Author Topic: Nyaar RPG Game Info & Progress  (Read 66530 times)

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Nyaar RPG Game Info & Progress
« on: October 15, 2008, 10:13:38 pm »
This is a RPG made completely with BASIC and xLIB.
It's currently compatible with the z80 series (only fully tested on the 83+, 84+ SE, and nSPIRE though).
I don't plan on making it for the more advanced series... mostly because I'd have to learn a new language.

Anyway, it has 4 basic classes, 12 advanced classes, 5 races, 4 stats, 20+ creatures, no level cap, a few items, sprited map, and well... a lot more.
Due to the popularity of "screenshots", here's one:


Battle System50%

On the immediate list of things to do, I have the following:
  • Fully graphical battle system. (main issue here is making the sprites, which, despite making all the one for the town, is really difficult for me)
  • Abilities for classes
  • Reworking of the stats system, make it slightly more complicated and capable of more customization.
  • Graphical dungeon-like areas with random encounters instead of the current set-up.
  • Weapons and armor (might never be implemented, depends on how the abilities and stats work out later)
  • Quests (definitely needed to be added after the graphical dungeons)


Attached is the zip folder with the programs and pictures needed. Readme included.
Please, before you ask questions, read the readme.txt file.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2010, 12:21:51 am by DJ Omnimaga »

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2008, 01:46:17 am »
Heya, nice to see you still do calc stuff, sorry to hear about the loss of your project though. I'm unsure but I think I had two versions of the project I think, however I lost one of them and the one I'm about to send you via PM is the only one I could find on my computer, dating from January 15th 2008 it seems. (*at this point of writing this post it's sent now*)

And yes it,s the right forum section, I used the same sections from the old forums on Invisionfree so people are a bit familiar (altough the forum system is totally different obviously).

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2008, 07:56:34 am »
I'm gonna use this post as an online version of the readme file.
Code: [Select]
   _____    ____
  /     \  /   / _    _  __     __    ___
 /   /\  \/   /  \ \/ / /  \   /  \  |    )
/___/  \_____/    |__| /_/\_\ /_/\_\ |_|\_\

-1. Updates, etc.

12/06/07 - Uploaded demo first. v0.1
12/07/07 - Made optimizations, faster and more compact. v0.2
12/10/07 - More optimizations, added mages classes and lots of mage related things. v0.5
12/11/07 - More optimizations, more graphical, training revamp. v0.6
01/15/08 - xLIB'd it.
10/16/08 - Fixed some glitches.

0. Intro/Install

Nyaar is an RPG I've been working on for some time now. It's my first REAL attempt at one, and I'm proud.
It does get a little monotonous but with the classes and races available, it's a new character every time.

Currently unknown... with archiving/unarchiving and the lists/matrices... it varies.
10-13k max unarchived memory estimation
*Pics are archived and unarchived when needed. (Title screen/game over screen)
Same for ASHOP and ABATTLE.

Make sure you have the following programs/pics unarchived:

These need to be archived:

Also, theses variables are used, so if you have any permanent data on there, back it up:

Matrix B

To run the game, just start program ARPG.

1. Basics

It's fairly simple, start a new game (hit [WINDOW] on the title screen), pick a class, pick a race, and go.
Pressing [ENTER] when in the character sheet on any page will send you back to options.
[LEFT ARROW] or [RIGHT ARROW] to navigate the character sheet pages.

Move through the town like normal.
I: Inn
S: Shop
T: Town Hall
Opening at bottom: To battle
Press [MODE]: Options
Press [ENTER]: Go in doors

2. Options

Self explanatory. Except cheat... it's used to go directly to lvl 5 (nearly 6).
Just fight a level 1 creature afterwards and you'll go through the level ups.
It's only in the demo to test out the branched classes. (more explanation soon.)
(Note: Trying to load a file that has no saved data on it WILL result in an error... I'll fix that later.)

3. Shop/Inn

First, press [ENTER] at the spot in front of the shop/inn keeper.
The rest is self-explanatory.
When you press [ENTER] on a item, a box will appear in the lower-right corner. Press [UP ARROW] or [DOWN ARROW] to pick the number of the item to buy.

4. Battle

VERY simple. Press [1] to Attack, it'll display your result, then clear it, display enemies' result, clear it, then go back to press the button. Currently, if you rapidly tap the [1] button, it'll attack multiple times before allowing your input again. I tried to fix it but to no avail... just avoid being TOO hasty.
Press [3] to use any of your items. It'll tell you all you need to know.
Pressing [2] does nothing unless you're a Mage class. From there, you can pick your spell to cast, information on the spells is included in section 6.

