Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI Z80 => Topic started by: {AP} on October 15, 2008, 10:13:38 pm
This is a RPG made completely with BASIC and xLIB.
It's currently compatible with the z80 series (only fully tested on the 83+, 84+ SE, and nSPIRE though).
I don't plan on making it for the more advanced series... mostly because I'd have to learn a new language.
Anyway, it has 4 basic classes, 12 advanced classes, 5 races, 4 stats, 20+ creatures, no level cap, a few items, sprited map, and well... a lot more.
Due to the popularity of "screenshots", here's one:
Objectives | Percent |
Town | 100% |
Battle System | 50% |
Items | 75% |
Weapons/Armor | 0% |
Classes | 80% |
Monsters | 99% |
Quests | 0% |
World | 0% |
On the immediate list of things to do, I have the following:
- Fully graphical battle system. (main issue here is making the sprites, which, despite making all the one for the town, is really difficult for me)
- Abilities for classes
- Reworking of the stats system, make it slightly more complicated and capable of more customization.
- Graphical dungeon-like areas with random encounters instead of the current set-up.
- Weapons and armor (might never be implemented, depends on how the abilities and stats work out later)
- Quests (definitely needed to be added after the graphical dungeons)
Attached is the zip folder with the programs and pictures needed. Readme included.
Please, before you ask questions, read the readme.txt file.
Heya, nice to see you still do calc stuff, sorry to hear about the loss of your project though. I'm unsure but I think I had two versions of the project I think, however I lost one of them and the one I'm about to send you via PM is the only one I could find on my computer, dating from January 15th 2008 it seems. (*at this point of writing this post it's sent now*)
And yes it,s the right forum section, I used the same sections from the old forums on Invisionfree so people are a bit familiar (altough the forum system is totally different obviously).
I'm gonna use this post as an online version of the readme file.
_____ ____
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/___/ \_____/ |__| /_/\_\ /_/\_\ |_|\_\
-1. Updates, etc.
12/06/07 - Uploaded demo first. v0.1
12/07/07 - Made optimizations, faster and more compact. v0.2
12/10/07 - More optimizations, added mages classes and lots of mage related things. v0.5
12/11/07 - More optimizations, more graphical, training revamp. v0.6
01/15/08 - xLIB'd it.
10/16/08 - Fixed some glitches.
0. Intro/Install
Nyaar is an RPG I've been working on for some time now. It's my first REAL attempt at one, and I'm proud.
It does get a little monotonous but with the classes and races available, it's a new character every time.
Currently unknown... with archiving/unarchiving and the lists/matrices... it varies.
10-13k max unarchived memory estimation
*Pics are archived and unarchived when needed. (Title screen/game over screen)
Same for ASHOP and ABATTLE.
Make sure you have the following programs/pics unarchived:
These need to be archived:
Also, theses variables are used, so if you have any permanent data on there, back it up:
Matrix B
To run the game, just start program ARPG.
1. Basics
It's fairly simple, start a new game (hit [WINDOW] on the title screen), pick a class, pick a race, and go.
Pressing [ENTER] when in the character sheet on any page will send you back to options.
[LEFT ARROW] or [RIGHT ARROW] to navigate the character sheet pages.
Move through the town like normal.
I: Inn
S: Shop
T: Town Hall
Opening at bottom: To battle
Press [MODE]: Options
Press [ENTER]: Go in doors
2. Options
Self explanatory. Except cheat... it's used to go directly to lvl 5 (nearly 6).
Just fight a level 1 creature afterwards and you'll go through the level ups.
It's only in the demo to test out the branched classes. (more explanation soon.)
(Note: Trying to load a file that has no saved data on it WILL result in an error... I'll fix that later.)
3. Shop/Inn
First, press [ENTER] at the spot in front of the shop/inn keeper.
The rest is self-explanatory.
When you press [ENTER] on a item, a box will appear in the lower-right corner. Press [UP ARROW] or [DOWN ARROW] to pick the number of the item to buy.
4. Battle
VERY simple. Press [1] to Attack, it'll display your result, then clear it, display enemies' result, clear it, then go back to press the button. Currently, if you rapidly tap the [1] button, it'll attack multiple times before allowing your input again. I tried to fix it but to no avail... just avoid being TOO hasty.
Press [3] to use any of your items. It'll tell you all you need to know.
Pressing [2] does nothing unless you're a Mage class. From there, you can pick your spell to cast, information on the spells is included in section 6.
After battle, you'll gain EXP and gold from the creature and possibly level up.
If you do, you go to a screen where you have available stat points. Just press the number corresponding to the stat you want to go up.
5. Stats
HP - Your life
Atk - Determines damage.
Def - Determines how much you're hit for.
Spd - Determines how often you and your enemy hit.
6. Classes
Basic fighter, even stats, more HP than the other base classes.
Available Races: All
- Paladin
- A balanced warrior focused in having a HIGH HP stat. Longevity wins wars they say...
- Dark Knight
- A warrior focused in pure damage. Thrived to kill before being killed. The best defense is a good offense.
- Aura Knight
- A warrior focused on absorbing damage and slowly dealing it back. Can never be as damaging as the Dark Knight but can last much longer.
Basic speedy little guy. High speed, decent damage, little defense. He's nothing special now... but just wait.
Available Races: Human, Ogre, Troll, Elf
- Dual Blades
- Strikes twice per turn, but each attack is a good deal weaker. Though, with balanced stats, good Atk potential, and little chance to not do at least SOME damage... he makes for an effective character.
- Archer
- They hit. A lot. Their Spd is unmatched. So expect your opponent to miss often as well. Still, they are a little squishy but with a good Atk they can beatdown before being beatdown often.
- Assassin
- They're fairly Spd~y and have good Atk... their real power comes from their chance to Crit. Occasionally, (depending on their Spd) they'll do x2 damage for a pretty massive blow.
Decent class. All around balanced. They're nothing special til they Class Up! though.
Available Races: Human, Troll, Elf
- Vamp
- They use a slightly superior Atk and Spd to hit their opponents hard and fast. With every successful hit comes some of the enemies HP to you. You're not impossible to kill, but you'll rival the Aura Knight and Paladin in long fights.
(Note: The HP bar is a little buggy when gaining life through Vamp. You still gain the life, your bar just won't show it til you get hit or use a potion.)
- Reaper
- You have below average stats in comparison... but that's not too important to you. You have control over life and death itself. When the time comes in battle, you'll randomly instantly kill your opponent. Nothing like laughing at an opponent 5 levels higher than you. Just don't laugh too long or you'll be dead before you know it.
- Zombie
- You're a little slow, but you strike fear in the hearts of your enemies still (somehow). Occasionally, your hits will stun your opponent making them give up their turn. Helpless enemies are the best!
Simple class. Decent all-around stats. They can magically poke their enemies to death and focus to magically poke better than before.
Spell List:
Magical Poke - Normal attack.
Focus - 100% accuracy (EOB)
- Fire Mage
- They focus on dealing damage. A lot and fast. Ironically, they can't take much.
Spell List:
Microwaves - Normal attack.
Fire Sheild - Deals some damage to enemy when you're hit. (EOB)
Meteor of DOOM - x3 damage!
- Air Mage
- Even stats across the board. Weilds the power of electricity to shock his foes.
Spell List:
Shock - Normal attack
Static Shield - increases damage from a shock attack and absorbs some damage. (EOB)
Shocky Tornado - x2 damage! 1/4 chance to stun!
- Water Mage
- Defensive caster. Weathers their opponent away while being protected.
Spell List:
Snowball - Normal attack.
Wall of Water - Absorbs damage. More than static sheild. (EOB)
Snowfort - Increases power of snowball attack, 100% accuracy, and some defense. (EOB)
(*EOB is 'until End of Battle')
Class Up!
At level 5, you'll be able to go to one of the branch classes and obtain your true power.
Simply pick what you want and it's done! (I may implement some kind of challenge later...)
7. Races
These will determine how your character starts out entirely which could affect your future as the class you choose.
There are currently 6.
Average class. Balanced stats. Can be any class it wants. Just like all other RPGs.
They're hard as a rock... er... are a rock. Def like none other.
Goes on violent rampages. Constantly. No Def to speak of, but his damage is unmatched.
They live for-freaking-ever! HP is what they have... and ALOT of it. Though they lack in all other stats as a result.
Spd. That's what they are. They hit and dodge like crazy. Decent Atk and low Def.
A more magical equivilant to the Ogre. High mag, good spd, and low of def and HP.
8. Other Notes
Well, that's all that comes in mind for now.
Contact {AP} on or use one of these:
YIM - cb_anarchy
MSN - [email protected]
E-mail - [email protected]
I'm open to comments, criticism, and any help you provide.
Cool, btw I didn't checked correctly, but was this version using xLIB? If I remember, I think you were planning to switch to xLIB at one point but I don't remember if it was that version. Since a lot of demos doesn't come with xLIB I wasn't sure anymore
It's the xLIB version.
Though, there were some errors that I had to fix.
I'll get the fixed version and some information into this topic before tonight is over.
*sigh* So much work to do until my vision is complete.
Also, I've upgraded to TI 84+ SE since then so I might have issues memory-wise when it comes to people with 83+.
