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Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« on: January 15, 2010, 05:49:22 pm »
I decided I wanted to give BASIC a shot. I figured I should go ahead and arrange some assets and details for a personal project that could help me test and develop my coding skills along the way; so I've been working on this little gem.

The game takes place in a medieval setting, within a world known as Sanctum. The story focuses on a region ruled by Lord Calendae -- a powerful monarch, and a just ruler. The region is protected from evil by a relic known as the Holy Grail, ensuring the peace and prosperity of all denizens therein. Although the relic is only used to guard the region from the monstrosities that plague the rest of the world, it's power is malleable to the will of anyone who comes into its possession.

One day, monsters began to surface within the region, and Lord Calendae found that the Holy Grail had been removed. An age of darkness and chaos ensued as people were forced to take up arms and defend their land against destruction. Lord Calendae summons a hero to seek-out the Holy Grail and return it to its place. This is where the player comes in...

First, the player is tasked with creating his or her own character from a selection of character races. Each race has its own unique strengths and weaknesses:

Human - Humans belong to the most common race in Sanctum. They're fairly balanced and proficient in a wide array of armaments and spellcraft. They have no clear advantages over other races, however.

Hit Points 13

Vigor      3 +0
Dexterity  3 +0
Fortitude  3 +0
Wisdom     3 +0
Charisma   3 +0

Regeneration: 1/48 steps

receive 50% more XP per kill / quest
only race that can use Clarent Blade
+ to diplomatic negotiations

Dvergar - Short and stout humanoids with a strong sense of vitality. Dvergar are mostly economically-oriented, and produce some of the finest weapons and wares in the entire region. They live by a strict ethos, "Steel is stronger than magic" which forbids them from using spellcraft. Many Dvergar feel that spellcraft is a cheap and dishonorable way of defeating an opponent.

Hit Points 15

Vigor      3 +1
Dexterity  3 -1
Fortitude  3 +2
Wisdom     3 +0
Charisma   3 +0

Regeneration: 1/24 steps

+1 hit with axes
immune to disease
half damage from poison
additional chance of finding GP
can't use missile weapons (except throwing axes)
can't use non-priest spells, or magical items

Mitra - Strange and magicakal humanoids that hail from the woodlands. Mitra have very slender and beautiful features, and a strong affinity for spellcraft. Their weaker frames afford them less strength with which to carry heavy armaments, however.

Hit Points 12

Vigor      3 -1
Dexterity  3 +1
Fortitude  3 -1
Wisdom     3 +2
Charisma   3 +1

Regeneration: 1/40 steps

+1 hit with bows
+1 resist magic
can't wear scale, cuirass or plate armor

Saurian - Fearsome lizardmen that reside within the swampy regions of Sanctum. Saurians are mostly secluded from other races, prefering to remain within their own societies. Their non-humanoid design makes it impossible for them to wear any type of armor designed by man. On the other hand, their natural scales afford them protection against the elements, as well as many types of weapons.

Hit Points 14

Vigor      3 +1
Dexterity  3 +0
Fortitude  3 +1
Wisdom     3 +0
Charisma   3 -1

Regeneration: 1/32 steps

+1 hit with spear / halberd
+1 resist fire
can't wear armor (has natural armor class)

Half-Troll - Gruesome creatures that are mostly regarded as outcasts by other races. Half-Trolls live within chaotic societies driven by survival of the fittest. It is common knowledge that trolls can regenerate any kind of damage. The only way to kill them is with fire. Half-Trolls have less regenerative abilities, but also a less lethal weakness to fire.

Hit Points 14

Vigor      3 +2
Dexterity  3 -1
Fortitude  3 +1
Wisdom     3 -1
Charisma   3 -1

Regeneration: 1/16 steps

evil-aligned; can't wear Elfin Chain or use good-aligned spells
+1 hit with two-handed weapons
-1 resist to fire
immune to poison

The player may also allocate points in various skills:

Hunting - affects how much food is gained by killing animals and fishing, and also whether or not you gain the animal's pelt, which can be sold
Harvesting - affects how many turns it take to harvest lumber, and what it sells for
Alchemy - affects which potions can brewed from reagents and other items, and how effective healing potions are
Lore - automatically identifies some items, depending on lore level; increases chance of rare treasures or more gold / gems appearing
Survival - affects some resistance to poison and disease, and affects how quickly food is consumed; affects natural regeneration rate