After battle, you'll gain EXP and gold from the creature and possibly level up.
If you do, you go to a screen where you have available stat points. Just press the number corresponding to the stat you want to go up.

5. Stats

HP - Your life
Atk - Determines damage.
Def - Determines how much you're hit for.
Spd - Determines how often you and your enemy hit.

6. Classes

Basic fighter, even stats, more HP than the other base classes.
Available Races: All
  • Paladin
    • A balanced warrior focused in having a HIGH HP stat. Longevity wins wars they say...
  • Dark Knight
    • A warrior focused in pure damage. Thrived to kill before being killed. The best defense is a good offense.
  • Aura Knight
    • A warrior focused on absorbing damage and slowly dealing it back. Can never be as damaging as the Dark Knight but can last much longer.

Basic speedy little guy. High speed, decent damage, little defense. He's nothing special now... but just wait.
Available Races: Human, Ogre, Troll, Elf
  • Dual Blades
    • Strikes twice per turn, but each attack is a good deal weaker. Though, with balanced stats, good Atk potential, and little chance to not do at least SOME damage... he makes for an effective character.
  • Archer
    • They hit. A lot. Their Spd is unmatched. So expect your opponent to miss often as well. Still, they are a little squishy but with a good Atk they can beatdown before being beatdown often.
  • Assassin
    • They're fairly Spd~y and have good Atk... their real power comes from their chance to Crit. Occasionally, (depending on their Spd) they'll do x2 damage for a pretty massive blow.

Decent class. All around balanced. They're nothing special til they Class Up! though.
Available Races: Human, Troll, Elf
  • Vamp
    • They use a slightly superior Atk and Spd to hit their opponents hard and fast. With every successful hit comes some of the enemies HP to you. You're not impossible to kill, but you'll rival the Aura Knight and Paladin in long fights.
      (Note: The HP bar is a little buggy when gaining life through Vamp. You still gain the life, your bar just won't show it til you get hit or use a potion.)
  • Reaper
    • You have below average stats in comparison... but that's not too important to you. You have control over life and death itself. When the time comes in battle, you'll randomly instantly kill your opponent. Nothing like laughing at an opponent 5 levels higher than you. Just don't laugh too long or you'll be dead before you know it.
  • Zombie
    • You're a little slow, but you strike fear in the hearts of your enemies still (somehow). Occasionally, your hits will stun your opponent making them give up their turn. Helpless enemies are the best!

Simple class. Decent all-around stats. They can magically poke their enemies to death and focus to magically poke better than before.

Spell List:
Magical Poke - Normal attack.
Focus - 100% accuracy (EOB)
  • Fire Mage
    • They focus on dealing damage. A lot and fast. Ironically, they can't take much.

      Spell List:
      Microwaves - Normal attack.
      Fire Sheild - Deals some damage to enemy when you're hit. (EOB)
      Meteor of DOOM - x3 damage!
  • Air Mage
    • Even stats across the board. Weilds the power of electricity to shock his foes.

      Spell List:
      Shock - Normal attack
      Static Shield - increases damage from a shock attack and absorbs some damage. (EOB)
      Shocky Tornado - x2 damage! 1/4 chance to stun!
  • Water Mage
    • Defensive caster. Weathers their opponent away while being protected.

      Spell List:
      Snowball - Normal attack.
      Wall of Water - Absorbs damage. More than static sheild. (EOB)
      Snowfort - Increases power of snowball attack, 100% accuracy, and some defense. (EOB)
(*EOB is 'until End of Battle')

Class Up!

At level 5, you'll be able to go to one of the branch classes and obtain your true power.
Simply pick what you want and it's done! (I may implement some kind of challenge later...)

7. Races

These will determine how your character starts out entirely which could affect your future as the class you choose.
There are currently 6.

Average class. Balanced stats. Can be any class it wants. Just like all other RPGs.

They're hard as a rock... er... are a rock. Def like none other.

Goes on violent rampages. Constantly. No Def to speak of, but his damage is unmatched.

They live for-freaking-ever! HP is what they have... and ALOT of it. Though they lack in all other stats as a result.

Spd. That's what they are. They hit and dodge like crazy. Decent Atk and low Def.

