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Re: Chess
« Reply #45 on: March 01, 2011, 10:36:06 pm »
Hey, for some reason the cursor was messing up pretty badly.  It was some random garbled thing.

OS 2.53 MP. (for integral function, and that's it)

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Re: Chess
« Reply #46 on: March 01, 2011, 11:02:53 pm »
stupid AI noob!!! it keeps cheating! Castling does NOT work that way!!! I found a way to beat it anyways. I put it in checkmate and had my queen on same horizontal line so even if it "castled" it wouldn't be safe. when i took out all of my opponents pieces including the king, the game didn't end.

I know he fixed the fake castling, but what happens when you win? I beat him and took every single piece but nothing happened...

I know, I did that on purpose. I figured that for now, it would be better if you could continue playing on the off chance that the game glitches and pulls a false checkmate. Plus, as soon as you get checkmate, you can just quit.

Hey, for some reason the cursor was messing up pretty badly.  It was some random garbled thing.

OS 2.53 MP. (for integral function, and that's it)

This happens on my friends calculator also. He has 2.43. He said that a lot of other stuff was going horribly wrong too aside from the cursor. Tomorrow, I'm going to completely clear the calculator and see if that fixes it. If not, it must be related to hardware somehow. (Running the program from the homescreen didn't fix it either, so it's not specifically Mirage's fault. And it only uses 1 bcall the entire time, so it shouldn't be OS related either.)

Even weirder, the cursor graphic is not the very last thing in the program. All of the text comes after it. And the displaying routine isn't anything out of the ordinary.
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Re: Chess
« Reply #47 on: March 02, 2011, 10:23:45 pm »
I run it in DCS.  Also, the DCS icon is blank.  Plus, there should be an option to reset grayscale settings, as I want to change them.  Just corrupt a byte in the serial id, and restart the program should work.

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Re: Chess
« Reply #48 on: March 02, 2011, 11:22:29 pm »
It seems that whenever the AI gets checked, it always considers moving the king first before anything else, which is bad. I've checkmated it using just pawns that could have been taken by other pieces.
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Re: Chess
« Reply #49 on: March 03, 2011, 03:12:24 pm »
stupid AI noob!!! it keeps cheating! Castling does NOT work that way!!! I found a way to beat it anyways. I put it in checkmate and had my queen on same horizontal line so even if it "castled" it wouldn't be safe. when i took out all of my opponents pieces including the king, the game didn't end.

I know he fixed the fake castling, but what happens when you win? I beat him and took every single piece but nothing happened...

I know, I did that on purpose. I figured that for now, it would be better if you could continue playing on the off chance that the game glitches and pulls a false checkmate. Plus, as soon as you get checkmate, you can just quit.

Hey, for some reason the cursor was messing up pretty badly.  It was some random garbled thing.

OS 2.53 MP. (for integral function, and that's it)

This happens on my friends calculator also. He has 2.43. He said that a lot of other stuff was going horribly wrong too aside from the cursor. Tomorrow, I'm going to completely clear the calculator and see if that fixes it. If not, it must be related to hardware somehow. (Running the program from the homescreen didn't fix it either, so it's not specifically Mirage's fault. And it only uses 1 bcall the entire time, so it shouldn't be OS related either.)

Even weirder, the cursor graphic is not the very last thing in the program. All of the text comes after it. And the displaying routine isn't anything out of the ordinary.
That thing is auto-fix, it fixed itself in my case.
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Re: Chess
« Reply #50 on: March 03, 2011, 03:48:30 pm »
And I'm having trouble creating a Tic-Tac-Toe AI. I feel so inferior....
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Re: Chess
« Reply #51 on: March 03, 2011, 03:51:21 pm »
this is great. i used to play chess a while ago, but i quit (the time between moves takes ages IRL...).

This looks pretty sweet thepenguin77. I'll give it a look when I have some time. I'm also seconding the two player via link suggestion. ;)

I probably won't do link play because I don't see it being that necessary. It's very hard to do, especially because I would need to do USB linking. And in reality, it's not even that necessary, you could just hand your friend your calculator, especially if they are sitting close enough to use a link cable :D

i would still like 2 player link mode, that gives you more time to think, making the game faster. and on a side note: my link cable is 7.5 metres :P (mini usb)
« Last Edit: March 03, 2011, 03:51:33 pm by ferox »
on hold:

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Re: Chess
« Reply #52 on: March 03, 2011, 04:02:01 pm »
stupid AI noob!!! it keeps cheating! Castling does NOT work that way!!! I found a way to beat it anyways. I put it in checkmate and had my queen on same horizontal line so even if it "castled" it wouldn't be safe. when i took out all of my opponents pieces including the king, the game didn't end.