The game, as it is, has been tested and works fully with TI 83+ through TI 84+ SE and the TI nSPIRE with the 84+ SE keyboard.
Hate to have to bump the topic... but please check the first post now.
Download, information, and screenshot finally added.
Sweet looks good, I will have to check it out.
That looks pretty cool. I like that there's a "CHEAT" option. ;D
cool so far, keep it up!
Oh yeah, [CHEAT] gives you enough experience to hit level 5 if you're below that amount of experience.
It's for quickly testing out the advanced classes.
You 'class up' at level 5. =P
I may have said this in the readme... not sure. >_>
Hey! I remember this from the old forums. Nice to see you're still working on it. Previous demo was all BASIC if i remember right. Ill give this a look when i get a chance. Oh and welcome to the new forums BTW ^_^.
Looks nice for what's done at the moment. I like what I'm seeing. Can't wait to see if Celtic III will render it the same way :)
( if you're wondering what Celtic III is, inquire within :D )
Please do continue to work on the game. It appears promising.
Hey! I remember this from the old forums. Nice to see you're still working on it. Previous demo was all BASIC if i remember right. Ill give this a look when i get a chance. Oh and welcome to the new forums BTW ^_^.
Yeah, all basic. I believe I had the xLIB version up not too long after... but even then it's all basic at heart. =P
Anyway, I'm not sure what I should get done next...
On the immediate list of things to do, I have the following:
- Fully graphical battle system. (main issue here is making the sprites, which, despite making all the one for the town, is really difficult for me)
- Abilities for classes
- Reworking of the stats system, make it slightly more complicated and capable of more customization.
- Graphical dungeon-like areas with random encounters instead of the current set-up.
- Weapons and armor (might never be implemented, depends on how the abilities and stats work out later)
- Quests (definitely needed to be added after the graphical dungeons)
I'll be adding this list to the first post now.
Looks nice for what's done at the moment. I like what I'm seeing. Can't wait to see if Celtic III will render it the same way Smiley
( if you're wondering what Celtic III is, inquire within)
No clue what that is... but glad to know that my current work is now a standard for another's! =D
Cool, as for Celtic it's an app that has new functionality than xlib but keeps the entire backward compatibilty with xlib app and Omnimaga sprite(/execasm( functions too. So far there are still some issues to be addressed but it's starting to have a quite good backward compatibility. In Metroid II the only difference is that room to room scrolling animation when going through hatches is about 4x faster and the 3rd boss doesn't clip properly when going outside the screen to the left. THere were also some minor display bugs with acid
Cool, as for Celtic it's an app that has new functionality than xlib but keeps the entire backward compatibilty with xlib app and Omnimaga sprite(/execasm( functions too.
Er... u mean Omnicalc's sprite(/execasm(functions. ;D Lol.
;.; I am starting to confuse both myself too ;.;
2 years ago, everyone called Omnicalc Omnimaga and Omnimaga Omnicalc XD
wow really looks nice!
Thanks everyone!
Sorry for the long wait in updates on my progress... I have a lot going on in life at the moment.
I have a bit of progress so far.
I'm optimizing the HUD for the game. (making it prettier and faster)
I plan on making a more fancy menu than the Menu( function too... I decided that I don't care about the space difference on that part.
Also, designing maps and getting my battle system ready for a major graphical upgrade.
You can also help out by checking the Ideas and Help ( topic.
I'll be posting some more things I could use your opinion on there.
this is getting promising more and more. (>^.^)>
Thanks for the encouragement!
I'm having an issue...
The first time I hit "Back" while in a shop... the screen is blank until I move.
As you can see in the image.
But after the first time, it works fine.
I can't for the life of me see how it won't work right that first time.
I'm thinking it's an xLIB glitch in the LCD thing... but I can't work around it for some reason.
Also, as you can see, I've moved to an 8x8 windowed map that will have dynamic character information in that side box.
It's going much faster now too because of it. =D
(Excuse the seeming slowness in movement, I'm slow at clicking the arrows... @_@)
mhmm good question, are you sure you are updating the LCD the first time you hit back? Maybe you should post the code
I wonder if with smaller maps (8x8) scrolling would be doable since it's faster?
Well, I don't see how it's just going through the EXACT same code and the first time through there's an issue.
All I'm doing is recalling a pic then it goes back to it's normal cycling through the movement/map updating routine.
(I use a pic of the store right when you hit enter before the menu comes up. Then I recall it to get rid of the menu since [due to placement of the menu] it's be harder and take more code to draw over it.)
Here's another mystery. If I go to the Stats screen before going to the store, afterwards the store works like it's supposed to on the first visit.
Though, I have to visit it each time I start the program up before I visit the store.
This is even MORE strange due to the fact that the Stats screen is nothing but the Line( and Text( functions.
So, I have no idea what's going on.
(EDIT: Scrolling IS in fact much faster and it's just as easily doable. The reason? I don't use the scroll xLIB function. My movement system involves reloading the map and character repeatedly. Which, surprisingly, takes no time at all and is a much faster method. I'll post some xLIB code snippets and such in another topic later. I've come up with some cool things using xLIB. ;P)
oh when I did the tilemapper for my cancelled scrolling grayscale tilemap engine I only used real(2 as well. I think it's the fastest way because else you need to check if it's the bottom of the screen that needs to be display or if it's the top, left, right and it takes more space.
for the shop problem, are you sure you do a ClrDraw:Dispgraph:Real(0 at the program launch? Sometimes omiting the first part, especially the Dispgraph, will cause some problems. It's a bug with ever single ASM utilities for BASIC programmers involving graph screen display, except Omnicalc.
I actually fixed the issue another way... but what's Dispgraph?
I've never seen it before.
How I did it is I just have it draw a 2 pixel long line and clear it at the beginning of the shop program.
Somehow... it works. O.o
dispgraph kinda forces the calc to display the graph screen. Disphome display the home screen. It's under PRGM/I/O I think
That way, you won't have to draw that "2 pixel long" line anymore...
i still remember the days before I found out about what DispHome does, I used to do Output(1,1,"" to switch to home screen without erasing anything. Same thing used to get rid of the "Done" message when quitting programs
what size are the enemy graphics?
The characters and enemies will be 16x16.
But... you're helping?
Unexpected, but highly welcome! =D
You can PM me more more details of what's needed, if you want. =P
...I can whip up 16X16 with ease
Thanks, necro.
I'll get to PMing you with a list eventually... >_<
I have a bit of news with the game.
I reformatted and optimized the HUD.
Now, the stats and menu appear on a side bar with a 8x8 tile window for the map.
All you have to do is hit [MODE] to cycle through the information. (I'll be adding more pages to the cycle later)
Every option except the inventory (in town) works.
Anyway, here:
nice job with the RPG. I'll be keeping an eye on your project as well ^_^
I like the HUD. It reminds me Illusiat 6 a lot. Brings me back old memories
Haha, thanks guys!
Well, next is the battle system... I can't continue with the game without doing it.
Just need some sprites. (my fault on this one... necro could have made me some by now... but I've been indecisive.)
I can't decide whether to continue on with these ridiculous creatures (which my be hard to draw or just plain inappropriate) or to get a little bit more serious with them.
Eh, I'll most likely do the latter. Just have to make a new creature list.
Anyway... get ready for the new battle system!
Oh... and here's a preview of the bottom part of the battle screen. =D
if you give me a few guideline with creatures, maybe i can help you out with that.
wow awesome looking HUD
would something along this line work?
I like the art!
But actually, there will be an enemy facing left on the right side of the screen, and a sprite for your class on the left side facing the right.
I'll be doing animation for attacks and the like as well.
You only have to do as much as you like (keep the phantom idea though, I like it).
(EDIT: Because I feel like my explanation above was crap... here's a visual.
I'll definitely have the list some time today for you. >_< (once again, sorry about that)
ahh! kind of like a final fantasy game.
actually, i toyed with an ff engine once that wasnt turned based, but rather speed-based, like a lot of ff games.
Yeah, kinda.
I'd do something speed-based, but that only works well in a team system.
Not in a 1-on-1 system.
well, of course. i would hate to fight one-on-one with someone faster than me.
Yeah Illusiat was speed based, altough action stopped during not only the magic/item menus but commands as well (except Illusiat 10). For the later games it wasn't too bad but in early games there were enemies that could attack 5 times in one turn or vice versa
rat, another rat, rat, a rat, ratfolk with sword, slime
phantom, skeleton, rouge, thief, zombie, goblin with two swords
rabit, musheroom, bee, wolf, wizard, skull
Wow... you're amazing! =D
Thanks SO much!
I'll get to adding them after school and then start on the new system.
imagine if pokemon was speed based o_0
Mewtwo would be over 9000
Rapidash would always win.
baton-passing ninjask with swords dance, and you're in a heap of trouble when snorlax, metagross, or slaking comes out >_<
Wouldn't happen... in a speed-based system, Ninjask's ability wouldn't work. Can't speed boost each turn without any turns.
Even if you could, with the constant speed increase each 'turn' your opponent could never go.
