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Offline Galandros

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #120 on: June 18, 2009, 04:13:30 pm »
Decreasing drop of monster works too.

You only possess ring items for equipping. No armours, swords and other traditional items...

A little offtopic: one of the things I enjoy in RPGs is shopping. Nothing is more relaxing... :D Sometimes exploring maps to activate key items can be nice under normal circumstances (all goes as you plan)
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #121 on: June 18, 2009, 04:48:06 pm »
In this game I decided to not have enemies drop items, because I felt it would have been annoying for people to either 1) have to constantly go in their menu to trash items they don't want to free up space for key items they find on the floor or 2) have to spend almost a minute at the end of most fights to select a free slot in your item menu to put the item the enemy dropped in it (remember, in this game, items aren't stacked in the inventory, each items, even if all the same, are separate in their individual slots, and there are 100 slots). Also, I felt it would have made the game too easy, considering during the second half of the game, buying magic is very cheap. Enemies simply give experience and gold and when you cast magic, that magic gets experience points too (not based on the enemy, but based on the magic level. Takes longer at higher level to raise a magic's level). Cure magic can be leveled up outside battle too, but will only give 1 exp points per use, no matter its level (to prevent people from spamming cure outside battle to quickly level it up if they have a lot of money)

And yeah, only rings for equipping. I decided to go with no sword/armor, since in this game you can raise individual stats at a shop in particular, in addition to their regular increase at each level. Also, rings are what can add bonuses. You can equip 4 rings at once, though.

Offline Galandros

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #122 on: June 18, 2009, 04:52:15 pm »
Well the system is different to change.

I don't have more to say. But I spoiled a bit the game. Even if I had question, I would not ask them. ::)
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #123 on: June 18, 2009, 04:54:45 pm »
Don't worry, a lot of the important stuff hasn't been spoiled yet anyway. {AP} managed to see one of the major game spoiler a while ago, but only that sequence, so it might still have been hard for him to understand what's going on.

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #124 on: June 20, 2009, 03:05:56 am »
Sanctuary area is finished. The event took quite a while... x.x

Anyway, this means game is estimated at 87% completion now. Only the final dungeon as well as an optional one needs to be coded in and all events and enemy data included in them coded, then the usual balancing and testing. It's only 87% because I think these two areas, especially the final dungeon, will take a long while to code.

Offline Galandros

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #125 on: June 23, 2009, 04:04:08 am »
Quote from page 6 ftw!

RAM started to become an issue when certain events stored in I13E0 occured (the program is 15700 bytes huge), which prompted me to add partial save file compression (the inventory data is what is being compressed... 100 2-digits elements).

Because my TI-BASIC knowledges are extremly dated in overall, I had to rely on TI-BASIC Developper for almost an hour to learn about the Seq( command. After figuring out I finally managed to reduce the Illusiat 13 save data by 80 list elements. This saves about 700 bytes on the original save file and should prevent the memory problems. The only downside is that saving and loading your game now take 11 seconds on a regular TI-83+ instead of 2, but considering that's the only thing that takes a long while to load in the game I think people will not mind.

I doubt there will be memory issues anymore, because the only two events that still need to be coded on Earth maps located from prgmI130 to prgmI134 are two warp events (door/entrances/exits/etc) which leads to maps that will be stored in I13E2, not I13E0. However the game will still require the entire calculator RAM while playing (kinda like the other Illusiat games I made)

Besides the memory issue fix, I added a bunch of dungeon maps in the past two days and some more events on the Earth part of the game
Great you know seq(, but there is a new replacement 8 times (at least) faster. ^^
I don't know if it will work for what you use but worth try.
Size most times is the same.
See the advanced part for programmers.

I think this is new...
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #126 on: June 23, 2009, 12:53:19 pm »
Yeah I saw it when I checked for Seq(. However it seemed extremly complicated for me so for now I decided to stick with Seq(, which is, indeed, very slow. Even Seq( was extremly technical and complicated for me. Took me a long while to figure out how to use it and required some heavy testing.

EDIT: Maybe I might need help on my code for the first time in 4.5 years here... I will post my game loading and saving routines I think to see if someone could be able to convert the part where compression/decompression occurs from Seq( to Binompdf. I wonder if the fact not the entire save file is compressed could be an issue in the conversion, though...
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 01:07:38 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

Offline Galandros

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #127 on: June 23, 2009, 01:09:53 pm »
Yeah I saw it when I checked for Seq(. However it seemed extremly complicated for me so for now I decided to stick with Seq(, which is, indeed, very slow. Even Seq( was extremly technical and complicated for me. Took me a long while to figure out how to use it and required some heavy testing.
The usage is quite simple. You don't need to understand the trick, just the results.

The idea is the first argument has the size of the list you want (like end of seq()
Then the result of cumSum(binompdf(
is a string like: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ...
then you have to do operations with it like this:
This is the same as seq(2+3X,X,1,4)
Other important examples: seq(2+3X+X^2,X,1,4
:cumSum(binompdf(4,0    /this cointains {1,2,3,4,5
:2+3Ans+Ans^2   // use this code

(check if it is binompdf or binomcdf and if 4 needs to be decreased or not) If you need help with this, I can check myself and correct this post.