I know he fixed the fake castling, but what happens when you win? I beat him and took every single piece but nothing happened...
Just so you know you should probably read the board rules at;sa=page;p=2 because name calling or being rude to someone else when giving feedback is against the rules. I rated down your post. Programming a chess game can be hard, so give Thepenguin77 some time to fix it. It already looks pretty good so far. Otherwise, welcome on the forums.

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Re: Chess
« Reply #53 on: March 03, 2011, 09:09:18 pm »
I run it in DCS.  Also, the DCS icon is blank.  Plus, there should be an option to reset grayscale settings, as I want to change them.  Just corrupt a byte in the serial id, and restart the program should work.

DCS icon is blank because I was too lazy to make one, (you have to remember the header is the first thing you make), but I'll make one. The option to reset grayscale will be here as soon as I get the options menu running.

It seems that whenever the AI gets checked, it always considers moving the king first before anything else, which is bad. I've checkmated it using just pawns that could have been taken by other pieces.

I'm sure that will fix itself with more AI updates.

I'm not going to quote anything, but the weird cursor was caused by me not nopping a byte on startup that was on the extra ram page, which is why ram clears didn't fix it. (Or flash formats lol)

Here's what I've added so far:
-AI checks to see if space it's moving to is protected
-AI has potential to check a lot of moves, (I made a chess board stack)
-Awesome drop down menu!
-Fixed cursor glitch
-Fixed weird king castling

I have a 7 hour car ride on saturday, so I'll probably release a copy after that, or maybe tomorrow.
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Re: Chess
« Reply #54 on: March 03, 2011, 11:03:50 pm »
Nice to see new updates. :D

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Re: Chess
« Reply #55 on: March 03, 2011, 11:09:07 pm »
Awesome!  I cant wait!  Good luck. ;D

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Re: Chess
« Reply #56 on: March 03, 2011, 11:14:45 pm »
stupid AI noob!!! it keeps cheating! Castling does NOT work that way!!! I found a way to beat it anyways. I put it in checkmate and had my queen on same horizontal line so even if it "castled" it wouldn't be safe.

Please allow for games that are still in development to be finished before you pass that kind of judgment. :) I'm not aware of very many people who can produce perfectly bug free code with the first demo.
∂²Ψ    -(2m(V(x)-E)Ψ
---  = -------------
∂x²        ℏ²Ψ

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Re: Chess
« Reply #57 on: March 05, 2011, 10:14:25 pm »
Update!! Yay!!

Things in this update:
-Menu system in place
-Drop down menu in game
-Saving games via quick save (save as... still in the works)
-Ending game to menu and quitting game to shell
-Loading games via Load (can handle up to 96 saved files)
-Options menu with 2P view option and calibrating grayscale
-Mirage picture

The menu system is graphically lacking at the moment. So I'm hoping to find or make some cool looking 4-level gray chess pieces to put on the left and right side.

And since I'm just a coding tank ;), there is a very real possibility that this program is going to end up crossing the 8811 boundary seeing as it is about 95% code and it is at 6430 bytes right now. It's also 4437 lines in notepad. I don't really care if I cross the boundary because since this is running on calculators with the extra flash page, there are all kinds of tricks I can pull. But mostly, I think it's just cool to have written 8811 bytes of code.

   Redid file for graphmastur.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2011, 10:46:38 pm by thepenguin77 »
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Re: Chess
« Reply #58 on: March 05, 2011, 10:37:45 pm »
Nice.  You should write it with 8810 bytes of code.  Also, did you fix the icon thing?  It seems like it, but I don't have a real calc to test it with atm.  Also, could you make it so that the cursor returns to your last moved piece?

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Re: Chess
« Reply #59 on: March 05, 2011, 10:48:39 pm »
Nice.  You should write it with 8810 bytes of code.  Also, did you fix the icon thing?  It seems like it, but I don't have a real calc to test it with atm.  Also, could you make it so that the cursor returns to your last moved piece?

The icon thing is fixed. It's because I didn't nop a byte on the extra ram page, and then later assumed it was either 0 or 1.

And I just updated the file with the cursor going to the last piece you moved. I had to try to be quick before people downloaded it though because it causes save game incompatabilites.
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