;47.dw t_null ;48.dw t_null ;49.dw t_null ;4a.dw t_null ;4b.dw t_null ;4c.dw t_null ;4d.dw t_null ;4e.dw t_null ;4f.dw t_null ;50.dw t_null ;51.dw t_null ;52.dw t_null ;53.dw t_null ;54.dw t_null ;55.dw t_null ;56.dw t_null ;57.dw t_null ;58.dw t_null ;59.dw t_null ;5a.dw t_null ;5b.dw t_null ;5c.dw t_null ;5d.dw t_null ;5e.dw t_null ;5f.dw t_null ;60.dw t_null ;61.dw t_null ;62.dw t_null ;63.dw t_null ;64.dw t_null ;65.dw t_null ;66.dw t_null ;67.dw t_null ;68.dw t_randint ;69.dw t_asinh ;6a.dw t_null ;6b.dw t_tan ;6c.dw t_null ;6d.dw t_null ;6e.dw t_null ;6f.dw t_null ;70.dw t_null ;71.dw t_null ;72.dw t_null ;73.dw t_null ;74.dw t_acosh ;75.dw t_null ;76.dw t_null ;77.dw t_null ;78.dw t_null ;79.dw t_null ;7a.dw t_null ;7b.dw t_null ;7c.dw t_null ;7d.dw t_null ;7e.dw t_null ;7f.dw t_null ;80.dw t_atanh ;81.dw t_null ;82.dw t_null ;83.dw t_null ;84.dw t_null ;85.dw t_Line ;86.dw t_sin ;87.dw t_null ;88.dw t_null ;89.dw t_e ;8a.dw t_null ;8b.dw t_null ;8c.dw t_mod ;8d.dw t_null ;8e.dw t_null ;8f.dw t_null ;90.dw t_min ;91.dw t_Circle ;92.dw t_gcd ;93.dw t_null ;94.dw t_null ;95.dw t_null ;96.dw t_null ;97.dw t_cos ;98.dw t_null ;99.dw t_null ;9a.dw t_null ;9b.dw t_null ;9c.dw t_null ;9d.dw t_null ;9e.dw t_null ;9f.dw t_null ;a0.dw t_log2 ;a1.dw t_null ;a2.dw t_Tilemap ;a3.dw t_log10 ;a4.dw t_null ;a5.dw t_null ;a6.dw t_null ;a7.dw t_null ;a8.dw t_Text ;a9.dw t_null ;aa.dw t_null ;ab.dw t_null ;ac.dw t_null ;ad.dw t_Disp ;ae.dw t_null ;af.dw t_null ;b0.dw t_null ;b1.dw t_null ;b2.dw t_null ;b3.dw t_null ;b4.dw t_null ;b5.dw t_null ;b6.dw t_null ;b7.dw t_DispBuf ;b8.dw t_lcm ;b9.dw t_setseed ;ba.dw t_null ;bb.dw t_null ;bc.dw t_null ;bd.dw t_null ;be.dw t_null ;bf.dw t_pow10 ;c0.dw t_null ;c1.dw t_null ;c2.dw t_null ;c3.dw t_null ;c4.dw t_pow2 ;c5.dw t_null ;c6.dw t_null ;c7.dw t_null ;c8.dw t_null ;c9.dw t_null ;ca.dw t_null ;cb.dw t_null ;cc.dw t_null ;cd.dw t_null ;ce.dw t_null ;cf.dw t_null ;d0.dw t_null ;d1.dw t_null ;d2.dw t_null ;d3.dw t_null ;d4.dw t_null ;d5.dw t_null ;d6.dw t_null ;d7.dw t_null ;d8.dw t_null ;d9.dw t_null ;da.dw t_null ;db.dw t_null ;dc.dw t_Shiftbuf ;dd.dw t_randseed ;de.dw t_null ;df.dw t_null ;e0.dw t_null ;e1.dw t_exp ;e2.dw t_Output ;e3.dw t_null ;e4.dw t_Sprite ;e5.dw t_acos ;e6.dw t_null ;e7.dw t_Rect ;e8.dw t_null ;e9.dw t_null ;ea.dw t_null ;eb.dw t_null ;ec.dw t_rand ;ed.dw t_null ;ee.dw t_null ;ef.dw t_null ;f0.dw t_null ;f1.dw t_null ;f2.dw t_null ;f3.dw t_null ;f4.dw t_null ;f5.dw t_null ;f6.dw t_null ;f7.dw t_null ;f8.dw t_asin ;f9.dw t_null ;fa.dw t_null ;fb.dw t_null ;fc.dw t_null ;fd.dw t_null ;fe.dw t_tanh ;fft_null:.db 0t_cosh:.db 4,"cosh"#include "commands\cosh.z80"t_atan:.db 4,"atan"#include "commands\atan.z80"t_sinh:.db 4,"sinh"#include "commands\sinh.z80"t_sqrt:.db 4,"sqrt"#include "commands\sqrt.z80"t_max:.db 3,"max"#include "commands\max.z80"t_ClrDraw:.db 7,"ClrDraw"#include "commands\ClrDraw.z80"t_Ellipse:.db 7,"Ellipse"#include "commands\Ellipse.z80"t_ln:.db 2,"ln"#include "commands\ln.z80"t_pi:.db 2,"pi"#include "commands\pi.z80"t_randint:.db 7,"randint"#include "commands\randint.z80"t_asinh:.db 5,"asinh"#include "commands\asinh.z80"t_tan:.db 3,"tan"#include "commands\tan.z80"t_acosh:.db 5,"acosh"#include "commands\acosh.z80"t_atanh:.db 5,"atanh"#include "commands\atanh.z80"t_Line:.db 4,"Line"#include "commands\Line.z80"t_sin:.db 3,"sin"#include "commands\sin.z80"t_e:.db 1,"e"#include "commands\e.z80"t_mod:.db 3,"mod"#include "commands\mod.z80"t_min:.db 3,"min"#include "commands\min.z80"t_Circle:.db 6,"Circle"#include "commands\Circle.z80"t_gcd:.db 3,"gcd"#include "commands\gcd.z80"t_cos:.db 3,"cos"#include "commands\cos.z80"t_log2:.db 4,"log2"#include "commands\log2.z80"t_Tilemap:.db 7,"Tilemap"#include "commands\Tilemap.z80"t_log10:.db 5,"log10"#include "commands\log10.z80"t_Text:.db 4,"Text"#include "commands\Text.z80"t_Disp:.db 4,"Disp"#include "commands\Disp.z80"t_DispBuf:.db 7,"DispBuf"#include "commands\DispBuf.z80"t_lcm:.db 3,"lcm"#include "commands\lcm.z80"t_setseed:.db 7,"setseed"#include "commands\setseed.z80"t_pow10:.db 5,"pow10"#include "commands\pow10.z80"t_pow2:.db 4,"pow2"#include "commands\pow2.z80"t_Shiftbuf:.db 8,"Shiftbuf"#include "commands\Shiftbuf.z80"t_randseed:.db 8,"randseed"#include "commands\randseed.z80"t_exp:.db 3,"exp"#include "commands\exp.z80"t_Output:.db 6,"Output"#include "commands\Output.z80"t_Sprite:.db 6,"Sprite"#include "commands\Sprite.z80"t_acos:.db 4,"acos"#include "commands\acos.z80"t_Rect:.db 4,"Rect"#include "commands\Rect.z80"t_rand:.db 4,"rand"#include "commands\rand.z80"t_asin:.db 4,"asin"#include "commands\asin.z80"t_tanh:.db 4,"tanh"#include "commands\tanh.z80"poparg: rettostr: rets_NOTFOUND: .db "Command Not Found",0input_save: .dw 0input_savesize: .dw 0hash: .dw 0
.dw __tokenizeDisp ;First code generates the token, returns a pointer to the name in HL, size of the name in BC .dw __parsecodeDisp .dw __compiledcodeDisp .dw __helpDisp__tokenizeDisp: ld hl,+_ ld bc,1 ret_: .db tokGraphics+0__helpDisp: .db 0__compiledcodeDisp: .db _poparg .db _tostr .db _inlineasm \ .dw +_-$-2 bcall(_PutS) ret_:__parsecodeDisp:; call poparg; call tostr bcall(_PutS) bcall(_NewLine) ret
tokVars = $00 ;allows for 32 variable types (int, str, float, etc.)tokGraphics = $20 ;allows for 32 basic graphics commands (plot(), Pxl(), Rect(), etc.)tokControl = $40 ;allows for 32 control commands (If, Goto, etc.)tokMath = $60 ;allows for 128 basic math commandstokExtend = $E0tokInclude = $F0var_uint8 = 0var_int8 = 1var_uint16 = 2var_int16 = 3var_uint32 = 4var_int32 = 5var_uint64 = 6var_int64 = 7var_float = 8var_floatext= 9 ;extended precision floatvar_fixed88 = 10 ;8.8 fixed point number, optimized for speed over var_fixedvar_fixed1616=11 ;16.16 fixed point number, optimized for speed over var_fixedvar_fixed = 12 ;customized size for integer and fractional part, up to 64 bits totalvar_rational= 13 ;customized size for the numerator and denominator of: int8, int16, int32, and int64. Denominator is always unsigned.var_complex = 14 ;complex pair of floats.var_complexext=15 ;complex pair of extended precision floats.var_gaussian= 16 ;complex pair of integers. Customized size for the real and imaginary parts: int8, int16, int32, and int64.var_gaussian8=17var_gaussian16=18var_sprite = 28var_array = 29var_list = 30var_str = 31_poparg = 0_pusharg = 1_tostr = 2_inlineasm = 3