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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #30 on: July 08, 2011, 09:15:41 pm »
Okay, to explain, look at the image below:

The red and green lines (viewed as though they were all one color) demonstrate what looks like the extent of the possible platforms to walk on. Meaning you could either go down the hill, or up on the branch to collect the whateverthosethingsaresupposedtobe's. But in reality, only the red lines are walk-able. Meaning the green line never actually is involved in collision detection of any kind. This makes you always go down the hill unless you deliberately jump up onto the branch.

My suggestions is that you include this kind of thing in your Fancy Pants port. That's one thing that I thought was so awesome about Fancy Pants: the fact that there are many places where you really aren't sure if the background is walk-able or not. Basically, non-walk-able and walk-able lines would appear the same. The only difference would be in collision calculations.

That's my suggestion/explanation.
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #31 on: July 08, 2011, 09:30:54 pm »
Unfortunately I'm not even gonna have backgrounds :(

Maybe a parallax-scrolling background in the back, but not those awesome graphics you see in world 2 that scroll with you. Takes too much space.

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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #32 on: July 08, 2011, 09:59:39 pm »
That's not what I'm talking about. Ignore the background. I'm talking about the lines themselves.

Pretend the only thing you could see was the red/green lines.
Now imagine that they're all the same color.
It LOOKS like you could run straight up the 'branch' line, when really you have to jump up because of the green.

That's all I'm saying. Like...If you've ever played LineRider, you'd know that you can place regular lines, or scenery lines that don't interfere with collision at all.

I'm saying you should include those kinds of lines so you don't have to leave a visible gap any time you want things like that in your levels. It will just make it look more connected and neater, in my opinion.

EDIT: Here's an example of what I mean as it would pertain to your game.

Let's say the actual collision-calculation lines look like this:

But the actual level looks like this:

The addition of one simple line to connect the upper line to the lower line makes it appear graphically smoother and more connected, while still not changing the way the collision is handled.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 10:14:26 pm by ZippyDee »
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #33 on: July 08, 2011, 11:46:54 pm »
I see... And I can think of a way to do that (sort of).

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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #34 on: July 08, 2011, 11:52:36 pm »
The problem with that is if you move off the top line, it'll look weird when you fall through the hill and land at an odd angle.
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #35 on: July 08, 2011, 11:55:24 pm »
That's how it works in the actual game. If DT's port is preserving momentum the way I think it is, it should look just fine. This assumes that, for the most part, you are not playing the game by moving one step at a time (as that would completely defeat the purpose of the awesome physics). If you're actually running off of it, you'll continue forward and land on the top of the hill.

EDIT: Just to be clear, the lines that I drew in the actual Fancy Pants screenshot (the red lines) are the actual collision lines for the game itself (or as close as I could draw to where the lines are). I wasn't just making those lines up, I walked through and checked for where the boundaries are.

Also, Deep Thought, this would require having uni-directional walls. I don't know how easy or hard that would be with your current set-up, or whether you've already thought of that.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2011, 12:03:46 am by ZippyDee »
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #36 on: July 10, 2011, 03:12:50 pm »

Isn't it in the level where you get the archievement of THE NEGATIVE ONE (left; on the tree)

You should try to make the FPA-man spinning while falling down after running a half looping
It looks bad if the fpa man falls down upside down, and then spins around, when touching the ground.

but everything else looks GREAT!!
no idea, how you made that, but it's really one of the best games I've ever seen.
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #37 on: July 10, 2011, 04:09:35 pm »
That's how it works in the actual game. If DT's port is preserving momentum the way I think it is, it should look just fine. This assumes that, for the most part, you are not playing the game by moving one step at a time (as that would completely defeat the purpose of the awesome physics). If you're actually running off of it, you'll continue forward and land on the top of the hill.

Exactly. That's how it works in the original game, too -- you don't notice the gap if you're running off fast enough.

EDIT: Just to be clear, the lines that I drew in the actual Fancy Pants screenshot (the red lines) are the actual collision lines for the game itself (or as close as I could draw to where the lines are). I wasn't just making those lines up, I walked through and checked for where the boundaries are.

Gotcha, thanks. Is that world two?

Also, Deep Thought, this would require having uni-directional walls. I don't know how easy or hard that would be with your current set-up, or whether you've already thought of that.

Already got those ;) That's what I was thinking of for those "fake walls" -- just have part of the wall face the other way. That means that you won't be able to walk in the other direction, but I think walking the other way is rare enough that no one would notice.

You should try to make the FPA-man spinning while falling down after running a half looping
It looks bad if the fpa man falls down upside down, and then spins around, when touching the ground.

Definitely planned. I can't do it until I make those sprites though.

but everything else looks GREAT!!


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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #38 on: July 10, 2011, 04:48:22 pm »
Gotcha, thanks. Is that world two?

Already got those ;) That's what I was thinking of for those "fake walls" -- just have part of the wall face the other way. That means that you won't be able to walk in the other direction, but I think walking the other way is rare enough that no one would notice.
Hmm...I don't know how your section data is organized, but I was thinking that for each section you could have something like:[number of lines total][number of collision lines][collision line data.........][rest of non-collision lines......]
And it would draw ALL the lines, but only calculate collisions for the collision lines. Again, I don't know your structuring for each section, so that might not work. That's how I would do it though.
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #39 on: July 10, 2011, 05:38:47 pm »
Gotcha, thanks. Is that world two?

I'm keeping it world one for now :/

And it would draw ALL the lines, but only calculate collisions for the collision lines. Again, I don't know your structuring for each section, so that might not work. That's how I would do it though.

That's a good idea... Maybe. I'll see how the bugfixing turns out first.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2011, 05:39:32 pm by Deep Thought »

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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #40 on: July 10, 2011, 05:40:05 pm »
It might be easier if you draw all the collision lines on the front buffer, then draw in the pretty stuff on the back buffer and use the front buffer for detection.
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #41 on: July 10, 2011, 05:45:28 pm »
It might be easier if you draw all the collision lines on the front buffer, then draw in the pretty stuff on the back buffer and use the front buffer for detection.

I'm planning to have a parallax background on the backbuffer, but the problem is that it can't get too big because of space restraints.

Maybe custom levels? The way I have it set up I just have to get un-lazy enough to add about ten lines of code.

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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #42 on: July 10, 2011, 06:11:48 pm »
Gotcha, thanks. Is that world two?

I'm keeping it world one for now :/
I was just using that as an example of a place where that occurs. As far as I know that exists in world 1 as well.
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #43 on: July 11, 2011, 12:10:42 pm »
How would you make the spiders / snail / the pig with Gun ?

I've a place for my Pics, now!!
Spoiler For pictures:
I'll try to finish the next lvl today!

The last two are the .GIF pics of Spider and Snail!

« Last Edit: July 11, 2011, 12:56:52 pm by p2 »
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Re: Fancy Pants: DT's 2011 contest entry (hopefully)
« Reply #44 on: July 12, 2011, 03:11:39 pm »
I found an example of what I was talking about in World 1:

It's in level 3.
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