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where are you coding? are you using source coder, or on-calc?
:ClrHome:AxesOff:ClrDraw:1?W:While W:While W=1:Text(1,1,"CHOOSE FORMULA:Text(7,1,"1:CIRCLE AREA:Text(14,1,"2:SPHERE VOL.:Text(21,1,"3:CYLINDER VOL.:Text(28,1,"4:CONE VOL.:Text(35,1,"5:CONE SURFACE AREA:Text(42,1,"6:QUADR. PYR. VOL.:Text(49,1,"7:CYLINDER SURFACE AREA:Text(56,1,"8:MORE FORMULAS:Repeat 2>abs(5-abs(5-abs(Ans-83:getKey:End:Ans?K:If K=73:Then:ClrDraw:2?W:Else:If K=92:Then:ClrHome:Prompt R:Output(4,2,"VOLUME IS:":Output(5,2,RRp:End:If K=93:Then:ClrHome:Prompt R:Output(4,2,"VOLUME IS:":Output(5,2,(4/3)pRRR:End:If K=94:Then:ClrHome:Prompt R,H:Output(4,2,"VOLUME IS:":Output(5,2,pRRH:End:If K=82:Then:ClrHome:Prompt R,H:Output(4,2,"VOLUME IS:":Output(5,2,pRRH/3:End:If K=83:Then:ClrHome:Prompt R,H:Output(4,2,"SRFCE AREA IS:":Output(5,2,(pR*sqrt(HH+RR))+pRR:End:If K=84:Then:ClrHome:Prompt L,H:Output(4,2,"VOLUME IS:":Output(5,2,LLH/3:End:If K=72:Then:ClrHome:Prompt R,H:Output(4,2,"SRFCE AREA IS:":Output(5,2,2pRH+2pRR:End:Stop:End:End:While W=2:Text(1,1,"CHOOSE FORMULA:Text(7,1,"1:SPHERE SURFACE AREA:Text(14,1,"2:CUBE VOL.:Text(21,1,"3:CUBE SURFACE AREA:Text(28,1,"4:PARALLELEPIPED VOL.:Text(35,1,"5:PARALLELEPIPED SURFACE AREA:Text(42,1,"6:TRAPEZIUM AREA:Text(49,1,"7:RECTANGLE AREA:Text(56,1,"8:MORE FORMULAS:Repeat 2>abs(5-abs(5-abs(Ans-83:getKey:End:Ans?K:If K=73:Then:1?W:ClrDraw:Else:If K=92:Then:ClrHome:Prompt R:Output(4,2,"SFRCE AREA IS:":Output(5,2,4pRR:End:If K=93:Then:ClrHome:Prompt A:Output(4,2,"VOLUME IS:":Output(5,2,AAA:End:If K=94:Then:ClrHome:Prompt A:Output(4,2,"SFRCE AREA IS:":Output(5,2,6AA:End:If K=82:Then:ClrHome:Prompt A,B,C:Output(4,2,"VOLUME IS:":Output(5,2,ABC:End:If K=83:Then:ClrHome:Prompt A,B,C:Output(4,2,"SFRCE AREA IS:":Output(5,2,2BC+2AC+2AB:End:If K=84:Then:ClrHome:Disp "A Larger Base:Disp "B Smaller Base:Disp "H Height:Prompt A,B,H:Output(7,2,"AREA IS:":Output(8,2,((A+B)/2)H:End:If K=72:Then:ClrHome:Prompt B,H:Output(4,2,"AREA IS:":Output(5,2,BH:End:Stop:End:End:End
As a side note, if you ever have any problem creating a file from the code that you opened from a program in SourceCoder or any other error, you might want to immediately report the bug to KermMartian in his Cemetech topic, as he will get notified of it and fix it whenever he gets some time.
Well the issue is that Omnimaga is a gaming-oriented website, not a math program website, so it's inevitable that non-game-related programs will get less downloads. Such math program would probably get more attention on United-TI, TI-BANK or Ticalc.org, which are more general. One month ago, there was even the possibility of completely forbidding math programs in the projects section to not lose our focus on games. I personally no longer need math tools since about 2003, the final year I did maths. I only use my calc for games. On top of that, most people here got a TI-83+ or 84+.Also, my Nspire is always in 84+ mode because I need it in that mode and I try to avoid swapping keypads too often.
Aah ok, yeah Omnimaga has been mostly about calculator games and calculator game programming. There was an era where it was exclusive to RPGs like Final Fantasy too. However, United-TI and CalcG.org became less active in the last two years and most people come here on Omnimaga instead. In the future, I think I will split the projects section so math programs are in their own. It will be easier to see them for people who need school stuff.