Well, i have a couple of complaints, first why does the include file have ram start at $8000? If someone swaps pages (which they will because theres no point in having duplicate pages) then they will get messed up. Correct me if im wrong but doesnt the ram start on page 0 (permanently mapped at $c000)? Second, Ive been trying to get some flickerless grayscale and it doesnt seem to want to work with me. I got some source code for this so called "4 level grayscale" but the guy really didnt seem to understand how grayscale actually works, he was just flashing two layers on and off at equal increments which just equates to 3 level grayscale? (that flickers like crazy.) Ive gotten some values that work good but even then theres this slow flicker that goes through. Ill try some more tonight using im2 but i cant stand the way ti did away with the memory mapped display, I just cant see why they would change it. they are anti grayscale though, so i guess that probably had something to do with it.