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PQ2 Contest
« on: February 03, 2009, 11:54:20 am »
Been doing a bit of thinking, and I've decided to hold a "Make a Boss" contest (much like what they did for Kingdom Hearts 2) because I think it would be cool to see what kind of creative ideas the community can come up with. The details are below. The winner of this contest will get their submission hidden in the game as an optional boss, and they can also leave a bit of message to the player.

Make a Boss PQ2 Contest details__________________________

All creations must have...

A name. Otherwise, how would you know who it is? The name can only be eight letters long (due to size restrictions) as a nickname, but they can have up to 16 letters for a full name. (For formal meeting, ie pre-fight stuff.)

Have a 40x40 (Max) image of your creation, black and white (ti screen display)

Have a basic description of your creation (personality, attributes (is he strong? resilient to damage? quick?), what it likes to do, etc.)

An attack outline. What does it do? The game handles attacks in an order by 8. That means it does up to eight things in a certian order over and over. (ie, it'll punch, kick, punch, heal, cast a spell, kick, punch, and heal again, then repeat that sequence.) You are free to create your own ideas for attacks, and I can try to fit them in the best I can. Keep in mind the scope of the game allows max Health for players to reach 999, but that's incredibly difficult to achieve. Also note that attack damage is either "Physical" or "Mental" and there are two traits that reduce damage taken by either type.

Boss stats. If you want, write out your stats of your creation. The attributes that enemies have are...
Physical Attack Power
Mental Attack Power
Physical Attack Resistance
Mental Attack Resistance
Critical Rating (crit strike chance with all abilities base.) as a percent.
Speed Rating (Determines position to act in rounds.)

Originality. Original creations (like, stuff you have made in the past, or something you're making up just now) are preferred. (Over things like "OMG KLOUDE!")

The game *CAN* handle dialog during fights, but usually that's tied directly to a creature's attacks. You are free to talk smack to the player, just try to keep vulgarity to a minimum.

A link to a rick roll.Any dialog from the creation pre- and post- fight. Like, a special message to the player for beating the creation.

Creations must be beatable, but you don't have to make them super easy to beat.

i'll pick the top five or ten (depending on how many entries there are.) and then the community can vote on what they think is the best. if I have any updates to this, then i'll edit this post... and this contest will be open for a long time (because the project is a long way from being done.) so that gives you plenty of time to think.


read on down for further information/clarification
« Last Edit: February 04, 2009, 11:37:15 pm by Drak »

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Re: PQ2 Contest
« Reply #1 on: February 03, 2009, 12:04:10 pm »
well I'm not good at pixel art, but I'll give this a shot.
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Re: PQ2 Contest
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2009, 12:52:40 pm »
Boss PQ2 Contest details__________________________
An attack outline. What does it do? The game handles attacks in an order by 8. That means it does up to eight things in a certian order over and over. (ie, it'll punch, kick, punch, heal, cast a spell, kick, punch, and heal again, then repeat that sequence.) You are free to create your own ideas for attacks, and I can try to fit them in the best I can. Keep in mind the scope of the game allows max Health for players to reach 999, but that's incredibly difficult to achieve. Also note that attack damage is either "Physical" or "Mental" and there are two traits that reduce damage taken by either type.
Do you mean the enemy does all 8 things over the course of a single turn, or that the enemy has 8 different possible actions it can conduct only one of which will happen per turn, or that over the course of 8 turns it will execute each action once per turn in a specific order ?
I would also like more details on the battle system and was also wondering if there were status conditions in this game (IE paralyze, confuse, sleep, poison etc.)? Finally, what is the setting? Modern times, Ancient times, future, Albania, Canadia, USA etc.?