A more magical equivilant to the Ogre. High mag, good spd, and low of def and HP.

8. Other Notes

Well, that's all that comes in mind for now.
Contact {AP} on or use one of these:

YIM - cb_anarchy
MSN - [email protected]
E-mail - [email protected]

I'm open to comments, criticism, and any help you provide.
« Last Edit: October 16, 2008, 10:39:29 pm by {AP} »

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2008, 10:03:41 am »
Cool, btw I didn't checked correctly, but was this version using xLIB? If I remember, I think you were planning to switch to xLIB at one point but I don't remember if it was that version. Since a lot of demos doesn't come with xLIB I wasn't sure anymore

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #4 on: October 16, 2008, 04:59:10 pm »
It's the xLIB version.
Though, there were some errors that I had to fix.

I'll get the fixed version and some information into this topic before tonight is over.
*sigh* So much work to do until my vision is complete.

Also, I've upgraded to TI 84+ SE since then so I might have issues memory-wise when it comes to people with 83+.
The game, as it is, has been tested and works fully with TI 83+ through TI 84+ SE and the TI nSPIRE with the 84+ SE keyboard.

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #5 on: October 16, 2008, 08:01:31 pm »
Hate to have to bump the topic... but please check the first post now.
Download, information, and screenshot finally added.

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #6 on: October 16, 2008, 08:26:10 pm »
Sweet looks good, I will have to check it out.

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #7 on: October 16, 2008, 08:54:00 pm »
That looks pretty cool.  I like that there's a "CHEAT" option. ;D

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #8 on: October 16, 2008, 08:54:42 pm »
cool so far, keep it up!

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2008, 08:56:45 pm »
Oh yeah, [CHEAT] gives you enough experience to hit level 5 if you're below that amount of experience.
It's for quickly testing out the advanced classes.
You 'class up' at level 5. =P

I may have said this in the readme... not sure. >_>

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #10 on: October 16, 2008, 09:38:10 pm »
Hey! I remember this from the old forums. Nice to see you're still working on it. Previous demo was all BASIC if i remember right. Ill give this a look when i get a chance. Oh and welcome to the new forums BTW ^_^.

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #11 on: October 16, 2008, 09:40:16 pm »
Looks nice for what's done at the moment. I like what I'm seeing. Can't wait to see if Celtic III will render it the same way :)

( if you're wondering what Celtic III is, inquire within :D )

Please do continue to work on the game. It appears promising.
A Cherry-Flavored Iambian draws near... what do you do? ...

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #12 on: October 16, 2008, 09:50:34 pm »
Hey! I remember this from the old forums. Nice to see you're still working on it. Previous demo was all BASIC if i remember right. Ill give this a look when i get a chance. Oh and welcome to the new forums BTW ^_^.

Yeah, all basic. I believe I had the xLIB version up not too long after... but even then it's all basic at heart. =P
Anyway, I'm not sure what I should get done next...
On the immediate list of things to do, I have the following:
  • Fully graphical battle system. (main issue here is making the sprites, which, despite making all the one for the town, is really difficult for me)
  • Abilities for classes
  • Reworking of the stats system, make it slightly more complicated and capable of more customization.
  • Graphical dungeon-like areas with random encounters instead of the current set-up.
  • Weapons and armor (might never be implemented, depends on how the abilities and stats work out later)
  • Quests (definitely needed to be added after the graphical dungeons)
I'll be adding this list to the first post now.
Looks nice for what's done at the moment. I like what I'm seeing. Can't wait to see if Celtic III will render it the same way Smiley

( if you're wondering what Celtic III is, inquire within)
No clue what that is... but glad to know that my current work is now a standard for another's! =D

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #13 on: October 17, 2008, 04:02:44 am »
Cool, as for Celtic it's an app that has new functionality than xlib but keeps the entire backward compatibilty with xlib app and Omnimaga sprite(/execasm( functions too. So far there are still some issues to be addressed but it's starting to have a quite good backward compatibility. In Metroid II the only difference is that room to room scrolling animation when going through hatches is about 4x faster and the 3rd boss doesn't clip properly when going outside the screen to the left. THere were also some minor display bugs with acid

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Re: Nyaar!
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2008, 01:31:12 pm »
Cool, as for Celtic it's an app that has new functionality than xlib but keeps the entire backward compatibilty with xlib app and Omnimaga sprite(/execasm( functions too.

Er... u mean Omnicalc's sprite(/execasm(functions.  ;D Lol.