Characters with magical aptness can learn a variety of spells by scribing magic words found on cavern walls, or from the tutelage of various priests and mages scattered across the region. Some spells allow the player to uniquely interact with the environment:


|                        |                                                     |
| Level 1                | Effect                                              |
|                        |                                                     |
| Continual Light        | remove fog-of-war for 2h                            |
| Bless                  | AR and AC +1 for 2h                                 |
| Create Food            | add food [WIS*2(+8)]                                |
| Locate Traps           | flash any trapped objects on-screen                 |
|                        |                                                     |
| Level 2                | Effect                                              |
|                        |                                                     |
| Neutralize Poison      | cure poison                                         |
| Heal Infirmity         | heal HP [WIS*4]                                     |
| Cure Disease           | cure disease                                        |
| Remove Curse           | remove cursed items or curses on character          |
|                        |                                                     |
| Level 3                | Effect                                              |
|                        |                                                     |
| Water-Walk             | move across water tiles until reaching land         |
| Animate Dead           | summons a random, undead minion [undead lvl WIS/2]  |
| Lightning Bolt         | (pending)
| Flame Blade            | enchant weapon with fire-elem. power for 2h         |
|                        |                                                     |
| Level 4                | Effect                                              |
|                        |                                                     |
| Earthquake             | too verbose to fit here!                            |
| Chain Lightning        | (pending)
| Restoration            | heal HP; [WIS*8] reverse energy-drain; incur fatigue|
| Dispel Evil            | kill lvl7<= demon/undead within 1sq; no save        |

|                        |                                                     |
| Level 1                | Effect                                              |
|                        |                                                     |
| Unlock                 | removes locks; lock-level based on [WIS*1]          |
| Repulsion              | morale failure in lvl2<= creatures for 2h           |
| Burning Hands          | (pending)
| Magick Missile         | straight missile; damage [WIS*1]                    |
|                        |                                                     |
| Level 2                | Effect                                              |
|                        |                                                     |
| Invisibility           | incur invisibility for 2h                           |
| Shield                 | AC and DR +1 for 2h                                 |
| Sleep                  | hold all on-screen creatures 2h; save vs. charm     |
| Flaming Sphere         | (pending)
|                        |                                                     |
| Level 3                | Effect                                              |
|                        |                                                     |
| True Vision            | expose all traps, secret passages and invisibility  |
| Malison                | summons up to 4 random lvl1 monsters [WIS*1(-1)]    |
| Haste                  | double movement for 2h                              |
| Vampiric Touch         | damage within 1sq; [WIS*1] restore that much own HP |
|                        |                                                     |
| Level 4                | Effect                                              |
|                        |                                                     |
| Dimensional Door       | create gate to Calendae Castle; incur fatigue       |
| Disintegrate           | kill lvl6<= creature within 1sq; save vs. death     |
| Incindiery Cloud       | (pending)
| Time Stop              | hault game ticks for 32 movements                   |

The game is very rogue-like, with emphasis on exploration, personal survival, (managing food and resources) gathering information, etc. Large sections of the region are randomly generated each time a new game is started. This is achieved by a seed that arranges certain paths and objects, and generates treasures and monster encounters based on the relative difficulty of that area. Towns and dungeons will mostly be static maps. The player will be given a difficulty option that can affect the size of the world generated, as well as how easy it is to come across treasures and resources.

A character progresses by gaining XP points. (from quests, or defeating enemies) This accumulates into a large XP pool. The player then has to visit various shrines located across the region. Each shrine corresponds to a specific attribute; such as dexterity or hit points. By praying at the shrine, XP is deducted, and an attribute is permenantly increased. In essence, there are no experience-levels. A player can improve any attribute by accumulating XP and then spending it to have specific attributes increased.

There's a large selection of weapons and armory that can be found and equipped. Aside from normal equipment, there is also "masterwork" equipment, which has slightly improved statistics. Rarely, you may find magical equipment with special abilities. In some cases, it's necessary to have magical items in order to defeat a certain type of enemy. For instance, you need a weapon enchanted with fire if you wish to defeat a troll.