It'd be flawed beyond belief. They'd have to get rid of his ability.
eh, they'd just rebalance the stats and moves
actually, this is starting to sound cool to me. speed-based pokemon. feasible? maybe ill try when im over and done with this project, if that happens.
actually, this is starting to sound cool to me. speed-based pokemon. feasible? maybe ill try when im over and done with this project, if that happens.
People who play Pokemon already catch hell from everyone else. What do you think they'll do to us if we gotta be high when we play?
Well... I had some progress done on the new battle system...
But some asshole reset my memory.
Fortunately, I have up-to-date versions of my game on the computer.
Though, the new battle system has to be done all over again.
Not to mention that the rest of my day sucked horribly.
Needless to say, I don't think I'll have any updates until Sunday. (and that's if everything else goes okay for now)
actually, this is starting to sound cool to me. speed-based pokemon. feasible? maybe ill try when im over and done with this project, if that happens.
People who play Pokemon already catch hell from everyone else. What do you think they'll do to us if we gotta be high when we play?
i dunno. aint my problem.
For a speed-based game, try what FFX did. It was sorta turn-based but then again, there's a speed element associated with who went when. I loved how I got Tidus to have his turn thirteen times before ANYONE else got their turn. The enemy's turn didn't even show up in the sidebar.
Such a system would be easy to do. It would be incredible if you also had a sidebar to tell in advance who would go when.
I've never played FFX, but is it like the turns in Chrono Trigger?
it's like in The Reign Of Legends series (on calc). Basically like FFIV through FFIX in wait mode but battle action stops completly not only when browsing the magic/item/skills menus, but also on the main battle commands menu as well as when someone attacks.
it's like in The Reign Of Legends series (on calc). Basically like FFIV through FFIX in wait mode but battle action stops completly not only when browsing the magic/item/skills menus, but also on the main battle commands menu as well as when someone attacks.
So battle action stops completely whenever anything (except for waiting) is happening?
random thought: It would be nice if battle/turn system from Hoshigami (the coolest, best, most awesome game ever created) could be used in some other game. I wonder how feasible a board-type RPG would be on-calc...
i liked twewy's battle system, primarily. it's a little beyond the scope of the TI, though i may be abole to work something out with the tile-based battle system. i was inspired by joshua's godawesomeness with his cell phone.
Jesus Beam sent for the epic WIN!
it's like in The Reign Of Legends series (on calc). Basically like FFIV through FFIX in wait mode but battle action stops completly not only when browsing the magic/item/skills menus, but also on the main battle commands menu as well as when someone attacks.
So battle action stops completely whenever anything (except for waiting) is happening?
random thought: It would be nice if battle/turn system from Hoshigami (the coolest, best, most awesome game ever created) could be used in some other game. I wonder how feasible a board-type RPG would be on-calc...
yeah that's what I mean. Everything stops when something happens or when you have to enter a command. Time only progresses when it's no one's turn to attack
As interesting of a conversation as this has been... do you guys mind taking it to an appropriate topic?
It sort of has nothing to do with my game. >_>
well post progress ^.^ that's what we are waiting for ^.^
(knowing you are supposed to release the entire game wednesday)
indeed. it MUST be your fault, {AP}!
Well... I had some progress done on the new battle system...
But some asshole reset my memory.
Fortunately, I have up-to-date versions of my game on the computer.
Though, the new battle system has to be done all over again.
Not to mention that the rest of my day sucked horribly.
Needless to say, I don't think I'll have any updates until Sunday. (and that's if everything else goes okay for now)
Um... yeah... that was said earlier.
But, everyone went on with their conversation.
I'm SORRY that I have a life and that complications arise.
(EDIT: Sorry about the mood. A whole lot of crap happened to me today.)
no problem in my case. im just a little eager about your own game.
ok glad I saw your edit, I was gonna PM you and delete the post afterward x.x. I also had my banhammer ready (j/k not that extreme, it would take more incidents for it to happen :P)
I was just joking btw, we tend to go offtopic around there, but that's usually common in project sub forums on TI boards when they get inactive. A big example is the Metroid sub-forum at, which even had to be locked :P
Btw I missed the post you re-quoted, I'M sorry about the ram clear. Some people are dumb, I'M glad you got a backup though. Personally at school I sometimes kept my calc on the desk when going to go see the teacher but rarely. The rest of the time it was always in my pocket, but nowadays they no longer do jeans/pants with huge pockets like in the "Yo"/army pants fashion days so that's more of a challenge, especially if you got a TI-84, which is ticker. I took big chances when leaving it on my desktop because I always had a game in progress (Illusiat, ROL series, etc)
Eh... I over-reacted a bit.
My day was freakin' HORRIBLE... I was about to kill a kid in the middle of class. (not the same person that cleared my RAM, though I don't wanna talk about it)
Worst part of the RAM clear was that I was letting the person borrow it for math homework...
Yeah... last time I help someone at school.
As for progress... I'm working heavily on the battle system.
I'd have more done, but I'm chilling with my GF.
For now, I just have it displaying the sprites properly, selecting options work, and you attacking works.
Still a lot to go.
I'll have most of it done tomorrow though.
i tend to not help people much anymore as usually afterward they just throw shit at me when they no longer need me. Also I remember once I beaten down someone with a flute right during a class because he kept harrassing me as well as other people, but he was one of the worst and during that class he did it until I blow up. However that class was so horrible by the fact it had about 20-25 bullies (including girls) out of 28 students (I was in the unfortunate 3-5 that weren't) that I ended up not having any suspension/punishment, same for the other guy, just a talk with the principal. At 4 PM the other guy waited for me with two other friends though (altough I got able to escape). Another time this almost happened again a few months later but the teacher yelled at the guy and expelled him from the classroom.
Anyway I can't wait for screenies, I understand about life though. Sometimes I get scared though because back in the days I remember I had staff that suddently vanished for like 2-3 months without ever visiting the board at all, yet they were still posting on other forums so I felt there was no more loyality from TI users x.x. Heck, once I hired a staff and he vanished the day after his hiring. I never saw him again since then, even on UTI :P
I know the feeling...
Also, don't worry about me leaving.
I don't plan on it anytime soon... and when I do leave...
I'll tell you guys.
Unless I die. Can't do anything about that.
lol true x.x, or grounding or suddent internet access being cut for any reason or computer trouble. I often got my calc taken away for using it too much back then x.x
That last one hasn't happened yet... but the first ones happen all too often.
Anyway... I'll at least have a screenie sometime tomorrow.
For now, I sleep.
Good night, Omnimaga. (the site as a whole, not just you... you should fix that somehow... it gets confusing)
Everyone knows me by DJ Omnimaga by now. I don't see how my nickname is that confusing. Most people know Omnimaga is a website and that I am DJ Omnimaga. Also it's clear that if you hear DJ Omnimaga over here it's the admin. Plus I don't plan to change my nick just to please a few people. I wonder why people are so much complaining about everything I do and how I run the site lately (both on IRC and forums)? I could just delete my account altogether then it would no longer be confusing and I would not risk of continuing doing everything wrong as it seems like so. You would still have the site, I would just be gone forever except my old posts. Personally I wonder why I bother anymore with the TI community, I would be better at my other site, where people don't criticise everything I do like here and on #omnimaga.
I'm fine with your name, if that helps any. :P
Personally I wonder why I bother anymore with the TI community, I would be better at my other site, where people don't criticise everything I do like here and on #omnimaga.
Your other site?
@AP hope you didn't loose too much to much progress, I hate when things like that happen. X_X
At least it's the weekend now though! :)
Personally I wonder why I bother anymore with the TI community, I would be better at my other site, where people don't criticise everything I do like here and on #omnimaga.
Your other site?
this one (
At least I am happy that on the new Omnimaga site I don't need to do that much moderating anymore. I did on IRC but this was with people who alerady have or now have very little influence on our community (if they even have any involvement with calcs at all). There's only that complaining about stupid things stuff that still seems to be arising again. Oh well, I guess November/December is the time where people usually get bitter (sometimes January too)
And there's lot of projects progressing so it can help on the mood I guess
ive been at omnimaga one week. i LIKE omnimaga!
Sorry, DJ Omnimaga.
Didn't know that you'd blow up about it.
Oh, and I doubt I'll get anything up today.
I felt kinda bad about this incident and lost my will to program for the day.
I'll get something up tomorrow though.
Don't worry about it too much, it's just that I got through some quite hard times in the community and I was afraid of a repeat of events ._. I hope you get motivation back and be careful to your calc at school because it only take 2.16 seconds for someone to do a 2nd+712 <.< so if you looked at the window during a class for 2.17 seconds then you have a RAM/mem clear
It looks great so far ;D Hope you get your motivation back.
If all else fails, the possibility of being hit over the head with a big stick seems to motivate some people. Just say "when" ;)
Haha, no worries.
I'll be back into it by tomorrow.
I can sleep anything off.
I'll work on it a little bit tonight, but not enough to post any screenies.
Well... I have an Alpha version done...
Looks a little bleh right now.
I just have attacking, enemy attacking, exp and gold gain, and leveling working correctly.
(EDIT: Oh, and class special abilities work too.)
The animation hasn't been done yet.
The character sprite is temporary.
