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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #255 on: November 20, 2010, 05:06:41 am »
Oh ok I see. X.x

Yeah I guess it might not be that user-friendly. Hopefully JustCause can find a good solution to make sure his level editor is not too hard to use.

Offline ztrumpet

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #256 on: November 20, 2010, 10:57:19 am »
Yeah, but at least you had the option to see instructions on how to edit your level. :)

Offline JustCause

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #257 on: November 22, 2010, 08:54:24 am »
Yeah, I won't be uploading until I have something intuitive. And stable. I'm fairly sure the dev build of the engine is broken right now, I might be writing outside of saferam...grr.

Also, if anyone has any ideas for a pathing system for platforms and hazards, that would be awesome. I've held off on making them because I want the data structures to support movement.

Spoiler For My activity level:
Well, over the weekend everything pretty much fell apart. I have a C or worse in every class and my dad nearly beat the shit out of me yesterday because of it (Mom got in the way and prolly saved me from quite a few bruises). They also searched my backpack and discovered my iPod, Game Boy Color, and two calc cables. Fortunately, I keep a spare elsewhere, so I'm not totally cut off.

More important are my priorities right now. I'm out of the house at 18 (I'm 15.5 and a junior), and my parents refuse to co-sign for a license, apartment, or any kind of loan. I don't qualify for most student loans anyway because my rents are in too high of an income bracket, and I can't join the military because of my bone defect. And there's no way in HELL I'm getting a scholarship. So I need to make sure I'm as presentable to potential employers as possible. With that in mind, my activity level is likely to stay where it's been recently. I can't get on during the weekends or holidays, but even during the week my activity level will be fairly low. I'm not quitting programming or Omni, because I love you guys too much, but I definitely need to take a look at my life and where it's going.

That said, I'll be doing an upload rush in a few hours. Included will be Missile Run DX, a sample maze generation program, a BASIC cipher program that uses the rand seed, and my DM utility for DnD 3.5. Basically everything cool that I've done and haven't shown you all yet.

Omni isn't getting rid of me just yet. :)

Cheers! -Cause
See you, space cowboy...

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #258 on: November 22, 2010, 02:34:54 pm »
Sorry to hear about life issues. Personally, I would really make sure that you can get a job (even if just in a retail store or something) when you are gonna move out so you can move out as soon as possible, because to me your parents seems extremly harsh and bad. Also if you get beaten down I would call the police or whatever minor protection agency or the like exists where you live and do it from another place than home to report your dad, because he is not allowed to do that. I would suggest avoiding bringning your gameboy color and ipod at school, though. That is generally not a good idea. Focus a bit more on school. Hopefully you don't have to leave Omni, though.

As for your files you should upload them in the download section if they are finished or close.

Anyway, good luck!

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #259 on: November 22, 2010, 02:48:02 pm »
Spoiler For My activity level:
Well, over the weekend everything pretty much fell apart. I have a C or worse in every class and my dad nearly beat the shit out of me yesterday because of it (Mom got in the way and prolly saved me from quite a few bruises). They also searched my backpack and discovered my iPod, Game Boy Color, and two calc cables. Fortunately, I keep a spare elsewhere, so I'm not totally cut off.

More important are my priorities right now. I'm out of the house at 18 (I'm 15.5 and a junior), and my parents refuse to co-sign for a license, apartment, or any kind of loan. I don't qualify for most student loans anyway because my rents are in too high of an income bracket, and I can't join the military because of my bone defect. And there's no way in HELL I'm getting a scholarship. So I need to make sure I'm as presentable to potential employers as possible. With that in mind, my activity level is likely to stay where it's been recently. I can't get on during the weekends or holidays, but even during the week my activity level will be fairly low. I'm not quitting programming or Omni, because I love you guys too much, but I definitely need to take a look at my life and where it's going.

That said, I'll be doing an upload rush in a few hours. Included will be Missile Run DX, a sample maze generation program, a BASIC cipher program that uses the rand seed, and my DM utility for DnD 3.5. Basically everything cool that I've done and haven't shown you all yet.

Omni isn't getting rid of me just yet. :)

Cheers! -Cause

That was the saddest story i ever heard ended with a cheers :( I agree with DJ, find a good retail or small job where you will be able to make money, and if your dad beats on you, go to the police!  Under no circumstances should anybody be allowed to beat on you, family or not :( Good luck with school, i hope everything gets better


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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #260 on: November 22, 2010, 03:53:30 pm »
go to the police.  or something.  Beating an adult (if you are >= 18) is a crime (then again, beating anyone is a crime, but as an adult you can have more say over the case).  Good luck with school, I'm sure you'll do better next quarter/semester

Offline ztrumpet

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #261 on: November 22, 2010, 03:54:05 pm »
I hope everything gets better!  Good luck. :)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #262 on: November 22, 2010, 03:58:02 pm »
go to the police.  or something.  Beating an adult (if you are >= 18) is a crime (then again, beating anyone is a crime, but as an adult you can have more say over the case).  Good luck with school, I'm sure you'll do better next quarter/semester
Well he isn't adult yet but I am certain there is protection for minor people in USA too. In Quebec it was called something like Youth Protection Society and some parents who abuse their kids/mistreat them can get them taken away. The kids end up at the youth protection center and sometimes are put in another family for those kids.


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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #263 on: November 22, 2010, 04:55:58 pm »
oh, I thought he was like 18.  But yeah, there ARE youth protection things here

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #264 on: November 22, 2010, 11:28:03 pm »
Oh I just checked his forum profile and I remembered he said he was 15 or something on IRC back in April. His parents reminds me Shmibs' and SirCmpwn's...

Offline JustCause

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #265 on: November 29, 2010, 10:09:33 am »
Some fun Q&A for you guys.

Whoa! It's JustCause! Where were you for the past few days?
Sadly, I can only get on Omni during school hours. Thanksgiving vacation meant that I was cut off for a few days.

Did your dad kill you?
No. Actually, we've reconciled (somewhat). Maybe his strict parenting style has something to do with the fact that he's a self-made man who grew up in inner Chicago with a Republican Catholic cop for a father, then went into the military despite the exact same bone defect that I had, used it to pay for college, and recently made it through three grueling years of law school. He doesn't have much patience for people with (what he sees as) lacking work ethic: of course, he holds people to the same standards he holds himself, which means almost no one measures up. (He's also not too bad at NFS Hot Pursuit.)
All jokes aside, he's a good man and I respect him, despite his temper. I really appreciate all the support you guys have offered up, and I do have the DCFS number memorized if I ever need to use it again. (That's right, it has come up before.)

So do you have an update for us?

Did you do any coding over break?

Are you giving up the project?
NO! I've simply decided to stick with things I know I can code for right now, which means I'll be making the switch over the next couple days to a different buffer system: I'll be ORing both buffers onto the screen and using nondestructive sprites like Builderboy suggested, in order to allow for non-colliding text and backgrounds. I'll also be adding a variety of static features with simple collision detection: features like, to use Portal 2 examples, Aerial Faith Plates and Excursion Funnels.

Where's that upload rush you promised?
Standard procedure. All updates must always take 3-5 days longer than expected to be delivered.

Would you, by any chance, happen to have bought an epic Mario hoodie yesterday?
Yes! How did you know?
« Last Edit: November 29, 2010, 10:11:49 am by JustCause »
See you, space cowboy...

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #266 on: November 29, 2010, 05:19:32 pm »
Ah glad he isn't that bad after all. I remember you were not gonna be around until Monday but I wasn't sure if anything wrong would happen. I heard horror parent stories in the past from forum members. X.x

I hope the project stays alive, though. It would suck if it died. Anyway good luck with everything and the game. :)

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #267 on: November 29, 2010, 05:29:07 pm »
Why didn't you go to Portugal and warn ScoutDavid that you couldn't come and made him very sad?

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #268 on: November 30, 2010, 01:00:50 am »
Lol ScoutDavid. Do you want to pay his flight? ;D

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Re: My First Quantum Translocator
« Reply #269 on: November 30, 2010, 02:26:36 am »
Quote from: justcause
Would you, by any chance, happen to have bought an epic Mario hoodie yesterday?
Yes! How did you know?
wonderful clothing makes everything better! tonight i ordered this shirt, although i was a little sad about not being fast enough to catch this one

anyways, don't worry about pushing yourself to update things. work on the stuff for which you have deadlines first. you don't want to end up like me, do you? XD