Author Topic: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)  (Read 15182 times)

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Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« on: January 25, 2009, 12:54:26 am »
much more advanced than the first one. found a nice gem called "xLIB". gonna use that, already doing paperwork on ideas. features that are planned

Timed Attacks
some player attacks will have button press timings in them to do additional effects. (ie Player regular attack you can hit the 2nd button in the right time to do extra swings. my best record is 13 swings, but that was sheer luck because at 13 you have exactly one "frame" to hit the button. You can't spam the 2nd key either. if the game detects you spamming, (ie you press 2nd twice within the timeframe of a continued attack) itll treat it as if you had not pressed the action button at all. This is to make the player become more tuned to the timings.)

Three Party system
You have three players in your party at any particular time. (Potter and two friends)

Multiple Characters
The three default characters in the team, as well as four unlockable characters.

Maps, zones, battles, etc. lots of eye candy. already done some code for battle eye candy and it looks okay so far. for worlds I'm hoping to try my luck at a scrolling map for each world, but no promises. depends on memory mostly.

Multiple endings, different bits of dialog based on members of your party. Specific party members in party at key times give bonuses, etc.

Optional Bosses
What would you do without a few optional bosses that know kick your ass.

"Level" system change
Instead of kill the monsters ding level up, you kill the monsters get XP, and spend XP to increase your stats, allowing you to customize every character to benefit what their role in the party is. Also, allows you to be "hardcore" and play the game with entry-level characters. (I'll have to figure ways to make playing the entire game at "level 1" possible, but incredibly difficult.)

Inventory system
32 64 undecided "Consumables" at max, preventing you from stocking 80000 mountain dews and chug-spamming. every character also has specific equipment that they can use. Also, the "Party" can equip a special item that has effects overall, IE, the equip "EXP Magnet" which increases party XP gain from all victories by 10%, or the "Skairy Mask" which makes the enemies skairyfaiced and they don't want to engage in battles. (Except bosses, obviously, they hate you either way.) changed this on paper to "Party perks" (one allowed at a time) and "Character Perks" allowing four at a time. Say if you pick up the "Strong Arm" perk (ups STRENGTH value) you can equip it on all characters, but you can't put it in all four spots.

SemiRandom encounters
Zones may or may not have random encounters. Sometimes if you travel down a certain hallway you will run into a pack of enemies, but later on if you travel back you may not. You never know. Speaking of that, I try to not make it "poof you run into enemies" but rather something you visually see, like if you're walking down the street you will stop, see a nazi on a segway ride up toward you, and then engage. This may also present the ability to "dodge" fights by doing the right action at the right time. IE, you push the button to hide in an alley so the nazi does not see you. Note, having certian characters in your party can help in evading fights too. Say you run into a Fembot and you have the female character in your party, she can make the fembot leave you alone. this is good and bad, because if you're looking to farm a particular enemy group for some reason, (say, that group gives more experience points than another group, or you're looking to farm this enemy group for an item) it can be a hinderance. so, you'll have to do something else to prevent this from happening if you're looking for a fight. And another thing, because of the way I'm handling the "semirandom" encounters, no, you can't just push left and right to farm an enemy area. You'll have to physically LEAVE and return. This is to discourage 'azn_farming' from happening because the game wouldn't be any fun if you're insanely overpowered through the entire game. Not saying you CANT farm, its just frowned upon.

iffy on this one. Super Random Fun Dungeon
Tired of questing? Want to just do some random dungeon crawling? Feel like a pro? Totally based on the dungeon in lufia 2? Why not try the Super Random Fun Dungeon? A dungeon where you start at base level stats (dont worry, your XP is preserved in a separate area so it isn't lost.) and work your way down 99 floors randomly made.

have to think about including a battery checker so you can keep track of your calculator's battery life.

sound good?

As far as the story goes, I have it worked up already but I'm not going to say anything yet because I just released Potter Quest 1. This project will probably take about a year as well if I'm doing it solo (some time for coding, most of the time for tweaking it to get it just right.). Go play PQ1, nao.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 12:37:18 am by Drak »

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2009, 01:05:56 am »
It sounds good.  You already have a good idea of how everything'll work and what the features will be.  It sounds like the encounter system will be similar to Chrono Trigger, which is great.

found a nice gem called "xLIB". gonna use that
There's also Celtic III which is backwards-compatible with xLIB, but still in development.  Just an idea, since the more people potentially using it means more "motivation" to finish ithint hint :D
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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #2 on: January 25, 2009, 01:09:14 am »
It sounds like the encounter system will be similar to Chrono Trigger, which is great.

Yeah, Chrono Trigger's whole "BOO LOL I SKAIRED U LETS FIGHT" thing was awesome. I had been a diehard FF nerd and so seeing that instead of fadescreen time4fite was like, "holy shiester, that was friggin awesome!"

