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Re: Samocal
« Reply #15 on: February 06, 2011, 10:15:40 pm »
Wow, I can't wait to see how this turns out, especially when you make use of Batlib

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #16 on: February 06, 2011, 10:26:01 pm »

I have the stats and some bios done for the monsters...
Spoiler For Spoiler:

In this version of the game, the Base values are actually 0~250.
Multiply these values by 50 to get the actual values.

Base values:                           Master Experience:
HP |Atk|Def|Mgc|Mdf|Spd|    Name       |HP |Atk|Def|Mgc|Mdf|Spd|
5  |2  |3  |3  |2  |3  |Florita         2  |0  |0  |0  |3  |0  |
3  |4  |3  |1  |4  |1  |Troll           0  |2  |0  |0  |1  |0  |
3  |4  |3  |3  |2  |3  |Dwarf           0  |1  |0  |1  |0  |0  |
4  |3  |3  |2  |3  |4  |Magfly          1  |1  |0  |0  |0  |1  |
4  |3  |3  |2.5|2.5|2  |Manita          1  |1  |0  |1  |0  |0  |
4  |4  |2  |2  |2  |4  |Water Demon     1  |1  |0  |0  |0  |1  |
5  |1  |4  |2  |3  |3  |Healer          2  |0  |1  |0  |0  |0  |
2  |4  |4  |2  |2  |4  |Trolm           0  |1  |1  |0  |0  |0  |
3  |3  |4  |2  |3  |4  |Bufli           0  |0  |1  |0  |0  |1  |
4  |2  |4  |2  |2  |4  |Wataray         1  |0  |1  |0  |0  |0  |
2  |5  |3  |2  |2  |4  |Attack Master   0  |2  |0  |0  |0  |0  |
4  |4  |4  |4  |2  |4  |Water Dragon    0  |2  |0  |1  |0  |1  |
3  |5  |2  |2  |2  |5  |Maxpider        0  |2  |0  |0  |0  |2  |
4  |2  |2  |5  |3  |4  |Psyita          0  |0  |0  |2  |2  |0  |
4  |2  |2  |4  |5  |4  |Witch           1  |0  |0  |0  |1  |0  |
4  |2  |2  |4  |4  |3  |Wizard          1  |0  |0  |1  |0  |0  |
4  |4  |4  |5  |4  |4  |Sabem           2  |2  |2  |2  |2  |2  |
4  |5  |5  |4  |4  |5  |Los-Wei         2  |2  |2  |2  |2  |2  |
4  |4  |4  |5  |5  |4  |Shalka          2  |2  |2  |2  |2  |2  |
Florita is a rather gentle creature, but is by no means your
average fauna. It understands, intimately the ways of nature
and should not be underestimated. There is a legend in the Isles
of Pen-chi that the Master of Nature is in fact a Florita.

This lumbering giant stands at the least 3 metres tall and has
unbelieveable strength. They generally carry a club of some
sort, but the type varies. In the mountain regions of Crysla,
there is said to be a club of pure grina.

Dwarfs are a relative of both trolls and Trolms. They are
smaller than the others, but are by no means short. Some even
reach a height of 2 metres (though 1.5 is more likely). They
possess strength and intelligence and probably have some of the
greatest hoards of ore.

Native to the Isles of Pen-Chi, these insect-like creatures can
be quite deadly. With a combination of decent power and speed,
this is one bug you should be afraid of.

A relative of both Florita and Psyita, Manita is often called
the Man-Eater. It has the look of a harmless flower, but it has
the teeth of a deadly carnivore.

Water Demon:
This creature has superior speed and attack and this makes it a
worthy opponent. Especially for a fish. This is nothing like a
shark or a piranha, but its fleshy hide means its defenses are

As its name might suggest, this creature is a healer. It belongs
to a race of faerie that devotes its efforts to the art of
healing. They rarely fight, but they have decent defensive
abilities. A battle with a healer could last a long while. There
are some exceptionally gifted healers that are very powerful. As
a last resort, they will sacrifice there own health to take your

This relative of the trolls and dwarves has superior defense,
strength, and speed. This is one of the more deadly opponents
you may face.

This creature is native to Crysla and resembles a butterfly. It
has an almost unheard of defense and speed combo that can be
attributed to a special material that coats their body. It is
believed that this material is controlled by a primitive magic
that few can master. As soon as the creature dies, the material
turns liquid and then evaporates in seconds.

