after even further testing, it appears that program names won't take any space either. This means that not only I can have a digit as the first program name character but I can have all 37 programs with 8 characters long names and still have RAM. Altough it can be useful to name programs as reference to what does what during coding it is useless to have users name them when they type in the programs by hand because programs are ran by their ID, not by their name.
Other things: the Y= and param (Y1T, X1T, etc) variables can hold a total of 360 characters together. So the allocated RAM would be:
Programs+Lists content (excluding program names):
2400 bytes
Program names:
296 bytes
Matrices (assuming each elements are 9 bytes like on the TI-83+)
324 bytes
graph functions
360 bytes
home screen
128 bytes
real variables+ans (we'll assume they're 9 bytes too, since there doesn't appear to have any VAT or whatever stuff related to names)
252 bytes
So if I didn't forgot anything there must be at least 3760 bytes of RAM on this calc.
It doesn,t appear to be allocated very well. I had 6 bytes of user RAM free at one point during editing and when I went to the list editor nothing appeared and when i typed something I got an error, and now the PRGM menu is all screwed up. Most programs were renamed to "Do not erase DIM1:Do not erase DIM1:Do not erase DIM1:Do not erase DIM1:Do not erase DIM1:Do not erase DIM1:Do not erase DIM1:Do not erase DIM1:". Some are named like "Y3TERROR Y3TERROR" or such stuff and causes lot of display glitches during editing programs. Deleting these names from the programs fixed the problem though and the game still runs pretty well. The list editor gives an ERR 10 MEMORY when you have 0 bytes of free RAM, meaning it must check if you have remaining RAM but might not check if you actually have enough RAM when it's above 0. Weird calc
who knows, maybe I'll manage to crash it but I hope it won't happens before I finish typing all the game on the PC