Author Topic: Illusiat 13: The Final Chapter  (Read 45608 times)

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #105 on: June 09, 2009, 09:34:04 pm »
well it was sure new to my non-native english speaking vocabulary

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #106 on: June 09, 2009, 09:42:47 pm »
ah, true, but it is something I have heard in some older movies (not that old mind you)

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #107 on: June 16, 2009, 01:54:37 pm »
I hate memory leaks, especially when you don't even use any Lbl/Goto nor executing a subroutine inside itself (before, after or with no End instructions)
Quote from: BASIC Code
:If E=37:Then
:If L3(37)+L3(38)≥4 and 19=L3(29:Then:20→L3(29
:Output(4,W," Ω
:Output(5,W," Ω
:For(Z,0,250:End:For(Z,0,10:Disp :DispGraph:End:4→A:5→B
:For(Z,1,100:If 25=L2(Z:20→L2(Z:End
Generated by SourceCoder, © 2005 Cemetech
When L3(29)=19, the first part is executed. However it causes the game to run about 25% slower afterward. However, if I add what's in red in the code:
Quote from: BASIC Code
:If E=37:Then
:If L3(37)+L3(38)≥4 and 19=L3(29:Then:20→L3(29
:Output(4,W," Ω
:Output(5,W," Ω
:For(Z,0,250:End:For(Z,0,10:Disp :DispGraph:End:4→A:5→B
:For(Z,1,100:If 25=L2(Z:20→L2(Z:End
Generated by SourceCoder, © 2005 Cemetech

If I exit this subprgm before the text routine is executed and the item inventory scanned to delete all items with the ID 25 (God Keys), the slow down doesn't happen. If L3(29)=20, no slowdowns occured either. Idk if this is code above that that causes that (I don't want to post it else it would reveal lot of spoilers), but SERIOUSLY, WTF?

OS 1.18 and 2.46, btw

EDIT: Modified the code above, it appears that
For(Z,1,100:If 25=L2(Z:20→L2(Z:End
Is what causes the slow down. If it's not caused by Iambian's XCOPY asm lib (to copy archived programs to RAM), then epic fail on TI end
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 02:09:39 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #108 on: June 16, 2009, 02:39:45 pm »
Apparently if you do a For( loop with only an If statement inside, it goes sort of slow. It seems if you close the parentheses on the For( statement, it goes faster. No idea why...
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #109 on: June 16, 2009, 02:52:51 pm »
uhm... really... I should try this.

Actually for the slowdown, I wasn't talking about inside the For loop, though. I meant that once the for loop is done the entire game runs much slower than  normal. But I will try this, maybe this could fix this glitch

This shit is starting to make me wonder if this isn't what caused Metroid II: Evolution and Zelda: Dark Link Quest to run that slow

EDIT: Wow, changing For(Z,1,100 to For(Z,1,100) actually fixed my issue. One day I will try to go through Metroid code to see if there are any For instructions only containing a If instruction (with no Then/Else) and edit them. Definitiviely an epic fail on TI side

Anyway, a few more maps were added to the game and the event contained in the code above added into the game. Also, I moved some events from prgmI13E0 to I13E1, because the first one was 15.8 KB and the second 13.7 KB. Now all finished event programs are around 14.7 KB. I'm starting prgmI13E3 now for the next 3 dungeons. HOpefully this could be the last one needed. Also, now there are 62 monsters which has their data included in the game

Also changed my TI-Nspire batteries because this calc won't let you send/receive any programs when batteries are low and it doesn't keep RAM programs in memory when changing them. In some cases, the entire memory (RAM+Archive) is cleared when changing batteries. Backed up then put in new batteries, else I could end up being screwed
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 03:17:47 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #110 on: June 16, 2009, 04:39:57 pm »
uhm... really... I should try this.

Actually for the slowdown, I wasn't talking about inside the For loop, though. I meant that once the for loop is done the entire game runs much slower than  normal. But I will try this, maybe this could fix this glitch

This shit is starting to make me wonder if this isn't what caused Metroid II: Evolution and Zelda: Dark Link Quest to run that slow

EDIT: Wow, changing For(Z,1,100 to For(Z,1,100) actually fixed my issue. One day I will try to go through Metroid code to see if there are any For instructions only containing a If instruction (with no Then/Else) and edit them. Definitiviely an epic fail on TI side

Anyway, a few more maps were added to the game and the event contained in the code above added into the game. Also, I moved some events from prgmI13E0 to I13E1, because the first one was 15.8 KB and the second 13.7 KB. Now all finished event programs are around 14.7 KB. I'm starting prgmI13E3 now for the next 3 dungeons. HOpefully this could be the last one needed. Also, now there are 62 monsters which has their data included in the game

Also changed my TI-Nspire batteries because this calc won't let you send/receive any programs when batteries are low and it doesn't keep RAM programs in memory when changing them. In some cases, the entire memory (RAM+Archive) is cleared when changing batteries. Backed up then put in new batteries, else I could end up being screwed
I know that bug since my early days in BASIC, and I still think it is a strange bug. It would be ironic if those games turned out running too fast... xD Ironic but most important nice for playing them :D

nspire drains too much batteries and is odd that it has many problems with holding the emulated TI-84 memory... Not only because of batteries...

That is a challenge coding while keeping the progress intact.

I suggest you to change all those delay Fors to rand(5    //5 or other number. Does delay and uses less bytes!
See how many bytes you will cut out... It is going to be epic cheap optimization.
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #111 on: June 16, 2009, 05:53:41 pm »
hmm, haven't I already told you that a few times DJ??