This gentle, undulating creature has one of the longest life
spans of any other living creature. Some are said to be
currently in their primes at the age of over 900 years. They
have a vast knowledge of the ways of Water and can manipulate it
with ease. It is said that even in legend, no creature has ever
compared to the ability of the Wataray when it comes to water.

Attack Master:
This elite warrior uses no weapons but their body. Their
deadliness is matched by a very select few.

Water Dragon:
This is not actually a dragon, but its powers are intense. Its
weakness is only in magical defense. It has superior control
over several of the elements and so had for a long time been
thought to be a dragon.

This is one of the deadliest creatures to walk the lands. Its
speed and attack are unmatched. They are native to the unsettled
regions of Arbron (unsettled for obvious reasons). They have
rather short life spans, but some reach ages of 40 years.

This relative of Florita and Manita is extremely powerful in the
area of magic. They are docile until provoked. Inhabiting the
same region as Maxpider, these are probably the only creatures
the Maxpider dare not cross.

In humans, those who are gifted in magic are witches. Rarely do
males match the ability of females, but on the off occasion they
do, they, too are referred to as a witch. It is an honor to have
this distinction.

These are sometimes referred to as rogues and some females are
classified here as well. Their power is more aggressive, but
they are generally not as skilled as a witch. Their knowledge
of magic, though, is quite impressive and so witches and wizards
often are regarded as equals.
Sabem is one of the oldest and most powerful creatures alive. It
has mastered magic in a way that no other ever has. Its
understanding of magic allows it to control all forms of magic
and it can create spells never before used. Because of its
knowledge, it knows how to use magic with very little energy.

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #17 on: February 06, 2011, 10:45:43 pm »
You forgot one:
Code: [Select]
HP |Atk     |Def|Mgc|Mdf|Spd|    Name       |HP |Atk|Def|Mgc|Mdf|Spd|
99 |>9000 |99 |99   |2   |3    |Netham45     |2  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |

EDIT: I know I failed at aligning it
« Last Edit: February 06, 2011, 10:46:19 pm by Binder News »
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Re: Samocal
« Reply #18 on: February 06, 2011, 10:55:10 pm »
You forgot one:
Code: [Select]
HP |Atk     |Def|Mgc|Mdf|Spd|    Name       |HP |Atk|Def|Mgc|Mdf|Spd|
99 |>9000 |99 |99   |2   |3    |Netham45     |2  |0  |0  |0  |0  |0  |


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Re: Samocal
« Reply #19 on: February 06, 2011, 11:15:59 pm »
Hmm... I likes :P
The items aren't done, but here is what I have sop far.
Spoiler For Spoiler:
Code: [Select]
Name          Value       Type        Mod1    Mod2    Mod3     Info
Grina          3500        Sell                       1        This substance is very strong and rare. No metalsmith can shape this material, but it is very valuable.
Sweet Fruit       5        Use                                 Heals 5 HP
Heal Herb        15        Use                                 Heals 15 HP
Heal Potion      25        Use                                 Heals 25 HP
Max Heal        100        Use                                 Restores all HP
HP+             140        Use                                 Slightly increases HP
Attack+         150        Use                                 Slightly increases Attack
Defense+        150        Use                                 Slightly increases Defense
Magic+          150        Use                                 Slightly increases Magic
Magic Defense+  150        Use                                 Slightly increases Magic Defense
Speed+          150        Use                                 Slightly increases Speed
Attack Up        30        Battle                              Boosts Attack
Defense Up       30        Battle                              Boosts Defense
Magic Inc.       30        Battle                              Boosts Magic
M. Def Inc.      30        Battle                              Boosts Magic Defense
Speed Boost      30        Battle                              Boosts Speed
Coer Trident      0        Special                    1        Found on the Isles of Penchi, this is awarded to a master of Water. Typically, it is in the possesion of a Coer-Cri (Translated as Water Master, go figure.)
Flame Pendant     0        Special                    2        This is a pendant forged in ancient times out of an unknown material. It was found on Mount Littna and is awarded to a master of Fire.
Grina Powder      0        Special                    3        In the mountain region of Crysla, there is an order of Dwarves that posesses this extremely rare material. Only masters of Earth are entrusted with this.
Arboron Petal     0        Special                    4        Inhabited by solely Psyita's and Maxpider's, Arboron is home to wonders not seen in millenia. The Arboron Petal is one of the most highly prized items. Legend says that this item catalyses the use of magic.
Canyon Mist       0        Special                    5        Misty Gorges' most noted item is a vile of its legendary Mist. What makes this vile notable is that it was collected as Samocal rent the lands. During this time, the mist took on a extremely enhanced property of air who's power has not yet waned.
Iron Nugget      50        Trade                                       
Silver Nugget   150        Trade                                       
Gold Nugget     250        Trade                                       
Braqqia Wood               Trade                                       
Sheble Wood                Trade                                       
Bufli Webs                 Trade                               Even without the legendary defensive coating of the Bufli's wings, some of the magic still lends its defensive capabilities to its wings.
Crysla                     Trade                               It is said to be the coating of a Bufli's wings, preserved by an ancient magic. This material is used in high-level defensive materials.
RareStone      3500        Use                                       
RareShard      3500        Use                                       
RareMetal      3500        Use                                       
Quickiite      3500        Use                                       
BlessedStone   3000        Special/Battle                                       
Power Charm     500        Special/Battle                                       
Solid Charm     500        Special/Battle                                       
Demon Charm     500        Special/Battle                                       
Sharp Stone     500        Special/Battle                                       
Metal Ore       500        Special/Battle                                       
Lightning Rock  500        Special/Battle                                       
Lucky Leaf     3000        Special/Battle                                       
GemX           2500        Special/Battle                                       
GemY           2500        Special/Battle                                       