The numbers appear a little awkwardly...
Um... yeah. Major work in progress.
cool battles so far, are you planning some animations for now?
I'm thinking that the animations will be last.
I have to do the spell system and item system first.
Then, finally, I'll get the animations down.
Also, good news.
Thanksgiving holiday gives me Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday off.
So... the battle system will be complete and I'll have the start of the dungeon system by the time the 5 day weekend is over.
that's cool, I always forget Thanksgiving is that late in USA x.x. Over here it's the second monday of October. It's less busy in stores that way but still quite busier than other days (even where I work)
Hey lookin really good. I also have to say I'm quite impressed with the pace at which this is progressing. Great work! ;D ;D ;D
<offtopic>We need more emoticons... especially one that headbangs! :D If I can find some good ones is there a way i can add them?</offtopic>
*Edit*The character on the left hand side of the battle screen reminds me of the guards in Narshe from Final Fantasy VI.
i have a big bunch of emoticons from the old board but only the 2005 ones. I might re-add them when I have motivation to do it. When the old board will be back up I will download the missing ones from there. I think I will wait until then to be honest, since the old board also had the updated smiley codes. For now I could always add a few ones though and get rid of the shitty SMF default set
awesome job so far! i think with a little bit of imagination i could believe those are enemies!
lol jk
The battle screen looks awesome {AP}!
For now I could always add a few ones though and get rid of the shitty SMF default set
We need a thumbs-up smiley.
It's officially the start of my vacation!
To start off... I optimized a lot of my code and you can see a major difference.
Of course, the new battle system isn't finished yet.
Though, I still think I've done pretty good.
its been officially the start of my vacation for about 6 hours now, lol
Nice job on the optimizing. And glad you got vacations now. You can finish the game for this month. (j/k)
I can only hope so... >_<
Maybe a finished version will be Omnimaga's Christmas present?
Well, I couldn't sleep at all tonight... so I got some work done.
Albeit, it wasn't anything on my list of things to do... but it made things even more optimized and stylish.
In summary:
- Added an Inventory page into the menu cycle
- Got half of the battle inventory done
- Random creature generation done (picking from necro's sprites)
- Slightly better positioned exp and gold gained text
- Major upgrade to the level up system
- Minor speed issues during menus fixed (they were so fast that tapping down once usually made you go down twice)
- More optimization (in the form of the ZLEVEL subprogram)
- Oh... and I got rid of the Undead class and it's related classes. They were more complicated and space consuming than I felt like programming. Not to mention that the class didn't fit well into the game to me. Plus its upgrades were really overpowered if you allocated stats right.
SHIT! did it really scrolled that fast???? O.O it is on 84+/SE I assume? Nice speed so far and glad to still see it progressing nicely
Yes, it scrolled that fast everytime.
Though, you're right. It was on 84+ SE.
I'll probably take out the speed fixes for a 83+ port.
Though, I don't have the a TI 83+ to test out the original speed.
In any case, thanks for the support!
i could test it out for you, if you send me the menu bit.
I agree with DJ Omnimaga, the speed looks superb! Does the engine handle collison checking yet?
I'm also really liking the redone interface, only thing left is to ditch the TI-BASIC meuns for some customs. :D I also really like how you can decide how to allocate your stat points when you level up. Keep up the great work, this is really developing quite nicely.
Actually, it doesn't handle collisions at all.
Yet, it still doesn't let you move into walls or anything. (or go off the menu if you were talking about all my custom menu systems)
Ancient {AP} secret. ^_~
Also, it's actually a bit faster on my calc than my computer for some reason.
Oh, and as for the menus... they're only on the class/race selection and save/load.
My only problem with changing is the space it'd take up.
Still, I'll probably do so eventually... probably tonight actually... I don't plan on sleeping again.
One question though, should the player pick race or class first?
(EDIT: Second question... how many save files should be available (1-6) and should we be able to name them?)
(EDIT2: Got every item to work correctly. Next is to get the spells working for mages... or get the custom menus worked on. As soon as I get feedback on my last 2 questions.)
One question though, should the player pick race or class first?
(EDIT: Second question... how many save files should be available (1-6) and should we be able to name them?)
1/ Race first (it seems more logical that way)
2/ There should be 3 save files (I think that's enough for a calc) and should be nameable.
I'd like also to test the new version on the 83+ to check the scrolling speed.
3 save files if the game isn't split into chapters. 1 if it's split into chapters (I did the big mistake of having multiple save files in Illusiat 7,9,10,11, Mystique and Illusiat 12 and it's a huge chore to switch from a save file to another when you have multiple games saved across different chapters. Had to remember which chapter you were in and all
No problem!
I'll post a demo for each speed later tonight.
Also, I was thinking the same way for both questions, I just needed SOMEONES opinion.
That's the way I'll do it.
Once it's done, the previously mentioned demos will be out.
I want explanations, {AP}.
EDIT: j/k
I loved it so far. Menus are at nice speed on 83+. I didn't ended up moving twice everytime I pressed arrows and the game in overall ran quite fast. Only thing, don't forget to make it in shops so if you choose to buy 00 of an item it won't say "bought" and maybe increase the speed at which the damage points are displayed in battle (like, one second maybe)
Race then class. I'll test on my 83+ and my 83+ SE when I get a chance.
DJ Omnimaga, which version did you test out on the 83+?
Because, if it was the Nyaar v3 one, then that's the one with the fixes.
Also, if you tested out both, which do you prefer for the 83+?
(Oh, and for anyone who didn't notice, the downloads are in another topic ( in this subforum.
I dont remember what I downloaded but the folder was TI 83 Test. I think It was the 83+ one. Make sure to keep us updated tho because people might not notice the download updates since the post is just edited :)
Actually, I'll make new posts in the topic when I release a new one and maybe another post here to reinforce it.
Don't worry, one way or another, you'll know about the updates.
ok cool
So... I did some work in between being sick and stuffing my face with turkey and the like...
Save/Load system complete now.
Here's a screenie of the new character creation and save/load system.
That looks much better since you replace the menus. Nice. Still haven't had a chance to test it yet. I had to work 5:30 pm-11:30 pm and I go to work today at 4:45 am. Ill give them both a try tomorrow or saturday and give you some feedback. Hope you feel better. Oh and GET SOME FREAKIN SLEEP!!!
I like the new menus better indeed. I hope you feel better soon
Thanks, guys.
Yeah... I hope I get better soon... I miss eating. >_<
Maybe one day. ^_~
Though, it's cool that someone actually cares. =D
Still... if I sleep... I'll never get the animations done (or started even).
Ah, screw it... I'm going to bed.
I just tested the 83+ version. Even without the speed limitations, it is quite slow, but I guess you cant' do anything about it...
Hope you'll feel better soon!
The project looks great! I especially like the new battle design!
Hmm... one vote for 'Just Right' and one for 'Too Slow'.
I'll just try and make sure I have a normal and slowed down version available at all times for whoever needs it.
Well, all that I can do now is get to work on the animations.
AKA, a LOT of sprite work. I'm thinking 3-4 sprites per animation and 1 animations per creature.
Then I'll have 4 animations for each upgraded mage and 2 for the starting mage.
Only 1 for the rest of the classes though. (8)
So, 18 creatures + 8 + 4(3) + 2 = 36 animations
Multiply that be 3-4 and you get 108-144 sprites.
I'll be reusing some so that takes a bit away from the number.
My god... I never crunched the numbers before now... but this is gonna take a LONG time.
I didn't say it was too slow: I meant that compared to the 84+SE it was slow, but it has normal speed for a 83+.
i like the progress youve made, though. keep it up! =D
Up-to-date movie of gameplay.
(it's mostly made to show off at United-TI)
I've switched to Celtic III already.
It does everything I need it to right now. (except this bug with real(12) during the rename save file screen)
I now hide all programs except ANYAAR (to help decrease people screwing with things... and make your Prgm screen less crowded) and store save file information in one of the hidden programs.
I will be using Celtic for map storing done with the dungeon later.
Well... I'm going to have to get to animations soon... I guess I'll start drawing tomorrow.
why bother doing animations if you are going to have that many classes? You could just make the sprite move back then forward like in pokemon and then have a damage animation (like a line drawn across the enemy). If you added some tiles for the ground in battle itd be the best looking rpg on the 83. IMO, trying to do to much graphically tends to kill projects, and its realy not nescessary. Further, you might consider taking out the races unless they have a major effect on the game play, I mean, who would actualy be willing to sell stuff to an ogre rather than attack it. If the game is going to have quests and what not, and those quests will take a while to beat, then those quests should probably be the focus, not character customisation.
You have a point with the animations... I'll see what I should do. (I REALLY didn't want to draw that many anyway)
Also, races affect starting stats, plus it's a little more customization.
Still, you bring up a good point, especially since I have so many classes.
I'll think more on this tomorrow. (I'm half asleep right now)
Necro he might want the game to be a bit like Ultima, where you can almost do anything. In ULtima you can sell items/buy from people, talk to them and with the exact same merchants you can even fight them or rob them.
Maybe less classes but I think they are fine if they stay. Also for animations I would rather see some animations at least so the battle screen won't stay static completly (which would defeat the point of even showing your battle character at all)
This looks awesome {AP}!! (we're also missing the drool smiley)
Have you thought about having a background in the battle screen? I think you would just draw the pic, then draw the battle screen stuff over it.
So are you using Celtic III for everything? Are you just using the xLIB compatible functions or are you trying some of the newer commands that use det/identity?
@ Iambian (if you're reading): Celtic III could be very useful to many people. hint hint
Thank you! =D
1. Yes, I have. I just gotta draw the background first.
2. Yes, I am. Everything that used xLIB is the same, but I'm using det(0), det(5), and det(8) for things now. (no problems so far, except it not wanting to draw boxes under 8x8 sometimes)
As said before, all I use det() for right now is hiding programs and storing save file information.
actually we can alerady use Celtic III, but we have to wait before releasing our game until it's officially out and xlib compatibility isn't perfect so I recommend to wait if you're gonna use a lot of xLIB functions
celtic 3?
It's magic (
Actually, it can even be used alerady to play some xlib games. You will just get a lot of glitches with some. XXR ran fine. Super Mario Smash Dance had some display glitches when the 4th arrow displayed, Metroid II Evo/Exp only had problems with boss 3/secret boss clipping weirdly. I think the worst was Bowling, which had lot of glitches during scrolling backgrounds
Nyaar runs fine on it too. (it is doing it right now)
Honestly, it just had one issue with real(12 and that's it.
On another note... I think I'm going to temporarily stop working on Nyaar.
Only about a week. Maybe shorter.
Gotta get some stuff done, also... starting a new simple project.
Mostly as a learning experience, and as a test to see if I can do it.
I figure I should do a quick action game.
I noticed that I've always had my games highly turn-based... and I wanted to see if I could learn how to do a decent action game.
It'll probably help a lot with Nyaar later... but for now, I need to take a break from the game.
I'll have the current version downloadable in a bit. (which is fully playable now but requires Celtic III [which will be included in the zip file])
aah ok, just make sure to not stop for too long to not lose interest too much. One week should be fine though so you can pull off your upcoming grayscale raycaster with 45° directional movements using xLIB... j/k... I mean game. Keep up the good work :)
Thanks, mate.
No worries... a break from a certain game can help it a lot.
I won't lose interest in a 3 year investment.
I'll see this thing to the end.
I'll see this thing to the end.
Just keep in mind that the end shouldn't be a few years from now ;)
Good luck
Haha, no problem.
Yeah, I'm mostly taking a break from designing the dungeon system.
It's hard coming up with a way to:
- store randomly generated dungeons with randomly generated rooms in each for each time you create a new character
- have it keep up with which set of randomly generated dungeons/rooms is your characters
- progress through quests
- locations of your town portal (at all times)
- quests (and your progress through them)
- bosses
- ...etc (there's a lot going into this game)
On the bright side... once it's done... the engine can be used for later games.
what I meant as far as animations is that you could do something like this:
and it wouldn't require making more graphics, just move their positions on screen a bit and then add damage lines and magic effects and such. In my opinion at least, that seems like itd work
ooh yeah, like in the Reign Of Legends 4 (which never made it further than enemies/chars moving like this and the main menu being done x.x) this should be fine like this
*cough you should finish it cough* ;D Also, i think moving the enemy in response to a hit should be fine.
*edit* Simplethinker's post was within one second of mine! :o
It looks good ;D
no kamehameha beam attacks? o_0
I like the look, Necro.
I'll probably go for it until I finish the rest of the game.
Also, I'm sorry guys. I won't be programming again for a bit.
My whole life is about to get really... different.
I'll explain later. Anyway, I'm not abandoning Nyaar.
It's just delayed for awhile.
x.x I hope it isn't getting different in a bad way x.x
Believe it or not... PROGRESS!
I've picked this up again and, after realizing that random map generation was too annoying to mess with, decided on designing a world.
So, with the help of my friends, the world is coming along nicely.
It's still only being done on paper... but I'll get it to the calculator later.
Just letting you all know... that something is being done still.
random map generation just SOUNDS annoying.
I would prefer a world map instead of random maps, because it will take less time to load and usually they look better when generated by the human than randomly.Ã
Glad there's still progress though :)
random map generation just SOUNDS annoying.
I know... what the hell was I thinking?
Now, my only mild problem is that I worry that I'll start making the world too big and complicated.
Causing more space being taken than I'd like. (100+ 8x8 matrices takes up a LOT of space, albeit, all of it will be archived)
I'd have to agree with DJOmnimaga completely, Although I have seen some random dungeon games that were done really well. There is also the fact that designing a world is just so much more fun. ^_^
Yeah Metroid II Evolution maps were 85 KB total and there were about 270 stored matrices for them in archive (for a 300 maps). Heck, 90% of the entire game files were maps and pics XD
Glad to see you doing the map on paper, I am in the mist of rewriting some code of my projects and it is tedious doing it all on calc without a plan..
Yeah, paper is amazing. Especially graphing paper.
I usually plan out a lot on paper. Mostly things like where to place boxes and text on the screen and anything to do with mapping.
Other than that, I try to wing it.
the above posters love for paper cracks me up =P
well sometimes it's cool to not have to stare at a computer screen to write or read my pseudo code, game plan, storyline structure, etc. Easier on the eyes, especially for those who has CRT monitors like me, or worse, those who has old CRT monitors with a refresh rate of 50-60 Hz
Just to throw in my $0.02, Celtic III really starts to shine when you're trying to store a god-awful amount of map data. It contains some matrix to string conversions, along with the ability to read line-by-line the contents of a program. Conceivably, you could have an entire map on each line of a "data program" and use Celtic III to retrieve the information as you see fit. Of course, you'll have to store those matrices in your programs as a string (as you'd enter a matrix into the calculator)...
Though, if you start seeing unexpected behavior with any of those functions, I'll go ahead and look into the problem and (if necessary) release a revision in a relatively short order of time.
Sorry to hear that you've ditched the randomly-generated maps, though I would have to agree that the world map thing would probably suit the whole scheme a bit better. I'd think that randomly-generated maps should be reserved for bonus dungeons when the game doesn't revolve around randomly-generated everything. Keep up the good work, and let us all know of the progress you're making!
paper is nice to scribble down thoughts, and especialy to figure out how the math for things like collisions and placement should work.
glad to here your back to working on it, {ap}
well sometimes it's cool to not have to stare at a computer screen to write or read my pseudo code, game plan, storyline structure, etc. Easier on the eyes, especially for those who has CRT monitors like me, or worse, those who has old CRT monitors with a refresh rate of 50-60 Hz
oh, i completely agree. writing code on paper and optimizing it has a much different feel than on notepad, as well as distracting me from my classes. its where i programmed about ~40% of Pokemon. However, notepad is still quite convenient. i have loads of notes devoted to pokemon
if I was to add random dungeons in a RPG i made it would probably be chosen from sets of premade rooms, a bit like those in Mana Force 1, that way it would take less time to generate
It is alot eaiser to flesh things out on paper. Of course, I am a visual person so it may just be me.
As some mild news... I added Nyaar! v3 to ( (please vote! =D)
The link is:
It doesn't include anything new except a bug fix that now allows you to save properly.
The world map is still being worked on.
It'll (most likely) contain different zones for different level ranges and quests for each zone.
...Hopefully a story line too...
Bosses and dungeons as well...
New tiles in the making... maybe some puzzles too.
Um... a lot is gonna happen. This game will be EPIC. =D
awesome! I'll get this version asap :) I hope to see some more progress in the near future
me too.
Heh... well, I finally dusted off this project again.
With school easing up a little bit, my graphic artist for Eternity out-of-commission for now, and the need to get my mind off of my recent break-up... I decided I'd start working again.
The only progress I've made is fixing the 'LOAD' function that I didn't notice was not working and getting more of the world map sketched out.
Though... I've had to re-familiarize myself with the game's code so that took a bit of time.
In any case... Nyaar's not DEAD. Just... I've had WAY too much going on with life.
Hopefully, REAL progress is on way now though.
It's good to hear you're still working on this :) Programming is a good distraction, but it's also productive. As long as no one calls you a necro-poster it hasn't been too long since your last update :D
The only progress I've made is fixing the 'LOAD' function that I didn't notice was not working and getting more of the world map sketched out.
Though... I've had to re-familiarize myself with the game's code so that took a bit of time.
Better than me. After a month-long break from Chip's Challenge the only progress on the game itself was an updated to-do list.
nice to see new progress, will you post a screenshot of what you got for the world map so far (except of course spoilers)?
It's on paper... so... not yet.
I haven't gotten to making the programs to handle maps yet.
I am happy you started to work on this some more, and im sorry for the personal issues..I hope that you get some things settled in your life though.
Thanks, mate.
In any case... I was greeted with a "RAM Cleared" screen today.
It didn't kill EVERYTHING, but it's slowed me down...
Mostly having to redraw the new sprites onto the sprite sheet. (I forgot to StorePic the time I redid it today)
Otherwise, I'm having slight issues with the LINEREPLACE and LINEWRITE functions on Celtic III... so I'm having to rethink how I get the maps from String to Matrix. Otherwise, I'd be done with the majority of the world map calculator-side.
ouch this sucks, what caused the ram clear? Was it a misuse of a Celtic function?