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #112 on: June 16, 2009, 10:59:44 pm »
Nope (assuming you mean the TI-OS bug?)

As for TI-Nspire I use it because in TI-84+ mode it eat batteries less faster than a regular TI-83+ when developping such massive games, simply because on the TI-83+ during testing I have to GarbageCollect every 2 minutes or so, which takes a considerable amount of battery ressources. Also it takes much less time to scroll down programs when searching for code. I don't want to use DoorCS instant-goto feature because I heard it isn't 100% crash-proof. Also TI-Nspire is the only non-6 MHz calc I got that still works.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2009, 11:03:10 pm by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #113 on: June 16, 2009, 11:02:13 pm »
I do remember telling you about closing the bracket on for( loops though

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #114 on: June 16, 2009, 11:05:44 pm »
Nah I do not remember that. You must have told somebody else or I must have missed it. I personally never knew about this glitch before and was always used about not closing parhentesises to save RAM

As for the For(Z,0,100:End I might eventually change them to Rand or the like, altough due to my bad habit of using small for delays there are so many code that I doubt I will have the motivation to edit everything again, not to mention letting someone else edit it would most likely delay the final release for several months, with summer coming and exams (see Dying Eyes FR as example)

Offline Galandros

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #115 on: June 17, 2009, 10:15:39 am »
DJ, during all that code change you could optimize things... I optimized some very old code of mine 3 times. I don't think it is boring, actually I think is positive to see my progress in optimization.

I know you are not the optimization kind of person but in TI-BASIC it is important and adds some value for the work. ;) There is some examples... But finishing the game and being already playable is better than not having it, of course.

I hope you get time, motivation and most important enjoyment to finish this.
Hobbing in calculator projects.

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #116 on: June 17, 2009, 04:25:03 pm »
Yes, i have to agree with the last thing Galandros said. Enjoyment.

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #117 on: June 18, 2009, 01:12:37 am »
A few days ago I added about 4 maps in the game and an event (the one that caused the memory leak glitch until I fixed it) and now I added a side quest event in the Hope Sanctuary area. Pretty much just a very powerful ring. The boss looks impossible to beat, because he does 99999 damage points with Aura LV 9, no matter your holy elemental protection and even with relatively high defense. However, he becomes very easy if you figure out how to beat him, providing your magic power and speed power are high enough. He gives one of the most powerful ring in the game, the Vital ring, which doubles defense against everything. Defeating this boss also causes the area to be cleared from any random encounters until you exit it, like the Atlas Ring boss. This is obviously optional and this ring should make your job easier in the final dungeon, because while having two Regen rings equipped at once plus the right elemental protections does a good job at reducing damage and recovering from them, when an enemy will do 5000 damages in one hit I don't think you will like it very much. 4 regen rings at once won't do much better either, because sometimes enemies are fast and can attack twice in a row, so with no elemental protection you could get killed pretty easily

I also thought about adding an unlockable hard mode when you finish the entire game. Once beating the game, you would be allowed to erase your saved data to restart a new game from it. However, the difference is that enemies would give twice less experience and gold pieces and the max LV and HP would be 99 and 9999, respectively, instead of 255 and 99999. To make the game possible to beat under such extreme restrictions, an additional side quest might be added to the game.

Such hard mode will only be added if the space allows so.

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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #118 on: June 18, 2009, 04:04:23 am »
Attacking 2 times if speed is very high? Instant add in my future designed RPG.

In hard mode one of the cool things is increase the overall shop prices. :)
I think I prefer not limit so much max LVL and HP but instead increase hp in monsters ... But this is bad idea if the battles turn too long.

I like "puzzle" boss battles. They are fun if you get a good animation and do not repeat too much those kind of bosses. It turns pathetic beating 4 bosses in a row with cheap tricks.

How many items do you have so far? Rounded numbers of course. (by rounded I mean sort of a estimative but rounded sounds a good expression)
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Re: Illusiat 13: The Lost Chapter
« Reply #119 on: June 18, 2009, 09:41:26 am »
I prefer to just reduce amount of experience given in battles, as well as gold, else, if I just increase the monsters HP/strenght/etc, then the first monsters in the game will get way too hard, like in Illusiat 6 hard mode. ANd yes, speed determines at which rate both your character and enemy attack. Usually you're still fine if this happens, but some later enemies in the game does heavy damage so you still need to watch out.

There aren,t a lot of puzzle-type bosses in the game, but each enemy got their own elemental weaknesses. Also, some enemies are very resistant to regular attacks, for example. There are still some sort of puzzle-bosses, though, or special bosses. For example, the optional battle in the hope sanctuary, where there's only one way to defeat this boss at low level. There are also two bosses in the game so far that changes their elemental weaknesses almost every turn. For example, the boss starts being weak against dark magic, then one turn he might decide to shift to Ice, then to fire, etc. These bosses are generally resistant against every other attack. However, when changing their weakness you can quickly see the element symbol displaying over the enemy (for about 0.5 second), so if you watch carefully it makes the job easier (providing you got enough magic of each element). You pretty much just need to get prepared when you're approaching a boss fight. For normal enemies you can manage to escape if you're screwed, altough escaping is generally hard (only 50% chances of working, so you can have to try about 8 times until it works sometimes).

The game got 27 types of items so far. 6 different magic spells (which shows up differently when your LV for this element is higher), 13 equippable kind of rings and 7 kind of story/key items. Magic is consumable items, like in Final Fantasy VIII for the PS1, since the game has no MP. Basically magic is a bit similar to Illusiat 8 and the Reign Of Legends series