Author Topic: Reign of Legends 4 (xLIB)  (Read 6882 times)

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Reign of Legends 4 (xLIB)
« Reply #30 on: August 24, 2007, 06:27:00 pm »
I guess I did a good move for not creating a sub forum for ROL4

consider this as dead now x.x

my apologies, but I think I will leave the place for smaller games and new people for such projects.

maybe I will take it back one day, but it won't be soon. I will just try to find a smaller project because i don't think huge projects like this are my thing anymore :(sad.gif I guess I overhelmed myself too much by releasing 5 Illusiats in 2 months and 23 RPGs in 2 years :Dbiggrin.gif


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Reign of Legends 4 (xLIB)
« Reply #31 on: August 25, 2007, 03:26:00 am »
what happened Kevin?

well, if you really think so...  I was getting pretty excited about this.  Any plans already for new projects in the near future?  Maybe you'll pick it up in the future and do it in ASM?


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Reign of Legends 4 (xLIB)
« Reply #32 on: August 25, 2007, 05:38:00 am »

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Reign of Legends 4 (xLIB)
« Reply #33 on: August 25, 2007, 12:13:00 pm »
None of those delnar elriske. I am surprised you didn't guessed the main factor though, as (no offense) you kinda contributed a lot to the death of this project and almost got banned a few times here before i lost internet access. the biggest reason that made this project die was the negative criticism about my previous games sizes and amount of programs (see ticalc reviews of Reuben quest 1 and Metroid. ALso check the news articles comments about reuben, XXR and metroid), and since I will never rely on stripping down most features that made my games get recognition in the past just because i want to keep it under 30 KB and less than 10 sub routines. Imho 98% of the basic rpgs released so far that are under that size sucked or lacked many features. If they had lot of features they were generally demos

since people don't want large games anymore I'm out of this now, and i will not return on my decision. I even considered getting to remove Metroid and all my RPGs aside from Illusiat 1-12 collection, Nemesiat and Mana Force 1 from their site for a while now, same for calcgames and UnitedTI

Now that this happened, I would like to recommend to people who give criticism on other people games (even though finished) to not be that tight or harsh), because this could happen again and this happened often in the past. Just think before posting it.

As for if there was another factor that made this project die was that the goal of the story was to create a parralel with TI community stuff (hence the ragol name for one of the chars), but since it abruptely ended (due to some idiot starting a rumor about a dos attack by netham, which prompted me to login under xlibman/DJ_Omnimaga to set a ban) this pretty much defeat the main purpose of the project. In fact, progress stopped right before this happen, but the reason why i did not restarted is what i explained above


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Reign of Legends 4 (xLIB)
« Reply #34 on: August 25, 2007, 01:28:00 pm »
None of those delnar elriske. I am surprised you didn't guessed the main factor though, as (no offense) you kinda contributed a lot to the death of this project and almost got banned a few times here before i lost internet access. the biggest reason that made this project die was the negative criticism about my previous games sizes and amount of programs (see ticalc reviews of Reuben quest 1 and Metroid. Also check the news articles comments about reuben, XXR and metroid), and since I will never rely on stripping down most features that made my games get recognition in the past just because i want to keep it under 30 KB and less than 10 sub routines. Imho 98% of the basic rpgs released so far that are under that size sucked or lacked many features. If they had lot of features they were generally demos

Hmmm, I never received any warning about those potential bans. Also, the reason people criticized your programs (not you, big difference) for size was probably because those people did not have 83+SE's or 84+SE's like you do (the exact same reason DCS was criticized for size: only the 83+/84+ owners were the ones complaining, the SE owners actually wanted more features). The reason people criticized your programs for the amount of subprograms was because they were too lazy to remember all the programs that need to be in the archive or in the RAM (I was part of that lazy group as well, though now that I know more about BASIC, I realize the effectiveness of subprograms sometimes). Most people who own calculators and play games on them regularly usually keep 6-18 games (depending on their calc model) and archive the games they aren't playing to save RAM and to make sure that if there is a RAM Clear somehow, they'll only lose the game they were currently playing. If there was some kind of macro or another easy way to automatically archive/unarchive the subprograms needed for your game, those criticisms would immediately disappear.

since people don't want large games anymore I'm out of this now, and i will not return on my decision. I even considered getting to remove Metroid and all my RPGs aside from Illusiat 1-12 collection, Nemesiat and Mana Force 1 from their site for a while now, same for calcgames and UnitedTI

What do you mean by big games not being popular. Sure Phoenix is less than 10kB and is pretty popular, but I wouldn't call Wizards, Desolate 2, Spencer's Zelda, Pokemon Purple, Robot War 2, AOC2, and the rest (sorry if I forgot to mention a popular game in progress that is over 30kB in size) neglected by the TI Community. All right, all right, only 2 of the games I mentioned are in BASIC, but PP is in Pure BASIC so that makes up for it. Among the games that are out, iirc, there are pretty popular games that are kind of large, including: Desolate, TVF, Bowling, Acelgoyobis (it's only big if you have ~3 tables loaded, though), RL3 (yes, it's still pretty popular despite its speed and size), LoZ: Dark Link Quest (I actually played through this 3 times, it was so fun), Gemini, Metroid Pi, and more (again, excuse me if I forgot something).

Now that this happened, I would like to recommend to people who give criticism on other people games (even though finished) to not be that tight or harsh), because this could happen again and this happened often in the past. Just think before posting it.

Yes, some of us can be overcritical at times, like myself (even with my own programs :alien:alien2.gif ). But in the case of myself, anything I don't point out as "needs to be improved" is good in your game, and anything I point out as "good" is exceptionally good (I am sure there are some people out there that are exactly the same as me). Also, if I had the choice between an overcritical geek and a lying Mr. Nice-Guy, I'd rather take the overcritical geek (I don't know about you however, you might be a little more sensitive to criticisms than I am).

As for if there was another factor that made this project die was that the goal of the story was to create a parralel with TI community stuff (hence the ragol name for one of the chars), but since it abruptely ended (due to some idiot starting a rumor about a dos attack by netham, which prompted me to login under xlibman/DJ_Omnimaga to set a ban) this pretty much defeat the main purpose of the project. In fact, progress stopped right before this happen, but the reason why i did not restarted is what i explained above

That was actually a pretty nice trick with the whole ragol thing there, even if I did get a bit suspicious by the common name between one of the RL4 characters and the account name and by the fact that both the xlibman account and the ragol account claimed to live in Quebec yet have never seen each other. If that IRC incident hadn't happened and you would have continued under the mask name of Ragol, some of use would have unmasked you (whether secretly or privately) after a while due to some minor details you might have let slip. It is possible to see how hard it is to run under a new identity without being unmasked by looking at some history (whether very recent or pretty far into the past).

[/end long post]

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Reign of Legends 4 (xLIB)
« Reply #35 on: August 25, 2007, 02:44:00 pm »
i hate how people who only have 83+ give themselves the right to criticise metroid or reuben for this, when its clearly stated in readme that it's for the SE/84+ calcs x.x

well, people dont read readmes anyway

as for the bans no warning/bans were set because i had no internet access and it was rivereye in charge of the forums at that time and i like to give chances