Got it? I was feeling that writing would make you understand. It is very simple, really.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2009, 01:16:29 pm by Galandros »
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #128 on: June 23, 2009, 02:06:27 pm »
sorry, I just don't get it. As you know, advanced stuff like this is not for me. It's getting too advanced for my brain, so I think I will just stick to Seq( or get someone to convert the code I got for me when I post it. On the PC, I can't understand anything more advanced than Visual BASIC 6 and even then it's just the rudimentary tricks that I can understand.

Offline Galandros

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #129 on: June 23, 2009, 03:47:13 pm »
sorry, I just don't get it. As you know, advanced stuff like this is not for me. It's getting too advanced for my brain, so I think I will just stick to Seq( or get someone to convert the code I got for me when I post it. On the PC, I can't understand anything more advanced than Visual BASIC 6 and even then it's just the rudimentary tricks that I can understand.
This doesn't seem that hard. Just as hard as seq(. Anyway, one day try again. ;)
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #130 on: June 24, 2009, 12:10:12 am »


Galandros, first warning (I think I stated this many times alerady, though): STOP being so narrow-minded. You have no respect for other's beliefs and differences. If you can understand something, it doesn't mean everyone can. If you understand something easily, it doesn't mean everyone will understand it as easily, if at all. I personally just don't get it, even after reading the tutorial over and over and people explaining me. So leave me alone about that, please. It drives me nuts when people harrass me to do something even after telling them I just don't get it and I notice a lot of ASM programmers does that. Not everyone is like you and you can't change people.

I'll stick to the Seq( method, until someone can convert the code for me. Even for Seq I got an hard time. At first, I just typed the code without understanding what it even did, then changed variables one by one in a trial and error way).

Offline Galandros

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #131 on: June 24, 2009, 03:54:48 am »


Galandros, first warning (I think I stated this many times alerady, though): STOP being so narrow-minded. You have no respect for other's beliefs and differences. If you can understand something, it doesn't mean everyone can. If you understand something easily, it doesn't mean everyone will understand it as easily, if at all. I personally just don't get it, even after reading the tutorial over and over and people explaining me. So leave me alone about that, please. It drives me nuts when people harrass me to do something even after telling them I just don't get it and I notice a lot of ASM programmers does that. Not everyone is like you and you can't change people.

I'll stick to the Seq( method, until someone can convert the code for me. Even for Seq I got an hard time. At first, I just typed the code without understanding what it even did, then changed variables one by one in a trial and error way).
Sorry, but I just think who gets seq( even only in random, can get this trick. Eventually... or not.

That is why my persistence with this, this time. Others I didn't know you so well as now. And in forums I sometimes I seem to have tendency to forget people's characteristics, forums are not ideal to know people. But I was finished with last reply. I thought there was no problem writing it. If was me and I didn't understand I would left it and forget for some time until get it again or not... And many people would.

I did not wanted to hassle you in any way. If you don't get, it's ok but please don't get mad when someone is only trying to help. I even don't insisted that much. Only continued tries from me... But you shouldn't get bored with this, it really doesn't deserve. It is really to not get things, I admit I have some too.

Next time, I will try to remember and if you say that you didn't get it, I will say nothing more about that. This way you don't even need to warn no more insisting needed. (ok I am a kind of person of the reverse, so I will seem to be narrow minded from now on because I will act like you never get things after first efforts to learn it, this means either way I am narrow minded.)

It is not easy to live with different people... I know it is not easy to live with me. But that serves to my side too.

I don't know what else to write...
PS: I saw some very bad english mistakes in my reply. If others were left, do a effort.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 04:09:25 am by Galandros »
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #132 on: June 24, 2009, 01:21:32 pm »
Sorry to jump on you like this, it's just that a lot of ASM programmers tend to be doing that and seems to have absolutely no respect for other people who are different, but please now you're continuing in your post after my warning, so sorry, see you next week. People really need to stop acting as if everyone who aren't like them aren't normal. I would like to program and discuss Illusiat 13 progress in peace.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2009, 01:28:11 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #133 on: June 24, 2009, 03:42:44 pm »
Heh. The whole seq( and the upgraded trick. Galandros, you really ought to be happy that DJ Omnimaga just got the whole seq( thing. I remember back when I tried to code BASIC stuff, I finally got a hold of the command and I was like, "Yes! I... have THE POWAH!"

Personally, I didn't care much about binompdf, but that seemed to be an interesting trick. Though, teh Goose on UTI *did* ask me to make a few Celtic III commands seq-abusable. UTI is where I learned how to use the seq command :)

But anyway. seq( by itself is way powerful, especially when dealing with lists. Used and abused it in this BASIC implementation of UNO that I somehow lost due to TiLP being a pain.
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #134 on: June 24, 2009, 10:01:33 pm »
I think the command that took me the longest to figure out (years ago) was getKy, but that was mainly because the old manual at the time didn't have a single programming example of how to use it (like it did for virtually every other command). I had to work out myself the fact that it returns a value even when no key was pressed and how to make the program wait for a key and grab the keycode. I didn't have much trouble with anything else, I don't think, especially when examples were given.

I think of seq( as being just a limited (but potentially faster) version of a For( loop, where you can only perform a single mathematical expression, and the results are returned in a list.

I never heard about binomcdf(. If I understand correctly, you're basically just manipulating it to get a list full of 1s, right (e.g. binomcdf(4,0) returns {1 1 1 1 1})? Just like what “1+newList(5)” would do on the TI-89? And then cumSum() to convert it to a sequence like {1 2 3 4 5}, and then whatever expression you plug it into calculates it for every element in the list (1 through 5 in this case) and returns the results in a list? staff member—