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #20 on: February 08, 2011, 01:00:22 am »
I like this so far Xeda. :D Could you explain what's the master level thing, though? Some enemies have 0 HP and die instantly before you land any hit when they're at highest possible level? O.O :P

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #21 on: February 08, 2011, 01:04:44 am »
Ah, well the master level is kind of a hidden experience aimed at specific stats. So while you get some experience toward leveling up when you battle a monster you get some experience toward mastering a specific stat. If you think of the EV stats in Pokémon games, this is pretty similar.

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2011, 12:03:52 am »
Oh I see. I remember one of my RPG-based comic book had separate experience for each stats and some enemies gave more exp for one stats than the other or vice-versa. It can be interesting. Someone who wants to get an attack bonus will fight more monsters that gives more exp in atk and stuff like that.

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #23 on: February 14, 2011, 09:25:52 am »
Wow it looks nice, xeda! keep it up!
I'm not a nerd but I pretend:

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #24 on: April 14, 2011, 01:47:11 am »
Yay! Necropost/update ^_^ So I was bored for the past hour and I finally got around to making a map editor and walking routine designed with BatLib :) It isn't much, yet, but currently:
- world files are 96x96 tiles (9216 bytes/tiles). I have some unused code in BatLib that I plan to use that will up that to 128x128 at 1024 bytes less :)
-16 tiles will be used for maps, plus your sprite :) Maybe I will make it customizable for sprites?
-You can walk in grass and plain ground.

Things not implemented:
- talking to in game characters
- stats
- items
- monsters/battle engine
- plot XD
- other random stuff

*As a note, this is not a project I am going to focus on. This is just going to be a pet project I get to every so often :)

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #25 on: April 14, 2011, 02:32:18 am »
It looks really nice.
I love that smiley character.
Sig wipe!

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #26 on: April 14, 2011, 09:47:35 pm »
Okay, so I worked some more on it today and you can now talk to people, view your stats, and your position, stats, and items are saved in a 163 byte save file (Str0). I still have yet to program in items and monster data (though I do have the monster sprites ready), but I have an idea of how I am going to do Items. Also, 64 bytes of the save file is just for the order you arrange your items in XD I am still debating on whether or not I should keep that in. If I don't, the save files will be a nice, tiny 99 bytes.

On another note, I made it so that now the world data can be archived. I kept trying to figure out why I couldn't move when the world was archived. Then I realised that when I was reading the map data for collision detection, I was using dim(15 and apparently I never fixed that to read from archive x.x I had to use a combination of two other commands, instead : dim(66,dim(11...

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2011, 07:59:18 am »
This looks like a great use of BatLib =D Does it have any recode?

This last update looks very good, the trees, smilies and conversations are all very well done.

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2011, 08:36:18 am »
Looks very nice Xeda.

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Re: Samocal
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2011, 08:36:49 am »
It does use ReCode for the the menu when you press mode because it is actually about 20 or 30 bytes smaller than the exact same thing in regular BASIC/BatLib code :D That also makes it faster which is why I had to add a delay in the menu XD