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:.AAHOOK:DiagnosticOff:[1028103854382828]➔Pic1:[102A123C50B82828]:[FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF]➔Pic2:1➔R➔X−1➔H➔Q➔B➔P:48➔Y:Fix 5:Repeat getKey(15):Lbl 1:ClrDraw:If X<<1 ;Needs boundaries for now:1➔X:End:If X>88:88➔X:End:If (H=0) or (H=1) ;H is pretty much the status of the player while grappling:If getKey(3):X++:If H=1:S++ ;increases rope top X coord. Will explain later:End:1➔R:End:If getKey(2):X−−:If H=1:S−−:End:0➔R:End:End:If H=1 or H>40:If getKey(2):0➔R:End:If getKey(3):1➔R:End:End:For(A,0,11):Pt-On(A∗8,1,Pic2:Pt-On(A∗8,56,Pic2):End:If (getKey(54))∗((H=0)+(H>40))∗(B=0) ;Checks if ready to grapple:X➔S:Y➔T:R➔θ:Repeat pxl-Test(S,T) ;S and T are the top rope coords:T−−:If θ:S++:Else:S−−:End:End ;That went at a 45 angle to find the ceiling:If Y=48 ;Checks if on ground and makes it jump if not:1➔H:Else:2➔H:End:End:If H=1:Y−− ;While jumping, the player can change direction. In the beggining getkeys, I made it change S to preserve the 45 degree angle.:If Y≤28 ;I should actually put the pxl-test part after the jump so that the moving of s is unneccesary.:2➔H:End:End:If H>1:If H≤40:1➔P:Line(X+7,Y,S,T) ;Line draw:Else:0➔P:End:If H<20 ;Here down checks the status of the player and adds or subtracts from the coordinates:Y++:If θ:X++:Else:X−−:End:H++:If Y=48:0➔H➔P➔S➔T:10➔B:End:End:If H≥20 and (H≤40):If θ:X++:Else:X−−:End:Y−−:If Y<9:56➔H:0➔P:End:H++:End:!If H≤40:If H≤52:H++:If θ:X++:Else:X−−:End:If Y<9 ;Abort if the guy touches the ground:56➔H:0➔P:End:Y−−:ElseIf (H≥52)∗(H≤55):H++:If θ:X++:Else:X−−:End:End:If H>55:If Y<48:Y++ ;Fall to the ground after the grappling is done!:If θ:X++:Else:X−−:End:Else ;Resets after hitting the ground:0➔H➔S➔T:End:End:End:End:Pt-On(X,Y,P∗8+Pic1):If B:B−−:End:DispGraph:End