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LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« on: May 24, 2012, 05:58:51 pm »
Ok, i'm working on a project were you can turn LEDs (pixels) on and off, also set a time day for that "turn"
When you press 2nd it saves your leds and delays in lists, when you press enter it will "animate" your leds turn by turn after the chosen delays, so then you can see the "LEDs" moving, for now there are 5 leds but i'll try to make around 150 LEDs so you can also display ascii, if you "program the LEDs" correct you can make it look like the text is moving of the screen

Eventually there will be extra functions such as infinite loops or number-chosen-loops. And also reverse

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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2012, 01:45:32 am »

an LED is a Light-Emitting Diode. it is a semiconductor that glows when a current runs through it.
an LCD is a Liquid Crystal Display. the way these work is a bit more complicated, but you should look it up if you have the time.
on an LCD, a pixel comprises a single cell in a dot matrix that makes up the screen.

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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2012, 02:02:37 am »
Do you mean using pixels to imitate a seven-segment display (link is an image)?  Or a bunch of them?
What exactly do you mean by moving?
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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2012, 04:17:53 am »
Pictures pictures pictures!
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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #4 on: May 25, 2012, 04:19:37 am »
It sounds like he is trying to make a led matrix that he will control.
Each led will act like a pixel eventually, and he will try to show text on the matrix.

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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #5 on: May 25, 2012, 04:34:31 am »
sounds pretty hard to accomplish <_<
I'm not a nerd but I pretend:

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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2012, 04:55:56 am »
Or he wants to draw LEDS on the screen :/
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Offline stevon8ter

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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2012, 06:11:44 am »
Ok guys, it's like this, sorry if it was confusing:
Instead of leds who emit light, it would "emit pixels" 1 led= 3*3 pixels. Now i allready have 5 "leds" and and you can do: set which leds you want to "light up" and time they have to stay, then you select for the other turns you want, and if you choose "go" then it will "light up" the first turn and after the selected time it will clear screen and "light up" the other turn, so you can make a sequence of "leds

If one of you is interested, tell me, then i'll try to place a beta on here, so you can see what it actually is, it's not a cool game or so but if i develop it any further it can be used as a screensaver or maybe something else
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 11:20:50 am by stevon8ter »
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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2012, 12:27:50 pm »
are you talking about making a matrix of LED's, like this, and controlling it with your calculator?

or are you talking about setting and resetting pixels on the calculator's built-in LCD?

and is english not your native language? if not, there are people here to speak french, spanish, german, and even a few who speak korean, chinese, and portuguese, i think. just go ahead and write in whatever you're most comfortable with and see if someone else recognises it.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 12:29:38 pm by shmibs »

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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2012, 12:36:45 pm »
Ok, i'm dutch, but i'll try to make a pic or a gif
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 12:44:29 pm by stevon8ter »
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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2012, 12:52:48 pm »
als je beter je plan kunt trekken in het nederlands, jimbauwens, stefanbauwens en ik spreken nederlands, dus als je er niet aan uit raakt in het engels mag je het altijd vragen :)

and yeah, a pic would be useful, but schmibs he already explained: a "led" is just a block of pixels on the screen of 3*3 px, so not an actual led :)

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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2012, 01:01:06 pm »

Kan je ze ook uitleggen dat er nu 5 pixelsblokken zijn? En f1 zet de eerste aan, f2 de 2de,...
Dan met + en - stel je in hoelang deze op het scherm moeten, met 2nd ga je naar het volgende scherm en stel je weer een serie leds in, en als je dan uiteindelijk genoe ebt druk je op enter en gaat hij de door jouw gekozen volgorde van "leds" weergeven op et scherm voor de tijd dat je hebt gekozen (opgelet, tijd is niet in seconden ofzo)

I'll try to finish a good first beta and set it on here

It's like a row of 5 blocks, you could also make this with binary, 00001 makes right block display, 11111 makes them all displayed...
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 01:02:43 pm by stevon8ter »
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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2012, 02:54:17 pm »
Kan je ze ook uitleggen dat er nu 5 pixelsblokken zijn? En f1 zet de eerste aan, f2 de 2de,...
Dan met + en - stel je in hoelang deze op het scherm moeten, met 2nd ga je naar het volgende scherm en stel je weer een serie leds in, en als je dan uiteindelijk genoe ebt druk je op enter en gaat hij de door jouw gekozen volgorde van "leds" weergeven op et scherm voor de tijd dat je hebt gekozen (opgelet, tijd is niet in seconden ofzo)

1 led is now 5*5 px instead of 3*3 px
you can toggle each 'led' by pressing the appropriate F-button ([F1] for led 1, [F2] for led 2 etc)
With [ +] and [-] you can set how long the selected led has to light up (not in seconds, but in loops i think)
when pressing [2nd],  a new screen appears (with 5 new leds) which they can be adjusted in the same way
if you finally have enough 'leds' you can press [enter], which confirms the used settings and runs the program from the beginning.

Now my questions:
F1, F2 etc are the [Y=], [window] etc buttons i suppose?
how many different sets of leds will be able to be set?
« Last Edit: May 25, 2012, 02:54:27 pm by Nick »

Offline stevon8ter

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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #13 on: May 25, 2012, 04:10:45 pm »
Yes, if i preset list 1 to 999 0's, then it will be 999/5 = 199 "turns" + there will be an infinite loop chose and an number-loop chose
« Last Edit: May 26, 2012, 01:32:53 pm by stevon8ter »
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Re: LEDs on the ti 83+ and ti 84+
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2012, 01:35:54 pm »
Ok, i have my beta version completed, only problem is that i'm not going to be able to post it for some time

The only things i'm possible of doing right now are: sending photo's raken with my ipod to one of your emails, sending movies from my ipod to your mails, or inputting the whole code here so you can all read/make the program yorself and maybe post it here

But i'll only do that when requested
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Hi there, I'm the allmighty (read as: stupid, weak...) STEVON8TER