i saw people were posting sprite makers etc, so i decided to upload the one i made a little while back and generally use for spriting:
yes, the gray isnt all purty, and (although i havent tried) will probably give you a seizure when run on an 83+, but this originally just for personal use so i didnt bother. the gray quality is only important IN THE GAME, so who cares, right?
this stores the sprites directly to the graph screen(light gray on the left, dark on the right, both black, none white), and thus a bit of preparation is required to be able to salvage your sprites afterwards. to make sure it will work first check that your axes are off, your window is set to 0,94 -62,0 and you have just executed an os drawing routine of some kind that draws to the drawing screen buffer. if anyone is actually interested, i might make a basic program which does this for you and can translate the resulting data into hex. also, right now there is nothing preventing things from moving off screen(similarly because i made this for personal use) so just avoid doing it. again, i might change this if anybody actually cares.
on the sprite sheet:
2nd overwrites the stored data with the data of the currently highlighted sprite
alpha opens the stored data in the sprite drawer for the highlighted sprite
clear exits the prog
in the sprite drawer
the top buttons (y=, etc) are, left to right:
black, dark gray, light gray, white, clear sprite(no rotations/inversions or anything right now for the same reason as stated in previous parenthetical statements)
up/down/left/right(still duh)
2nd confirms and draws the stored data to the sprite sheet, mode keeps the data, but does not draw it
clear exits the prog
when on the sprite sheet, a preview sprite of the highlighted is displayed in the top right corner(or left, if the cursor is on the rightmost side)
in order to copy/paste sprites simply press 2nd-mode over the sprite to be copied and alpha-2nd over an empty slot.
source included if anyone wants it