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UPDATED ON SEPTEMBER 17ST 2010, 1:30 AM GMT-5 UTI Omni Cemetch TI-BD Revsoft MC TI-FW DS Z80Rev OTBP Ticalcs HRP EPS TOTAL2005 20033 9457 23064 3518 34918 1161 4373 583 4500 1016072006 28340 30132 36520 9 7748 20345 4425 3756 0 4742 354 13 1363842007 23985 15898 19577 423 4372 7115 3269 1263 0 2002 1587 78 795692008 12785 3783 6674 6193 2596 1985 4028 274 133 266 2 387192009 8876 15004 12535 4577 2387 1319 736 76 183 567 0 462602010 2753 46259 21470 1416 489 281 339 7 0 489 0 73503
A Pokémon spinoff would be cool actually since there are currently 8 Pokémon projects going on (Shmibs, Buckeye, Tifreak8x, JoeYoung, AMKiller, another guy on UTI I forgot the name of, yours and I believe jsj795 had one at one point, although I am unsure if it died or not), 3 of which are entire Pokémon clones.Good luck on your project!
Looks nice, but I agree it's very slow. Also I doN,t like how the character disappears for so long between moves. Having coded xLIB grayscale stuff before, I know it might be possible to speed things up and reduce the character flash, although I know grayscale may not look great on the 83+. Hopefully you can sort things out.Btw Nostalgia isn't dead, I hope, right? Also is it an entire port of Pokémon? Because it is a massive project to take on, plus you would have fierce competition from Buckeye and Tifreak8x, both of which are pretty far into their projects. A Pokémon spinoff would be cool actually since there are currently 8 Pokémon projects going on (Shmibs, Buckeye, Tifreak8x, JoeYoung, AMKiller, another guy on UTI I forgot the name of, yours and I believe jsj795 had one at one point, although I am unsure if it died or not), 3 of which are entire Pokémon clones.Good luck on your project!
actually, i can see that making something very wonderful indeedthe movement engine(collision checks and all that) could be written in basic to save space, and as soon as a move was completed it could switch back to the axe routine to draw the map in gray. key detection could then be exported to the Ans variable. finale could totally pull it off in pure basic, thoughand as for the pkmn thing, yes it was a spinoff of sorts in that it had different character names, plot elements, key items, etc. dont worry, though; what i have planned to work on now is SO much better