Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI Z80 => Topic started by: necro on March 25, 2006, 08:38:00 pm
This is well under way, and quite close to is a overhead scrolling puzzle game made with xlib and it features numerous items and enviromental stuff to interact with.
+finish the HUD
+map maker-In Progress
+credits, title screen, readme
+ grassy floor: walk on, no atributes
+ tiled floor: walk on, no atributes
+ plain floor: walk on, no atributes
+ filled hole: walk on, no atributes
+ pressed button: walk on, no atributes
+ large block: can push, will fall into holes, knows what tile it is on, can hide something under it, when pused into a hole it will fill it up, if would land on something other than a grassy/tiled/plain floor or hole it doesn't move and acts as a wall
+ small rock:can push, will fall into holes, knows what tile it is on, can hide something under it, if would land on something other than a grassy/tiled/plain floor or hole it doesn't move and acts as a wall
+ hole: acts as a wall, when a rock is pushed into it it will become a filled hole, will make destroy rocks pused into it
+ normal key: collect up to 9, opens gates
+ orb: CANCLED
+ unopened chest: CANCLED
+ opened chest: CANCLED
+ opened gate:walk on, no atributes
+ closed gate: open with a key
+ opened door:walk on, when switching will close
+ closed door:acts as wall, when switching will open
+ wall switch on: walk on, when switching will become off
+ one time wall switch on: will become a perma off wall witch when switched
+ infinite press wall switch on: will remain a infinte switch when hit
+off switch: acts as a wall, when switching will become on
+perma off switch: just acts as a wall
+brick wall: wall
+top of a wall: wall
+floor button: becomes a pused button, switches
+exit:wins a level, starts a nwe one
+teleporter: teleport you anywhere on the curent map
+gloves: CANCLED
+skeleton key: CANCLED
+wings: CANCLED
01:Square room
This sounds like a nice project, keep it up!
wow nice make sure you back up the whole thing sometimes though in case something happens (*xlibman
Indeed it is, but I am pondering if perhaps I should combine this with a few other games to make a game pack and bundle them in BB. If a prog is run from bb, how much ram does bb itself take up and how much does it give you to use? The whole game engine is under a thousand bytes right now and will be optimised how would I be limmited memory wise for levels and such. Also, I might want to save the actual picture data in one of the BB pic files and save it to pic 125 as a temp so I don't overwrite people's stuff and all...but I don't know what kind of problems that'd cause. And of course, I'd like to let external levels be made for it some how.
I just discovered I can have a stack of items -9 of up to nine items...for example, push block of and find a rock, push the rock and find another rock, push that one to get a key with a regular floor under it.
wow... that
Sounds great, I hope to see a ss or demo soon!
that whole dynamic is intirely accidental and I love it...I hope to get it done soon too... (to much school work right now)
Well, I'll finish the engine this week (spring break) I just added a few things like optimised teleporters, "spiners"(they move you 90 degrees left or right of the direction you headed and switch orientation), and made doors able to require multiple keys. Going to add save spots and a room manager soon.
Great, I hope to see this soon! Enjoy your spring break!
me 2! Sounds really cool, so will it basically be a puzzle game?
Dragon_Lance: If you read the name of the game, you'd know.
Necro: Great, I hope you'll finish it soon!
sound cool necro I hope to see this finished soon ^^
how fast does it run so far?