Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI Z80 => Topic started by: ztrumpet on August 20, 2010, 02:03:53 pm
I was browsing ticalc and saw this. Don't kill Tickles! ;D
It looks to be a pretty well built game, and it's made with Axe. Nice job Quigibo and Michael Lee. :)
lol nice. I wonder if that person is a member of the forums?
That looks pretty cool. I gotta say though, Tickles looks more like a Mini Scottish Schnauzer to me :P
This looks very nice! Great job!
isn't there a member named "Michael.Lee"?
That actually looks like a well made fall down ;D And with customizable characters too 8) Oh if only there was a lobster character...
Hmm....not bad! I can't make anything like that yet. :P
Maybe you could hack the disassembled hex to change a sprite!
Or use the included source...
Seems like this game relies heavily upon luck but still nice game indeed!
Seems like this game relies heavily upon luck but still nice game indeed!
most games in rl and on calcs rely on luck
True, but the wall of death feature makes it much more dependent on luck (haven't tried the game yet so I dunno how often it appears).
Aaah he's a member here. I wonder if he's planning to post about his future Axe projects here. He might be more a ticalc user than a forumer, though.
That actually looks like a well made fall down ;D And with customizable characters too 8) Oh if only there was a lobster character...
recommend it! it looks as if he's making revisions already, so...
Hopefully he will post here. I wonder if he frequents the forums?
I think he might have posted once or twice here or Cemetech, but he never announced this game here. Keep in mind that some people are not big fans of forums or IRC, though. They go solo in the TI community, posting their games on but that's about it.
How unexpected - I didn't think that people would like it this much ;D
I think I went just a little over the top on the description. Looking back on it now, I kept cringing every time I saw an exclamation mark...
Although to be fair, the wall-of-death thing was a bug that I never really managed to iron out, so I just included it as a feature :)
:P well It has got notice hear :D
I tend to read th longer descriptions as it feels to me that the writer put more work into it too :)
I hope will put an axe section in. then have subsections of source and compiled.
I don't think they will, except maybe for source code. Axe stuff is compiled into Asm()/shell executables meaning they go into ASM sections.
Omnimaga may have an Axe section, though, but again I'm not sure. While I would like Axe stuff to be separate to show what can be done with Axe, I'm not a big fan of splitting games based on language, because I feel some BASIC stuff can just be as fun.
Omnimaga may have an Axe section, though, but again I'm not sure. While I would like Axe stuff to be separate to show what can be done with Axe, I'm not a big fan of splitting games based on language, because I feel some BASIC stuff can just be as fun.
I vote to not split by language. :)
Something I thought about is recommending people to state which language they used in their program or put axe/asm/basic in the tags for stuff they used.
maybe they could have a custom search, like axe only, must include source. or maybe any language, mus include source. And have more attributes.