I am unsure if I should post the screenshot of what I have now yet, I might wait a bit. For sure the next tiles will be avaliable for use by everyone, as long as they give me credits. If I make a new game I will most likely use them myself too so you might end up with a game looking the same than mine

EDIT: Btw, the tilemapper I got might be too slow for BE models, because it support character sprite facing 4 directions with walking animation, the program checks if you enter a door or exit a building/dungeon and check if some keys are pressed of if you exit the map. Right now it runs a bit more than 1 FPS on a regular 83+, but the grayscale while not walking is practically flickerless, so I might be able to drop the quality a bit more, making it faster. On SE it should be very good, altough I did not tested the grayscale on them since I don't have a working one