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: PQ2 Contest
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2009, 01:52:52 pm »
I think USA in modern times, or prbly slightly in the future, given the game plot. As for a monster unfortunately the only sprite I got is 24x24. Had the sprite dimensions allowed tiles a bit under 40x40 I could have easily created one using Charas.Ex and made it b/w but I kinda suck at spriting huge images x.x. Hence why ROL3 monsters were almost all 8x8 or 16x8 and Reuben's were ripped from games

Offline Drak

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Re: PQ2 Contest
« Reply #4 on: February 04, 2009, 11:36:46 pm »
I think USA in modern times, or prbly slightly in the future, given the game plot. As for a monster unfortunately the only sprite I got is 24x24. Had the sprite dimensions allowed tiles a bit under 40x40 I could have easily created one using Charas.Ex and made it b/w but I kinda suck at spriting huge images x.x. Hence why ROL3 monsters were almost all 8x8 or 16x8 and Reuben's were ripped from games

AHH!! sorry lol 40x40 is the LIMIT. You are allowed to have anything under that size!

as far as the attack sequence goes its like this.

theres a variable for round number in fights. every time a new round is started it goes up by one. when it reaches 9 it automatically resets to 1. The round number determines what enemies do. so, they follow a pattern of 8 attacks, repeating in order. some attacks, like one of the bosses in the game, can do unique attacks that alter what round number it is on, thereby letting that boss do a different action than the pattern has. as far as status errors, the following is the status errors in the game

regen (heals HP at New Round)
Focus (recovers TP at New Round - enemies are unable to use this.)
Poison (HP damage at new round
Sap (Damage and healing output by unit cut in half)
Shock (damages TP at new round - enemies are unable to get this.)
Cold (slows the unit down, making its position in rounds to fall back.)
Emo (all attacks made on this unit ignore defense. this is good and bad - if a boss has a negative defense versus something like physical, a vulnerability, this would make that vulnerability become ignored....)
Sleep (losing turns, 75% chance to cure itself on New Round)
Hyper (makes the unit's action occur faster in new rounds)
Range (increases damage and healing output by 50%)
stoned (cuts damage taken from all sources except New Round poison by 50%)
Reflect (non piercing single target "Spell" effects are bounced back to the attacker)
Immune (Immune to all damage, "cured" at next Round start)
"Defending" (cuts damage taken by 20%, cured at next round start)

enemies are able to be "immune" to specific status errors. this applies to bosses (most bosses are immune to sleep and sap for challenge) so keep that in mind with your creation.

as far as a plot time goes, close to the current time, maybe a year or so into the future. United states setting. But that doesn't mean your boss can't be something from the past, present, future, or fantasy timelines, or whatever you want it to be

be creative.

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Re: PQ2 Contest
« Reply #5 on: February 04, 2009, 11:46:05 pm »
aaah I see, ok, I'll see what I can do if I have some free time

Offline TIfanx1999

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Re: PQ2 Contest
« Reply #6 on: February 04, 2009, 11:53:47 pm »
Thankyou for the quick response. This will certainly be intersting. I have no Idea what I'm going to make yet, but I'll try to come up with something inspiring. One more question, what realm will bosses HP be in or is there a maximum set yet?, if you have any idea yet. Actually, a general sample stat spread for a boss would be good, or an idea of what would be average vs. uber for a boss stat spread. If you havent gotten that far in design yet that's ok. It can wait until you get things more worked out.

Offline Drak

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Re: PQ2 Contest
« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2009, 12:05:39 am »
well... mathematically a maxed out character (were talking, omg the farming time spent) can dish out 2300 DPR, and three of these things is about 7k damage a round. but realistically, you should go on the basis of a player being able to do about 3000 damage a round. I'd say about 50k would be considered "epic" high. but 50 to 250k is acceptable (Skizzle, an optional fight in PQ1 had a combined hitpoints of 50k, which was high considering the highest I ever hit was about 700 in it with a non-99s character.)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: PQ2 Contest
« Reply #8 on: February 20, 2009, 03:39:18 am »
I'm trying to find an idea atm. Either it will be some kind of angel casting bad statuses aliments or whatever, else it will be something else