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Heres the RPG I was working on on the 86. Im going to port it to the 84+ and finish it. . I have a few questions about the 84+. I would love to have a file documenting the memory, screen info, port info, interrupts, and all other technical data. Ive got the files off of TIs website for developers but its for the TI 83+, I cant find the TI84+s developers guide. How similar are these calcs and why make an 83+ and an 84+? Im tired right now, Ill finish this tomorrow. Ill explain the things in the video. And how do you make animated GIF's from an emulator?
... i like the crystal ball idea i hate it as well when u get into fight after fight after fight it made me have to restart final fantasy 2 from the begging cause i got stuck in a cave X.x
In my RPGs there's a trick about not running into any random battle that works in Illusiat 7, 10-13, ROL1-3, Mystique and Mana Force 2: unlike in the PS1 remakes of FFI-II NES, the amount of step before next random battle is not stored into save files. Basically this means if you save/reload your game every 9 steps (or 4 for dungeons with higher encounter rates) you won't encounter any enemy.
it's not green o.O?Your computer screen might be dying or something , cuz the forum post areas are blue-ish