Yeah, there is a bit of SMC in there (DigiTan called it "polymorph") and yes, the attached sources (in the first post and in reply #6) are the latest sources. CrASH_Man's tilemapper also uses a bit of SMC. I started work on converting it over to an app a while ago, but i'm not sure where those sources went. If someone else wanted to pick up on that, that'd be great. Then i could start working on the multiplayer stuff.
EDIT: I just popped the code from Fullrene in and now it works just fine on the 83+ in TilEm2, gonna load it up on my 83+BE now. It's also much smaller now

Just loaded onto my 83+ and it works fine except for exiting gives a RAM clear
EDIT: Here's a modified version that works for all calcs, though for the 83+ series i think it leaves >$C000 execution open (it checks if the calc is an 83+, if it is it just quits and doesn't reset the protection). Source and 8xp included. It's also over 200 bytes smaller than the previous Crabcake-based version, so it should be a bit easier to fit on your calc.