Not ENTIRELY sure.
I was using Celtic III to test rendering the maps from another program.
Program: TEST (replace-line version)
Repeat X=0
Input "MAP? ",X
If X!=0
Program: MAP
All it was supposed to do is read the specified line (which was a written out matrix), then write to (or replace) a certain (empty to start out) line below the where it says to write (or replace) it.
Then it stores the answer there to the A matrix. Afterwards, it uses xlib's tilemap function (from Celtic III) to display it.
In any case, the first time is an error, second-fifth time was fine, then that 6th time cleared my RAM. (no, I didn't try reading empty lines or matrixes that weren't 8x8... I'd checked multiple times. Not sure why it PMS'd that time.)
I'm not sure what went wrong with your code, but the way you're doing it is kinda convoluted. The det(5 function returns the line as a string in Ans, so using "expr(Ans→[A]" will work just as well.
THAT'S the function I couldn't remember the name of!
Thanks, that ought to fix it.
LINEREPLACE and LINEWRITE have always had glitches for me... this will do a lot better.
I have not played with Celtic, might work with it someday and be able to help you ;)
I've been really sick all day... but I got something done so far.
All 12 maps (for the first zone outside, there will be more for caves and such) is now stored in a program.
It sucks typing out multiple 8x8 matrices... >_<
I'll do what I can to get a version up that can explore the new areas tonight.
I don't know if I'll be done enough by my standards though.
We'll see... if not tonight then definitely tomorrow.
I think you might like Draw'n'Map (see TI RPG programming tools archives) just backup first
It sucks typing out multiple 8x8 matrices... >_<
The matrix editor that comes with TI-connect is actually pretty nice (:o amazing that TI-Connect is useful for something, ain't it?). It only takes me a few minutes to create the 32x32 matrices for Chip's Challenge.
Draw n Map is nice, I just made my own back when xlib came in app form and adjusted it as my needs changed :P.
true, the only downside is that it doesn't support matrices under 12x8, which gave me a lot of trouble when working on Metroid II The Last Chozo Expansion Set
Yeah, well a simple modification could fix that ( or a few ). Is Draw N Map created my Nikacu?
I actually had a modified version that had 4 level grayscale support, but it was horribly slow and grayscale sucked on the non-SE model. I doubt I have this anymore
Draw'N'Map was made by Lolje and Spellshaper/Spelli. The image editor part was by Lolje and the map editor by Spellshaper
Yeah, I need 8x8 so it wouldn't help much.
It's not too bad now... I was just complaining.
Anyway, I have a working version that can explore the first zone now, but... I'm thinking of a way to handle random encounters.
Or creature encounters in general.
I could just have randomly generated creatures spawn upon loading the map. Then you could either skip them, or battle them.
Or come up with a good way of handling random encounters. I have a feeling I'll either have them pop up every step... or not nearly often enough.
Or something else that evades my imagination...
i usually have randon encounters so that when the map engine first loads, a number from 10 to 50 is randomly set to a variable and every step it goes down by 1 and when it reaches 0 it triggers a battle, then it's set again to a number from 10 to 50. Illusiat 6, 7, 9 through 12, the 2004 remakes of 1 through 4, ROL series, Mana Force 2, Reuben series as well as Mana Force 1 newest versions (the ones with two difficulty settings) all had this system. In Reuben it was 10 through 30 though
With your system, (I found 50 too high though and lowered it slightly) I now have a working set-up.
I lack a good recorder though. I lost my old program with my new computer... and WabbitEmu isn't doing very well.
So, I'll see what I can do about that... I'd release it for download, but there's a few features I want to add before I do this.
Great, I would suggest being able to have a item (to buy in game) that worked like in pokemon (the repel potion) so that you can not have encounters while the potion was effective..
oh true 50 might be quite high for some games, I had it setup that high because most of my RPGs had incredibly huge maps that took a while to go through
Well, fixed a LOT of bugs I had.
Mostly just conflicting variables... and a few memory optimizations.
Cut the main program down to 907 bytes now.
I'm pretty sure Nyaar, as a whole, can run off of about 5500 bytes or less now.
I've been wrong though...
I think it's about (estimated) 900x2 + 2300 + 767 + about 500 for miscellaneous variables/lists
That's anytime while in battle. (which I'm pretty sure is when the most space is taken up)
I'd make sure you have at least 10k available before installing... O.o
Your mileage may vary.
In any case... still a few more things to do before it's ready for another beta release.
Just thought I'd let you know there's progress.
Good work there, I hope to have it on my calc this week :P
Hopefully... >.<
The more I've been thinking about the direction of this game...
The more I have NO idea where I'm going with this.
It started out as a battle system with a lot of character customization...
Now it's that plus graphics and a few maps. (several surprisingly empty... due to lack of imagination and rush [rushing myself that is])
I'll even be completely redesigning the battle and customization system due to some new ideas and the monotony of the current system.
Which is rapidly press enter until the damn thing is dead.
So, I'm thinking of what to do there now. Gotta get spells and abilities ready for sure. (Mages are currently weak Knights)
Plus... gotta code the signs in. (signs tell you a bit about the map you're in)
From there... once I get ALL of that set up... gotta get quests set up. Not to mention the caves and forest area done.
All of that is to have stuff to do from levels 1-5.
Well, okay... most of it stays useful throughout the whole game.
From there... just need more maps and quests to support levels higher than about 6.
Okay, so that was a long ramble... but hopefully you, being whomever the reader is, understand where I'm going here.
A lot is to be done... so maybe not THIS week. My apologies. >_<
Okay, so that was a long ramble... but hopefully you, being whomever the reader is, understand where I'm going here.
A lot is to be done... so maybe not THIS week. My apologies. >_<
Remember: We're not doing you the favor of playing this game, you are doing us the favor of making the game ;D
I sometimes feel like it's the former.
I guess I just feel like there's a LOT better things to do than play my calculator game. >_<
Maybe it's the lack of support at school... eh.
Thanks for letting me know though.
Makes me feel better. =D
Oh I generally try to not pay attention at school support. In school out of 80 games I made people only cared about 3 of them really, and it was usually short lived, except the small Illusiat 11 craze. Actually Illusiat 11 got more success at school than online, while every other games I made had more success online and no attention at school. As for NYaar it doesnt have to be like 30 dungeons huge and 10 hours long to be fun. A first demo usually has one village and one dungeon and boss, then final version should be fine with 2 to 5 dungeons. If you got 2 dungeons planned only just make sure that a lot of leveling up is required though :P. As long as the game won't last under 1 hour like Illusiat 1 and 2 originals combined together lol
Okay, I'm working on the new system.
New/different stats, abilities, formulas, spells, classes, etc.
Most likely taking out races in favor of classes or just to simplify things.
In any case, this will be a new game when I'm through with it.
It was too generic anyway... now that I've gotten just about the entire core engine done and have tested out a lot... I feel like I can more easily make the changes I've proposed above.
So, time to make this game unique.
Wish me luck. ^_~
Good luck!
Well, I've had a bit of progress...
I've temporarily stopped working on the new system for abilities/classes/stats/etc. and started in on the new items and inventory system.
Everything is fine so far... just need to try and make it a little prettier (still not sure how to go about this... the minimum is taking up a good deal of space) and finish adding in a couple of more unique features.
Afterwords... I'll be back to working on the core system mentioned earlier.
I'll also be changing the menu system fairly dramatically to make room for the content the new system will require.
Woot for progress!
I don't like the recorder built into WabbitEmu but...
Inventory system currently.
You can move around with the arrows, press [MODE] to view item description, currently 35 slots (no stacks), and auto-sorts the items.
It's not plugged into the game... but it's ready to be.
Currently only 5 items (all shown). Portal and the 4 healers (called Neurolinks, distinguished by a symbol as a suffix and addition to the icon).
I have the weapons drawn out and am working on more items soon.
Woah that's awesome.
ooh nice, reminds me desolate a bit. Keep up the good work :)
Very nice. Can't wait to see more progress.
I really like your system, just keep up the great work!
Plans on updates. I thought I'd let you know that thinks are actually being thought out and that I'm not just sitting around doing nothing new.
Unique Battle System: The new attack command consists of pressing the arrows in sequence with a time limit.
Each arrow corresponds with a different attack. If you hit the buttons in certain orders, you'll perform a combo attack increasing the damage or adding an elemental property to the attack. There's no plenty for NOT doing a combo, you'll just perform the selected attacks in that order. If you don't hit anything in the time limit, it'll randomly generate the attack sequence.
At the start you'll only be able to have a max sequence of 3, but you can increase it upon leveling. Any questions?
Other New Features:
- A few status conditions
- Creatures will no longer be randomly generated
- Item drops
- Weakness/resistance to certain elements
- Fully animated(hopefully)
- Maybe more...
Shop System: Well... I have a new inventory, so it only makes sense to update the shop too. It'll contain the 'Description' feature from the inventory system and in general just look prettier.
Menu System: Yeah, the current one will NOT support the amount of information required. The first 'page' on the sidebar will stay, but I'll be updating the other pages in a cool new way.
