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:Input "Name:",Str1:dim(-1 ;start a block of FileSyst code:CD(Game/Str):NEW( Name.str):SINSRT( Name.str,Str1):Return ;Exit the block of FileSyst code
CD(Sub) ;open the folder Sub.VPTR(prgmSUB01, 01) ;create an OS pointer to prgmSUB01 named 01 stored in folder Sub.OPEN(Sub/ 01) ;use the OPEN() command to open the file. The file type is auto detected and opened with the appropriate routines.
CD(Sub)VPTR(prgmSUB01, 01)VPTR(prgmSUB02, 02.c3)VPTR(prgmSUB03, 03.batb)VPTR(prgmSUB04, 04.dcs7)
/==============================================================\| OPEN(File) |\==============================================================/| This can be used to open files based on its file extension. ||If it does not have a file association, FileSyst will try to ||open it as a nostub assembly program or BASIC program. Built ||in file types and the programs that open them are: |+======+=======================================================+|Assoc:| Programs (In descending order of priority) |+======+=======================================================+| ION | DoorsCS7,DoorsCS6 || MOS | DoorsCS7,DoorsCS6 | | DCS | DoorsCS7,DoorsCS6 || DOC7 | DoorsCS7+DocDE7 || BAT | BatLib || BATB | BatLib || C3 | DoorsCS7,Celtic 3 || XLIB | DoorsCS7,Celtic 3,xLIB || DCS6 | DoorsCS6,DoorsCS7 || DCS7 | DoorsCS7 || DCSB | DoorsCS7 || OMNI | Omnicalc || GRAM | Grammer |+======+=======================================================+| For example, if you try to run an xLIB program, FileSyst ||first searches for DoorsCS7, if that isn't available, it tries||Celtic 3 and then xLIB. || Further, xLIB and Omnicalc don't have any actual installers ||aside from manual installation. If FileSyst has to install ||these, it uses a method that should only work on specific ||versions, xLIB v.602b and Omnicalc v1.26 and v1.26MP. || Now, for some example code: || CD(Zeda/Games) ;Change the directory. || VPTR(prgmDK5ION, DonkeyKong.ION) ;Makes an OS shortcut. || OPEN( DonkeyKong.ION) ;Run DonkeyKong. || || OPEN() should return to the program properly, but there is ||always a chance that it won't if an assembly program doesn't ||quit properly (or if a BASIC program uses Stop). |\==============================================================/
The problem is that I still don't understand Flash protocol and USB protocol. I am not sure, though, but I think SirCmpwn released a template for an operating system, so I could probably use that.