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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #30 on: July 22, 2013, 02:02:24 am »
The character sprite does actually have a walking animation, but it isn't very good and you can't easily see it.
Feel free to use those from Pokémon Monochrome if you want :)
Aren't those sprites inspired from Topaze (in an animated version) ?
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Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Offline deeph

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2013, 04:13:49 am »
Yes you're right (but I've asked you if I could use them, if I remember correctly ;)), I've just made them animated and tried to make a female version of the up/left/right sprites.

So yeah, you should thank and +1 Hayleia instead of me for this awesome 8*8 sprite :)

I am still impressed by how fast your tilemap and scrolling works! I scroll 2 pixels at a time to make it a little faster (only 4 LCD updates every time the player moves instead of 8 ).
In fact I'm using the tilemapper from GBA Lib 2, because it is way better than any of mine :P

The only thing is that I can't easily handle non-tile based events (like npcs) with it. I've managed to handle trainers but it's not the most optimised solution.

How do you plan to do that ?

Offline Hayleia

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2013, 04:31:32 am »
Yes you're right (but I've asked you if I could use them, if I remember correctly ;)), I've just made them animated and tried to make a female version of the up/left/right sprites.
Yeah, I kind of remember you asking, and I kind of remember saying "no problem", but for some reason I don't find where you asked that -.-
And for the female version, you could have used the sprites from Topaze too, I still have no problem with that (just give credits so that people don't think I stole the sprites).
I own: 83+ ; 84+SE ; ; CX CAS ; Prizm ; 84+CSE
Sorry if I answer with something that seems unrelated, English is not my primary language and I might not have understood well. Sorry if I make English mistakes too.

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Offline deeph

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #33 on: July 22, 2013, 04:54:33 am »
It was on a ti-concours topic I think.

And of course I'll put you on the credits :)

(But don't do the same with me, all my projects are completly copyleft and I don't care if somebody "steals" anything from them, though I don't think it'll ever happen :P)

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #34 on: July 22, 2013, 09:11:08 am »
@Deep Thought: That is partially the reason. Originally, I was making a reference to Old Amber (the stuff that Aerodactyl was resurrected from). Then I started thinking about it and thought it was a great idea because it was a color/stone. As well, when I was trying to think of a name for Jade, I thought of Amber and decide to keep with that idea.

@deeph: I have an events handler that holds all of the event tile data (trees that can be cut, boulders that can be moved, warp tiles, items, NPCs). Essentially, I just loop through the events and draw any necessary sprites and execute any events. There are no events in the current map, but once I add them, it will start to slow things down. (60 events could take over 100 000 t-states to handle)

Also, each event will have some flags associated with it (in the save file). The reason for why I am doing it this way is so that maps don't have to be edited as the player plays the game. If an item is picked up, a flag is set and the event is removed. When the map is drawn, first the tiles are drawn, then the events are placed on top. If the item flag is reset, it won't get drawn, and the tile works normally again. If the player goes back to the map, the item is no longer added to the events list when the map is loaded.

Trees, boulders, and warp tiles don't have any flags associated with them (so trees reappear every time you re-enter a map). I think there will only ever be 20 to 30 events max per map. and the only ones that will be drawn are items, NPCs, trees, and boulders.

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #35 on: July 22, 2013, 01:17:11 pm »
I tried thinking of ways to make smoothscrolling work for left and right nicely. My first attempt was at 30FPS (up and down scrolls at 46FPS). That was no good because that kind of speed difference is very noticeable! Instead, I reorganised my code so that I only needed to shift one buffer instead of 2, then at the end, I shift the map buffer the whole 8 pixels. As well, it helps that I only need to load in the data for 8 tiles instead of 12 to scroll in (that only saves a little over a thousand t-states). The result is 41FPS :

The speed difference isn't really noticeable now :) I also added in an option to set the calc to 15MHz or 6MHz (press + or -). This is being designed for 6MHz, but for anybody that wants to make things go a little faster, it is an option.

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #36 on: July 22, 2013, 01:27:09 pm »
Yeah I like the 15MHz switch idea. It's kinda like fast forward mode in emulators, pretty nice feature if I do say so myself.

Offline deeph

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #37 on: July 22, 2013, 02:24:52 pm »
Yeah for the events I had the same idea, but considering it would take too much space and time to handle I've finally chose to only have tile-based events (that triggers when the player walk by).

For some events (like trainers), I think I'll use bits instead of bytes to store their flag (with some (re)set_bit routine that will turn on/off a certain bit in a buffer).

Your screenshots are great, there's just a little thing that bugs me : as the player sprite can't be centered, in the best case you have to move it so the player has the largest part of the screen in front of him, else in some cases (like moving to the left or up, here) you have a line/row of tile less in sight :P

It's not that important, though (sometimes that's worse : people make the screen scroll when you reach its limit so you really don't see anything at all, which is really annoying here considering the screen width/height).

Also, I missed the infos in your signature, that's interesting :D

I'm just wondering how will the player ends up in the past ?

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #38 on: July 22, 2013, 02:28:32 pm »
Well the original GameBoy/Color games were this way too, I don't see much of a problem here. ;)

Offline AlexisVieira

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #39 on: July 22, 2013, 02:34:38 pm »
Will this game have team rocket?:p
I'm Portuguese, sorry bad English

Offline Xeda112358

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #40 on: July 22, 2013, 03:00:01 pm »
Yeah, I was using the technique of the original gameboy games for keeping the sprite close to the center of the screen (that is why I had to add tilemap clipping x.x).

As for Team Rocket... Yes >:D Bill made a time travel device in the second generation for trading with the first. I want to play off of that idea to make a nice plot. I have a bunch of surprises lined up that I do not want to give away until it has been released, but I don't mind releasing some details :P There is one character that has been in several of the games and a bunch of the shows that will play an important roll early on (for the first time).

One part about the plot that I am really worried about is explaining the extinction of so many Pokémon. I mean, it does take place around when the fossil pokémon went extinct, so I think I need to make an explanation. I was thinking of making the plot as one of Team Rocket's plans goes horribly wrong and you try to save the Pokémon world from extinction... but then what? We know that they went extinct, so does that mean the main player is doomed to fail, or is time altered? Or do we try to save most of the Pokémon and move them out to space (Deoxys stuff involved here).

I do have a plot and storyline, that I think will work, and I hope it turns out excellently ^^ Soon, the only screenshots that I will be able to post will be ones that don't reveal major twists or major parts of the plot!

Offline deeph

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #41 on: July 22, 2013, 03:12:26 pm »
Awesome, I can't wait to play it !! :D

About the extinction, I don't know what was the original explanation (meteor impact ?). Was it even explained somewhere (maybe in the museum in pokémon red/blue) ?

Yeah, I was using the technique of the original gameboy games for keeping the sprite close to the center of the screen (that is why I had to add tilemap clipping x.x).
Personnaly I move the player sprite to the screen limits when we can't scroll the map anymore, but it's not that important.

edit : Looks like there's no official reason : "Omastar is the only Fossil Pokémon that has been given a reason for extinction; its shell was too heavy for it to move, thus it starved to extinction." (
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 03:39:04 pm by deeph »

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #42 on: July 22, 2013, 03:39:16 pm »
For Pokemon front sprites I have several I was working on for Buckeyedude's Pokemon Red clone. They are a little bigger than what you were talking about (32X32) and are 4 level gray. They could probably be adapted for monochrome though. I'm not sure how they would work being shrunk further, as they are already pretty small. You are welcome to them if you like. Also, I believe Joe Young has some fantastic looking custom monochrome sprites he made for a Pokemon battle simulator. They are probably closer to the size you'd want. You may want to ask him about them.
« Last Edit: July 22, 2013, 03:40:03 pm by Art_of_camelot »

Offline Streetwalrus

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #43 on: July 22, 2013, 04:27:12 pm »
Extinction could have something to do with Mount Moon's story. ;)

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Re: Pokémon Amber
« Reply #44 on: September 13, 2013, 09:13:44 am »
Is this still in-dev?

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