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2009, 03:22:46 am »
wow nice to see you're working on a sequel. With graphics it will be even more awesome :)

xLIB is cool, just make sure to backup often in case you mess up a function. Celtic has backwards compatibility with xLIB and some Omnicalc functions but some xlib ones woN't work well yet such as sprite clipping to the left of the screen.

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2009, 07:07:28 pm »
Heyas, welcome! I don't remember you from before, but hey, whatever! This looks like it'll be pretty nice. Can't wait to see more of it.

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2009, 10:45:03 pm »
It's good to see you're doing a sequel. I'll definitely give this a shot once you finish and after I beat your first one.

Also you should get some reward for beating the game at lvl 1 (if you make it possible). Maybe unlock an extra quest or character or spell or something.
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Offline Drak

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2009, 09:56:03 am »
Also you should get some reward for beating the game at lvl 1 (if you make it possible). Maybe unlock an extra quest or character or spell or something.
already got an idea of what NoXP runners get.

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2009, 01:33:40 pm »
LV1 challenges are always cool, or just low level when it's impossible to beat a game at lv1.

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2009, 11:29:40 pm »
LV1 challenges are always cool, or just low level when it's impossible to beat a game at lv1.

itll be possible. it wont be "level 1" but rather when you choose New Game you'll be presented to the Normal/Extra/NoGain modes, and itll be No Gain which sets any XP gains to zero automatically. by the end of the game, I want the player for a no XP gain run to be like this:
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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2009, 11:07:49 pm »
got the system for handing "Single Person" damage working, as well as the "Single Target" animation system working. For some strange reason, the "Dude in a Trashcan" (test enemy) in slot 3 of Enemies kept jihad bombing himself... trying to figure out why he's taking damage when nobody's attacking him. I'm a dumbass. I put the wrong number for deducting hitpoints in deducting hitpoints for EnemSlot3. Had a 3 instead of a 7, so it was dropping his health whenever "Friend 2" got hit.

Anyway, enemies work now as theyre supposed to, have to fix the game to set anyone who gets KTFO'd mid init to skip their turn because I'm an idiot and I forgot to add that. after that I gotta work on actually giving Players the ability to fight back, but before I do that I might look for a digital camera and record some shit to stick on youtube so you guys can be like "zomg fapfapfap". youNOOB is being a fag and wont let me sign in. i'm in a perpetual state of ghey where it keeps asking me to sign in. mabey i should check to see if i'm blocking cookies. needed to disable cookies.

Youtube is processing this right now, so it should be up later (at most an hour) if it doesnt load for you.

it loaded for me, but it clipped some time off the video I uploaded. sadfaic.

in other news... going to sleep, need to rest so i can walk to work. i'll be fixing the obvious bug you may or may not see, as well as working on starting the player's ability to fight back.
« Last Edit: January 28, 2009, 12:24:38 am by Drak »

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2009, 02:15:32 am »
wow graphics are friggin awesome (altough I couldn,t see the left part since it was too dark in the video) and I like how it scrolls when text appears

as for youtube in opera and IE8 I don't have problems staying logged in and this one video loads fine, but I do have serious trouble loading most videos (either they stop at like 1/5 or they never load) so sometimes I got to wait later, switch to high quality (for some reasons sometimes it's faster on the canadian server I am on) or use aTube to download the video (which decreases the quality, altough not as much as with Save2pc)

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #11 on: January 29, 2009, 01:02:26 pm »
gonna make an update on the graphics handling for combat. still havent gotten around to writing an actual player handling thing yet, because Im starting to get sick. (and im a toal lazy ass too, and had to work yesterday) anyway yeah. uploading... STILL uploading... uploaded. if it says "processing" give it up to an hour before trying again. NoobTube is kinda mean that way. but hey, it works.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2009, 01:47:14 pm by Drak »

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #12 on: January 29, 2009, 05:32:02 pm »
Wow, I didnt know it was that far! Those graphics/battle animations look pretty sweet!

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #13 on: January 29, 2009, 07:09:10 pm »
I like how you got a white outline around the characters. I never thought about doing that in my games. It's helpful against black bgs. Very awesome work. Do you think you could make the walking a bit faster though? Like, twice faster

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Re: Potter and the Fortress of Moo (AKA Potterquest 2)
« Reply #14 on: January 29, 2009, 07:23:06 pm »
I like how you got a white outline around the characters. I never thought about doing that in my games. It's helpful against black bgs. Very awesome work. Do you think you could make the walking a bit faster though? Like, twice faster

i already have that written down to do as soon as I at least get the "default" attack for PC's done.

Jan30 Edit:

got the basic attack set up. managed to kill an enemy group. Got unlucky the second time around after I tweaked some animations to make them smoother and the enemies kept critting and I wiped. :( Think I've found some ways to reduce the memory cost of a few things, but I'll have to play with that on my end. Thinking about doing another video update. I'd rather have a screen recorder. Anyone know a good emulator that lets you use things like screen scrolling and contrast adjusting? And is compatible with xLIB/CelticIII ?
« Last Edit: January 31, 2009, 12:34:37 am by Drak »