Author Topic: Online Calculator Program/App Simulator? (Idea)  (Read 6473 times)

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Re: Online Calculator Program/App Simulator? (Idea)
« Reply #15 on: July 25, 2010, 11:12:42 am »
@graphmastur: Ahh, OK I see. But why a kext? Merely detecting via libusb will work. :)
(Then again, I'm not sure how Mac OS X works in terms of drivers, so excuse me if I wrong.)

I'm not really good with USB devices, other than plugging them in and taking them out. ;)
I've read a little bit of the USB specification, but that's all, and that was a loooonnnngggg time ago.
Also, I've played around with libusb before. (Also when I was looking at the USB spec.)
I wrote an iPod Touch/iPhone jailbreaker in C with libusb (mostly copy and paste functions).

I'm not really good in calc ASM either, which is why I'm waiting for Quigbo to implement the USB communication stuff into his Axe Parser. :) However, we can get started on that stuff first, and maybe post a POC with source code.

For me, Java is "meh"... Python's pretty powerful. You could write a C library and Python can interface with it.
For speed, did you mean the calc is faster than HTTP? ;) That would make more sense.

My main goal in the end is just to get the calc on the internet. It's very tricky to do the remote control idea.
I'll PM you shortly.

@Quigibo: Very true... but as I've said, 1) there are security checks and such that I have yet to show; 2) This was a bad idea from the start (and I knew that) 3) My main goal is just connecting the calc to the internet. :)

I like your idea of a website dedicated to testing! However, there might be some kinks to work out, such as if the person should get 1 credit from the start and such, as well as reviews of the reviews. Otherwise, that definitely sounds more sensible to me.

@Lionel: Yes, we'll look at it for sure. :)
But before we dive into your code, a quick question: does the SilverLink and DirectLink cables (USB) allow for custom communication to the calculator, or are only files (basically regular transfers) allowed?

@Art_of_camelot: It is indeed a tricky idea. If there is a demand, we'll probably implement (or a least try to) the idea.
For now, we'll be focused on getting the calc to get on the internet. :)

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Re: Online Calculator Program/App Simulator? (Idea)
« Reply #16 on: July 25, 2010, 12:23:23 pm »
@graphmastur: Ahh, OK I see. But why a kext? Merely detecting via libusb will work. :)
(Then again, I'm not sure how Mac OS X works in terms of drivers, so excuse me if I wrong.)

I'm not really good with USB devices, other than plugging them in and taking them out. ;)
I've read a little bit of the USB specification, but that's all, and that was a loooonnnngggg time ago.
Also, I've played around with libusb before. (Also when I was looking at the USB spec.)
I wrote an iPod Touch/iPhone jailbreaker in C with libusb (mostly copy and paste functions).

I'm not really good in calc ASM either, which is why I'm waiting for Quigbo to implement the USB communication stuff into his Axe Parser. :) However, we can get started on that stuff first, and maybe post a POC with source code.

For me, Java is "meh"... Python's pretty powerful. You could write a C library and Python can interface with it.
For speed, did you mean the calc is faster than HTTP? ;) That would make more sense.

My main goal in the end is just to get the calc on the internet. It's very tricky to do the remote control idea.
I'll PM you shortly.

You can interface with C via jni.  A kext or a driver to basically be able to get rid of the client program all together.  I am not really good with ASM either.  I mean that http is faster than the usb protocol.  At least overall.  Anyway, connecting a calc to a server shouldn't be too difficult.

What OS do you have?

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Re: Online Calculator Program/App Simulator? (Idea)
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2010, 10:33:04 pm »
@graphmastur: I'm using Linux. (Ubuntu Linux 10.04 LTS to be exact.)
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Re: Online Calculator Program/App Simulator? (Idea)
« Reply #18 on: July 27, 2010, 12:47:25 am »
@Lionel: Yes, we'll look at it for sure. Smiley
But before we dive into your code, a quick question: does the SilverLink and DirectLink cables (USB) allow for custom communication to the calculator, or are only files (basically regular transfers) allowed?
Custom communication is possible on all links: the ROM dump protocol is a custom one :)
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Re: Online Calculator Program/App Simulator? (Idea)
« Reply #19 on: July 29, 2010, 02:10:21 am »
The project testing server/site sounds a bit like it could be implemented into SourceCoder on Cemetech. They allow you to submit projects and even make them public if you want to. I don't remember if you could make them visible to specific users, though.

As for the idea in general, I do not have experience in the matter so I can't tell if this could be doable or not and if it would be practical/convenient to use, but as Art said, it is cool to see more people explore new ideas in the community lately. This is how Nspire cracking happened, after all :P