After playing on online game (, I was inspired to recreate my own version of it for Protocol. My version is almost identical except that the pieces and board are only square in shape so the placement of each piece is bounded not by its shape but by the dimension of it's square container.
Don't forget to download the attachment!
btw, you need xLIB. Just something I take for granted sometimes...
Here's a short animated screenshot demonstrating the game play.
As you can see, there is a puzzle mode and a random mode.

(alpha key will restart the puzzle at any point in case you were wondering)
As for the puzzle mode, I have not created any puzzles (except one for testing purposes). This is where I am recruiting YOU

to help me create the 49 puzzles for the game (actually there's 7 bonus puzzles for a total of 56). I have attached a puzzle creator to make creating puzzles quick and easy.
When you create a puzzle, the level will exist in list L1.
Simply recall L1 into a program or write it down that way you can send me the levels you create.
If you want to play your levels:
1) scroll to line 29 in prgmMODU10 and delete the line contents.
2) Type "
3) Recall L1
4) Type a space (don't forget this space)
5) Type -> Str1
This will allow you to play your level.
If you want to enable multiple levels (instead of just repeating the same one), then read this below.
For those of you who are program savy, you can modify the editor so that it puts the list into string format and adds it to Str2 (with a space after each puzzle list). Then you can modify the game so that it stores Str2 to Str1 (just scroll to line 29 in the program). Also, see that For loop (line 31), change the third parameter (currently a 0) into theta so that it looks like For(X,0,/theta/. This will enable you to play all of your creative levels.
Attachment below: