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Offline nemo

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Nemo's IDE
« on: November 17, 2010, 07:14:45 pm »
as the topic says, i'm making a Basic/(and Axe?) IDE! right now, the only thing you're getting is the menu, since that's what i've been working on for the past week. i want to make sure it isn't just working on my calculator. i simply want you to download it, run it on your calculator and tell me (hopefully) these things:

-all of my programs are displayed! including possibly #, ! and any DCS folders. (if #/!/DCSFolders don't display, it isn't a big deal. you shouldn't edit those anyway.)
-there's nothing wrong with the scrolling
-i can successfully un/archive any program
-i can successfuly un/protect any program

that's about it for now. lastly, a few things i'd like to point out. Edit Prgm is just nonfunctional for this version, because i only want feedback on the menu. some of the GUI for editing programs is implemented. some is not. it's a work in progress. also, there is a bug i already know of. when you protect and unprotected, unarchived program, it says you both archived and protected it. this is a minor bug, which has been fixed. i'm just too lazy to upload a fixed version. if you have any suggestions, please suggest them. Also, i did not include instructions on how to navigate the menu because i want it to be intuitive so let me know if you have trouble navigating. one thing i will say though is that to exit, you have to *hold* clear down for more than 1/5 of a second.
lastly, i don't want this to be named "Nemo's IDE", so name suggestions are also welcome. i'm also looking for a logo, so please post any logo designs you have in the appropriate thread.

tl;dr, download. let me know if your programs are acting funky and what this project should be called.

« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 07:18:27 pm by nemo »

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #1 on: November 17, 2010, 07:19:24 pm »
ooh looks cool. The menu is nice and intuitive, the only problem was that it took me about 1 second to realize that to select Edit/Archive/Protect you had to press Right, but I was also pressing the keys on the skin on wabbit. Nice to see you figured out that archive/unarchive thing :)

Offline Michael_Lee

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #2 on: November 17, 2010, 08:38:16 pm »
Looks nice.  Selecting the menu on the right seems to be easy - it looks like you support pressing right, the 2nd button, and Enter, which covers all of the common input methods.  (You also support clear - more about that later)

I was a bit hesitant at first, but navigating the menu seems intuitive, especially if you're not afraid of experimenting a little.  I found the little delay before and after archiving a little annoying - you probably can't do anything to bump up the speed, but how about adding some kind of feedback to indicate that the program is crunching some numbers?  That way, the naive user won't get frustrated or confused and button-mash.

Also clear: Why does pressing it bring me to the menu on the right?  I think that it would be a lot more simpler if clear could act as a way to return to the left menu, then pressing again would exit you from the program.  Having to hold it seems a little bizarre, although potentially useful once you get used to it (press to move back a menu, hold to instant-quit?)

It correctly displayed all my programs, and it also displayed the ! and %FLD[bizarre, tilted 'n' here] (whatever that is).  I don't have any DoorsCS folders, so can't comment there.  I also like the scroll speed but feature request: a way to search for a program (I have a lot) and possibly scrolling beyond the list wraps you around to the bottom/top?
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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2010, 08:49:57 pm »
thanks for the feedback Michael!

yeah, the un/archiving delay is kind of inevitable. i'll put in a screen to let the user know, though. that's a good suggestion.

As for clear, it's due to the way the program structure is set up. it looks like this:

Code: [Select]
Repeat getKey(15)
  Pause 200
  Repeat getKey(9) or getKey(54) or getKey(15)
    //first menu code
  Pause 200
  Repeat getKey(9) or getKey(54) and (menu_position = 0)
    //second menu code
//handle ending code
the pause 200's are because if you press Enter during the first menu, but hold it a tad too long, you'll skip back over to the first menu. the consequence of this is that pressing clear in the menu on the left will merely bring you to the menu on the right. this can be solved with an If/Goto/End statement though, which i just added since you mentioned that. thanks!

%FLDn is used by DCS to manage folders, i thought. (FLD = Folder). having the list wrap from bottom to top shouldn't be too hard (creative use of Modulus is how the whole menu works, anyway.) searching programs.. i'll have to think about how to implement that. i was also thinking about deletion of programs too. (those two would be included on the right-hand-side menu). thanks for the feedback!

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #4 on: November 17, 2010, 08:51:24 pm »
I think this is really cool, however I couldn't get it to work right.
I tested it on DJ's Illusiat 13 (Best game ever!  Quick, everyone download) and it would not let me scroll down past a certain point.  (See screenie)  Other than that, nice job! ;D

Offline Michael_Lee

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #5 on: November 17, 2010, 08:54:48 pm »
@ zTrumpet - that's weird - I have four screenworths of programs, and didn't have trouble scrolling at all. (31 entries)
(More data for nemo!)

Maybe it has to do with the fact that a lot of those programs share the first few characters?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 08:56:23 pm by Michael_Lee »
My website: Currently boring.

Axe Interpreter
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   > Graphics: Rewritten.  Needs to integrate sprites with constants.
   > IO: GetKey done.  Need to add mostly homescreen IO stuff.
   > Stomping bugs
   > Internet version: On hold until I can make my website less boring/broken.

Offline nemo

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #6 on: November 17, 2010, 09:05:31 pm »
hmm... that's odd. i downloaded I13 and i'm going to test it on hardware now. thanks for the input!

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #7 on: November 17, 2010, 09:08:37 pm »
I tested it on DJ's Illusiat 13 (Best game ever!  Quick, everyone download)
Very true. ;) Although 11's almost as good.
Looks pretty cool. I should give it a looksy.

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Offline nemo

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #8 on: November 17, 2010, 09:35:54 pm »
so i tried sending I13 to my calculator but TiLP doesn't seem to like it. so i resorted to making 60 programs on my calculator and seeing if my program would handle them (it did.). sorry i can't replicate your bug ztrumpet :/ if anyone else has it on hardware, let me know i'll investigate more. also, wrapping is implemented. searching about to happen.

edit: as for searching, new idea. how about i alphabetize the VAT by first-letter (meaning TB can come before TA, but not UA), and allow jumping by pressing alpha+[key]?
« Last Edit: November 17, 2010, 10:56:23 pm by nemo »

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #9 on: November 18, 2010, 09:56:40 pm »
I tested it on DJ's Illusiat 13 (Best game ever!  Quick, everyone download)
Very true. ;) Although 11's almost as good.
Looks pretty cool. I should give it a looksy.
Lol thanks. But yeah I would say 13 and 11 are better than 12 because 12 has terrible story and is a bit too hard/unbalanced.

Btw I haven't tried your program yet Nemo but it looks awesome! Make sure to hide that # thing if you're planning to allow archiving/unarchiving, because you have no idea what bad stuff can happen if you archive #.

Not sure about I13+TiLP problem, though. If you don't have any problem with other games, mind reporting this in the TiLP bug tracker??

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Re: Nemo's IDE
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2010, 02:44:19 am »
Seems really cool. I will check this out when I get time and let you know what I think :)
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