Classless/Statless System: You still level up, but you gain skill points instead of stats. There will be 3 specialization trees. Each tree containing 5 skills that you can level up and affect everything your character can do. Also, you do get special bonuses for specializing in a tree, but you're free to branch out as much as you like. There will be enough skill points to allow you to focus on one and still have some left over for another. Feel free to be the 'generalist' though.
Quest System: Everything from killing X amount of creature Y to saving a town from invasion. Even the infamous collect X of item Y.
Hopefully enough to kill your free time.
Story!: Speaking of quests! There should be a purpose. The story is being worked on and will be implemented. It's different than your average angsty-teenage-boy-with-troubled-past-going-to-save-the-world thing. Yay for different!
Items/Weapons/Armor: With the pretty new inventory system, I need pretty new items and such to go with it. Weapons and armor will finally be added for the first time. New fun items to be made.
New Graphics: Drak and I are collaborating on the new graphics. I plan on redesigning the town and making major upgrades to how the battle system looks. Plus redesigning the world map. The game now has a story and needs graphics to correspond accordingly.
And probably much more!
Yay for different! I say go for a Gokudo-kun manyuki character. He was an ass, fo'shizzle. All he wanted was gold and babes. It's a guy we can pretty much relate to :)
Nice. I like your ideas of the new specialization tree, and new menus are always a plus.
i like the Final Fantasy VI-style combos idea for battles. Just make sure they aren't too hard to perform
In FFVI you were forced to use a Turbo controller that had a round d-pad instead of a normal SNES controller (on the PS1 the default controllers worked fine, though), else it wouldn't ever detect diagonal keypresses unless you were accurate to the PICOSECOND when pressing two arrow keys at once. Since the D-pad was very loose too it was made even harder
The combat system is more of a modified version of this (
It's where I got the idea... but I've never seen any other game do anything like it.
So... I'll be the second.
Old PSX game that I started playing (again) a few days ago.
the battle scheme you refer to sounds like that old app game i beat once. it was called Marc the Superkid.
the battle scheme you refer to sounds like that old app game i beat once. it was called Marc the Superkid.
Yeah, you should check it out (similar style).
ooh yeah I remember this game, I think there was a Gameboy Color version too. Marc The Superkid is pretty similar
And it was particularly huge for the features it had...
Aw... That's kinda disheartening to see that another calc game has already decided to use that system.
Eh... I may have to rethink this then. No big deal really.
I haven't actually done more than a quick mock-up of the system so far.
(EDIT: Actually, after playing Marc, I feel I can do the system better. So, I'm going for it still.)
This game should be given some grayscale awesomeness. :P
Actually, I'm willing to assist with grayscale if you are interested.
I've been watching this project for some time now and I'm really excited to try it out.
Aw... That's kinda disheartening to see that another calc game has already decided to use that system.
Eh... I may have to rethink this then. No big deal really.
I haven't actually done more than a quick mock-up of the system so far.
(EDIT: Actually, after playing Marc, I feel I can do the system better. So, I'm going for it still.)
actually no, I think it's cooler that another game uses that system, because almost all other calc RPGs are about selecting commands in a menu that's all, no other interaction from the user in battles. Mana Force 2 did, though, in some way. But adding a time limit would make it even better and more challenging than Marc The Superkid Quest. I MTSQ I think you could spend like 2 minute to type a combo x.x
Also as cool as MTSQ might be, I think it was a bit overrated. THere were so much hype for this game. Sure It deserved recognition for all the work that was put into it, the original battle system, story, art work, awesome readme and deserved a feature, but it was a bit overated IMHO. For a 90 KB flash app I expected much more than 35 rooms to explore and some people said they beaten the game in 3 hours. Plus, some of the graphics in some maps were questionable quality. I think this game was good mostly for the fighting/talking sequences/intro/etc parts. The walking engine and areas to explore, however, were by far sub-par to 2004 ASM standards, IMHO. I mean, look at The Verdante Forest and Desolate. Even Joltima. BUt nice job to the author anyway, I wish he finished his sequel BlueWorld as well as the PC version of Marc The Superkid. The Blueworld game had even better graphics in the style of Final Fantasy
(EDIT: Actually, after playing Marc, I feel I can do the system better. So, I'm going for it still.)
That shouldn't be hard to do... ;D
I was reading the Protocol topic...
Thanks to Nitacku for starting the conversation and Iambian for mentioning it...
I've created a quick title screen with scrolling background. (which I've now mastered the concept of using Celtic III for scrolling backgrounds and using hex to draw sprites[which doesn't make my spriting ability any better])
It's just a test. My idea for snowing.
Also, note that I hate the recorder built into WabbitEmu, but I haven't grabbed a better recorder yet.
If anyone wants a Celtic III Scrolling Background Tutorial, I'll be happy to make one.
I've been sick so I didn't go to school today.
I've created a quick title screen with scrolling background. (which I've now mastered the concept of using Celtic III for scrolling backgrounds and using hex to draw sprites[which doesn't make my spriting ability any better])
It's just a test. My idea for snowing.
It's much better than the old one!
Btw, is it still as fast on a normal 83+ ?
I have no clue... I don't have one to test it out on.
(Even my WabbitEmu has a 84+ SE rom.)
I can give you the files. (one pic and a small program)
That is awesome. I might have to incorporate Celtic III in my RPG instead of Codex...
Unique Battle System: The new attack command consists of pressing the arrows in sequence with a time limit.
Each arrow corresponds with a different attack. If you hit the buttons in certain orders, you'll perform a combo attack increasing the damage or adding an elemental property to the attack. There's no plenty for NOT doing a combo, you'll just perform the selected attacks in that order. If you don't hit anything in the time limit, it'll randomly generate the attack sequence.
At the start you'll only be able to have a max sequence of 3, but you can increase it upon leveling. Any questions?
i like the Final Fantasy VI-style combos idea for battles. Just make sure they aren't too hard to perform
In FFVI you were forced to use a Turbo controller that had a round d-pad instead of a normal SNES controller (on the PS1 the default controllers worked fine, though), else it wouldn't ever detect diagonal keypresses unless you were accurate to the PICOSECOND when pressing two arrow keys at once. Since the D-pad was very loose too it was made even harder
Actually I was just going to say it kinda of reminded me of final fantasy VII's limit breakers. :) Though you have to choose a specifc move with those, the button sequence just determines the damage.
the battle scheme you refer to sounds like that old app game i beat once. it was called Marc the Superkid.
Yeah, you should check it out (similar style).
That doesnt bother me either as long as you put your own twist on it and it's done well. It sounds like a great system!
wow this is awesome, I think scrolling might be useful if I decide to do a graphical RPG. I had a tilemapper with parralax scrolling background back in the days, I'M sure i could have scrolling instead. Heck, even with no scrolling tilemap it might still be useful. Floating airship/spaceship comes to mind or water tiles that slowly move left or right
Yeah, but will still be fast enough for a normal 83+?
Because grayscale in Fangh RPG dramatically reduces the speed of the game.
The battle system is good even there is one game with it. It is a new system to try out.
wow this is awesome, I think scrolling might be useful if I decide to do a graphical RPG. I had a tilemapper with parralax scrolling background back in the days, I'M sure i could have scrolling instead. Heck, even with no scrolling tilemap it might still be useful. Floating airship/spaceship comes to mind or water tiles that slowly move left or right
I don't get what is tile mapper with parallax. :S
Good job on the title screen and the battle system! You're making some amazing progress here, keep up the good work ;D
I wish you were right... >_<
I haven't been able to do ANY work on Nyaar at all in about a week or two.
I'll see what I can do before the weekend is over though.
I wish you were right... >_<
I haven't been able to do ANY work on Nyaar at all in about a week or two.
I'll see what I can do before the weekend is over though.
I've been inactive for a month (school work), so this stuff is at least new to me!
I've been inactive for a month (school work), so this stuff is at least new to me!
Well, then thank you very much!
I'm finally getting some work done.
Designing the 'Victory' screen and working on the new menu system.
Still need to continue the new battle system and, more importantly, the new new statless/classless/etc. system I've been bragging about.
bragging, right O_o
Umm... Talking about constantly but not following through with?
kill metagross111
I mean, I do hope this continue progressing ^^
you cannot kill me. I breathe teh LIFE into did here board.
Face it, the bastard I am, as irrational as I am, narrowly escaping bans three times as I am, I am totally the driving force behind OMNIMAGA!
On a not really on-topic but related to the topic itself, this thread is the one with the highest reply count on Omnimaga and the second most viewed one O.O
your game seems quite popular {AP} ;D
Thank you. ^_^
Yeah, still working.
'Victory screen' is finished officially now.
Looks prettier and functions well.
REALLY need to start coding in the new system so I can get the battle system in place.
...yeah, I'm gonna work on that now.
WOOT for progress!. Can't wait to see this Victory Screen you're talking about.
you need to remodify your avatar to read "cookie" again :(
you need to remodify your avatar to read "cookie" again :(
Looks fine to me. O.o
Anyway, so... I passed out while working on Nyaar last night and I'm not sure where I am in the coding because of it.
