I decided to port an old TI-83 RPG which is avaliable here at Omnimaga for the 83+. It's in BASIC, the reason why I am porting it is because I think its a game worth the try even if you dont speak french, it has lot of anim, col graphics, real time battles like FF4, just a bit slow for loading map though. Unfortunately the 83 has more RAM than the 83+ actually so the game wont fit on it. However with the wonder of Flash Gordon it will now be possible to play Dazel 4 on the 83+, a few days ago I asked the author (who is no longer coding for calcs) permission to port the game to the 83+/84+/SE and he said that I can do it so I have ported it for you, TI-83+/83+SE/84+/SE users

. I havent changed anything in the game, excepot for some new flash gordon commands so it's still the old game dating back in 2000 with cool animation using lines and pixels commands. I have tested it on my 83+SE and it sems to work fine so far but since it runs too fast on the SE I havent got so far in battles so I am wondering if people could test it? I also want to know if it can be sent to the calc. Here is the link:
http://omnimaga.earthforge.com/dazel4plus.zipSend all the 83M, 83L, 83I, 83P and 8XP files or whatever files with similar extensions to your 83+ BUT MAKE SURE YOU SEND Z1.8XP, Z2.8XP, Z3.8XP, Z4.8XP AND Z5.8XP TO THE ARCHIVE MEMORY, NOT THE RAM!
Also make sure you dont choose CONTINUER if you play because you'll have to reinstall the whole game again (crash upon starting new game then), if file transfer works fine and the game seems to work I'll probably make an english version but its not official yet.

here is the original file for the regular 83:
http://s7.invisionfree.com/Omnimaga/index.php?showtopic=247 this file once made its way through the top 10 best RPGs at Omnimaga a while ago