(Passed out as in... I was really tired and just fell asleep mid-coding.)
So... um... I might have something to show you guys today... I think.
I'm not sure. ^_^;
no, it looks like "My cock e"
no, it looks like "My cock e"
Either your computer is really weird, or you have a vivid imagination.
...I'll just change my avvy completely.
lol now you have the same avatar than Snake X on Revsoft forums, altough I like the colors better
I wonder why that thing in Snake X avatar always reminded me the big ghost enemies in Super Mario World
i wonder why. those Boos aren't nearly as cute
(though i be damned for admitting anything was cute)
i wonder why. those Boos aren't nearly as cute
(though i be damned for admitting anything was cute)
I win then. ^_~
In any case... yep... I apologize again.
No progress done today. I've been really... distracted lately.
It's a relationship-based thing again.
Ugh... females.... can't program with them, can't live without them.
i wonder why. those Boos aren't nearly as cute
(though i be damned for admitting anything was cute)
I win then. ^_~
In any case... yep... I apologize again.
No progress done today. I've been really... distracted lately.
It's a relationship-based thing again.
Ugh... females.... can't program with them, can't live without them.
I doubt it's not something too bad again tho -.-
I doubt it's not something too bad again tho -.-
No, no... don't worry.
It's just a distraction. Nothing horrible.
I doubt I'll be making another topic about how my life is turning upside down again any time soon.
Anyway, I'm off to school. See ya after.
He got relations, what a looser. joking :P Females are really intricate, but yes, we can leave without "hers".
Enjoy life man, calc programming shouldn't be top priorities. You got a good excuse to delay the project ;) lol
calcs or chicks? hell, I'll go for the chicks.
calcs or chicks? hell, I'll go for the chicks.
What about a calculator chick?
calcs or chicks? hell, I'll go for the chicks.
What about a calculator chick?
We've been over this (
calcs or chicks? hell, I'll go for the chicks.
What about a calculator chick?
We've been over this (
Quote from: simplethinker on Fri 27 Feb, 09, 23:27:55
Quote from: noahbaby94 on Fri 27 Feb, 09, 22:20:23
Quote from: metagross111 on Fri 27 Feb, 09, 22:00:08
calcs or chicks? hell, I'll go for the chicks.
What about a calculator chick?
We've been over this...
umm... is this on topic?
Quote from: simplethinker on Fri 27 Feb, 09, 23:27:55
Quote from: noahbaby94 on Fri 27 Feb, 09, 22:20:23
Quote from: metagross111 on Fri 27 Feb, 09, 22:00:08
calcs or chicks? hell, I'll go for the chicks.
What about a calculator chick?
We've been over this...
umm... is this on topic?
Look whose talking.
nice necropost (altough this is far from being as bad as my 5 years necropost on UTI)
on a more on-topic note i hope Nyaar gets finished ^^
nice necropost (altough this is far from being as bad as my 5 years necropost on UTI)
It was only 4.5 years (, not 5 :P
On an unrelated, off-topic side-note, I hope Nyaar gets finished as well ;D
There was another one that was 5 years but even thought it was on-topic (it was regarding UTI 5th anniversary I think) Sigma/Sgm doesn't like me (he's from #tcpa and share the same opinion about me and Omnimaga than some people like I_c-Y, DarkAuron/Auron and BrandonW), nor Weregoose so at the moment they were editing my posts/moving them for stupid reasons/abusing their mod powers
Dudes! Check this out.
I google'd 'Nyaar' and here's the front page. =D
nice, I am curious if it also comes quite high in the results when typing TI-83+ RPG or Omnimaga. I wonder how high Omnimaga is ranked now? I remember it was 3rd, below the old domain name we used to have on dyndns (that got hijacked)
Congrats on being one of the top Google search results! ;D (It's kinda funny how it shows you exactly what you're looking for and then asks if you typed it wrong)
[edit] The search phrase "Omnimaga" gives us as the first result. Unfortunately, for "ti-83+ RPG", Omnimaga appears on page 5 :( (but this Omnimaga has only been around for 8 months).
"Omnimaga" gives us Kevin for the entire first page.
I didn't bother to check the rest... but you can get to him from any link on the first page.
Unfortunately, "{AP}" gives a lot of other things.
My plan is to have Omnimaga give links to rickrolls on the entire first page of results
j/k, no matter what, though, Nyaar is still the most discussed topic on the entire forum and that only counts the main progress topic ^^
EDIT: also the 2nd most viewed topic on the entire board, after Calc84maniac's mario progress. Also the most viewed staff project board and the 5th overall
You have a point there.
Rawr... I definitely need to get back to coding this beast.
Just need to work out those systems... >_<
Inspiration come to me.
I hear you bro, once you find some (and time) share some with me XD
I'm back to coding this beast.
My main problem was the battle/statless systems... well, during a talk with Omni, I had a great idea.
He doesn't know what it is and I don't plan on telling anyone until I get a screenshot ready... or at least the whole thing coded correctly.
In any case... just know that I'll be updating you guys with some progress this weekend.
Very cool to hear! sorry I didn't have any idea myself since usually I end up always doing traditional RPG systems (enemy attacks, you attack, enemy casts a magic, you do, level up or die and maybe some magic leveling up and some special abilities such as Steal, Scan, Coin Toss but that's about it). I can't wait for screenshot ^^
I hope you have something original. And I hope this game still gets into a big monster.
If I invented myself a total new (or very rare) great system for playing, I would code it right away. >_>
*sigh* I don't know what's been wrong with me.
I haven't had the will to code... or even post recently.
Hell, I don't have much of a will to live either... but no one wants to commit a mercy killing so I'm stuck among the living.
I'll be moving back in with my mom this summer though... maybe the change of location will help me feel better.
So, I apologize... but don't expect any updates anytime soon. You may not hear from me again for awhile either...
I just don't know anymore.
Don't worry, unless I die... the project will get finished.
Just another delay.
Until then... later, guys.
Shit, for some reason, I didn't even hit "Post", then later notice this window and this text still there. Anyway:
Well, first, please... don't... die. At least, don't try, and if you have such thoughts or have anything to talk please PM me on Yahoo or PM. Hopefully if I am on at the same time we can talk, but I seriously don't want you to try to do anything bad to yourself. Altough I haven't got the chance to know you for as long as many other members on this board (there are some I know since more than half a decade) you are a nice person and I like you and I would hate to see anything bad happens to you.
I understand how you feel though, considering what you went/are going through. I sometimes had similar thoughts many times in the past and one of my worst period was only a few years ago (prbly the reason why I didn't coded anything for almost an entire year sometimes). Just remember that even if they are not necessarly within a few miles radius from you you still got friends and people who care about you somewhere even if they don't necessarly show it (sometimes, it's just that they are unable to show it or don't know how to help and wish they did). That's what I did everytime I had dark thoughts and is prbly the reason why I am still around today. Else I would probably have been gone 10 years ago.
Also don't rush yourself about Nyaar, you don't have to finish it within a certain time period. Of course it's still the 2nd most viewed/discussed project on the entire Omnimaga forums and people hope you finish it eventually, but don't put too much pressure on yourself. Plus, before calculator programming (and community) you still got school to worry about. Real life should be a priority. We all hope you stick around, though, and I hope you don't do anything bad to yourself either
And remember i am always here if you need to talk (even if I can't help much and that I am not online regulary, which is why I leave Yahoo turned on 24/7 most of the time)
Later, good luck!
Actually he appears to be back but he's working on something else (that appears to looks pretty good btw from the screenie he showed me). I hope things are doing ok or will do soon, though
this kinda reminds me of adventurequest...
It has a town and you do stuff but the only thing to do out of town is fight. But you CAN go on quests, and whatnot. I prefer AQ's little brother, DragonFable, you can walk around everywhere, and there is a world, not just a town. Seeing the list of whats done and what isnt, I see it says "world 0%" so i guess there's gonna be a world, but right now its just a town. So that reminded me of it.
I think {AP} is indeed planning to add an overworld to the game. Not something incredibly huge, but you can at least walk around and stuff. However, I think he's focusing more on his contest entry and for Nyaar he still needed ideas for battles from what I remember
That talking of over world and villages is making bubbling ideas on my mind...
Ah, I also need to play a RPG soon... I love following the history and travel to the unknown!
I discovered playing other RPGs sometimes gives us inspiration to work on new ones
I discovered playing other RPGs sometimes gives us inspiration to work on new ones
And reading fantastic books or a good fantasy movie.
You don't need to "port" anything. Just retrieve ideas, pick some there and there and join them.
I think inspiration is 90% from your past memories and knowledge. Only sometimes it has something really new. It is hard to invent something from absolutely nothing but when happens, fantastic things may have been created.
True, for some reasons I seems more interested in working on someting when it's totally my own game. It depends of the person, though.
Anyway back on topic I seriously hope this gets finished
I am unsure if I ever asked this, but this is something I always wondered: What does "Nyaar" means?
Well I think it may have something to do with nyarr which acording to google is a "nerdy exclamation" that's just my guess could be totally wrong.
Wow you actully screenied the 9001th view that's win.
amazing and fear the vegita or he will kill you muwahahahaaaaaa