|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Normal Melee Weapons   | AR | Dm | Wt.| Special Attack                       |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Dagger                 |    | -- | 00 |                                      |
| Mace                   |    | +1 | 08 |                                      |
| Sword                  |    | +1 | 05 |                                      |
| Hatchet                |    | +1 | 03 |                                      |
| Spear                  |    | +2 | 06 |                                      |
| Two-Handed Sword       |    | +2 | 10 |                                      |
| Broadaxe               |    | +2 | 08 |                                      |
| Halberd                |    | +3 | 12 |                                      |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Masterwork Melee Weap. | AR | Dm | Wt.| Special Attack                       |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Dagger +1              |    | +1 | 00 |                                      |
| Mace +1                |    | +2 | 08 |                                      |
| Sword +1               |    | +2 | 05 |                                      |
| Sword +2               |    | +3 | 05 |                                      |
| Spear +1               |    | +2 | 06 |                                      |
| Two-Handed Sword +1    |    | +3 | 10 |                                      |
| Halberd +1             |    | +4 | 12 |                                      |
| Dagger of the Snake    |    | -- | 00 | incur poison                         |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Magickal Melee Weapons | AR | Dm | Wt.| Special Attack                       |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Firetooth Dagger       |    | -- | 00 | fire-elem.                           |
| Marrowedge             | -1 | -1 | 01 | cursed; heal 1 HP per successful hit |
| Trollbane Sword        |    | +1 | 05 | +1 vs. troll; fire-elem.             |
| Vorpal Sword           |    | +1 | 05 | incur death                          |
| Sword of Achilles      |    | +1 | 05 | ignore AC                            |
| Clarent Blade          |    | +2 | 05 | +2 vs. undead; +1 WIS; REG           |
| Sword of Mastery       |    | +1 | 05 | projectile attack *                  |
| Stonecutter Axe        |    | +4 | 08 | ignore Dr                            |
| Runcible Spoon         |    | -- | 00 | hunt; (+fishing) harvest             |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Normal Missile Weapons | AR | Dm | Wt.| Special Attack                       |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Sling                  |    |    | 01 |                                      |
| Boomerang              |    |    | 01 |                                      |
| Bow                    |    |    | 04 |                                      |
| Crossbow               |    |    | 06 |                                      |
| Throwing Axe           |    |    | 05 |                                      |
| Hackbut                |    |    | 05 |                                      |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Masterwork Missile Wp. | AR | Dm | Wt.| Special Attack                       |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Sling +1               |    |    | 01 |                                      |
| Bow +1                 |    |    | 04 |                                      |
| Crossbow +1            |    |    | 06 |                                      |
| Elfin Bow              |    |    | 03 |                                      |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Magickal Missile Weap. | AR | Dm | Wt.| Special Attack                       |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| The Hammer             |    |    | 04 |                                      |
| Caldera's Flight       |    |    | 04 |                                      |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Normal Armour          | AC | DR | Wt.| Special Defences                     |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Clothes                |    |    | 00 |                                      |
| Brigandine             |    |    | 10 |                                      |
| Hauberk                |    |    | 16 |                                      |
| Scale Armour           |    |    | 24 |                                      |
| Cuirass                |    |    | 40 |                                      |
| Plate Armour           |    |    | 60 |                                      |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Masterwork Armour      | AC | DR | Wt.| Special Defences                     |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Highland Tunic         | -- | -- | 00 | +1 Dr vs. magick                     |
| Scale Armour +1        |    |    | 24 |                                      |
| Plate Armour +1        |    |    | 60 |                                      |
| Spiderweave Armour     |    |    | 10 |                                      |
| Thieves' Leather       |    |    | 10 |                                      |
| Elfin Chain            |    |    | 08 |                                      |
| Dragon Scale           |    |    | 28 |                                      |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Magickal Armour        | AC | DR | Wt.| Special Defences                     |
|                        |    |    |    |                                      |
| Armour of the Serpent  |    |    | 24 |                                      |
| Armour of Remuneration |    |    | 24 |                                      |
| Styptic Flesh          |    |    | 10 |                                      |
| Spiritual Armour       |    |    | 40 |                                      |
|                        |                                                     |
| Accessory              | Special Properties                                  |
|                        |                                                     |
| Tarnhelm               | permenant invisibility                              |
| Adder Stone            | +1 resist disease and charm                         |
| Circle of Stars        | max resist death                                    |
| Andvarinaut            | +2 Lore skill                                       |
| Draupnir               | half-price on all wares                             |
| Seven-League Boots     | permenant haste                                     |
| Necklace of Harmonia   | max resist poison, disease and charm; seal magick   |
|                        |                                                     |
| Alchemy                | Effects                                             |
|                        |                                                     |
| Love-Philtre           | max CHA for 8 hours                                 |
| Elixir of Health       | permenant +1 mHP                                    |
| Elixir of Vigour       | permenant +1 VIG                                    |
| Elixir of Dexterity    | permenant +1 DEX                                    |
| Elixir of Fortitude    | permenant +1 FOR                                    |
| Elixir of Wisdom       | permenant +1 WIS                                    |
| Elixir of Charisma     | permenant +1 CHA                                    |
|                        |                                                     |
| Items                  | Effects                                             |
|                        |                                                     |
| Torch                  | illumination; single use                            |
| Wraith's Lantern       | illumination; unlimited use                         |
|                        |                                                     |
| Magickal Relics        | Effects                                             |
|                        |                                                     |
| Cup of Jamshid         |                                                     |
| Gem of True-Seeing     |                                                     |
| Dragon's Teeth         |                                                     |
| Mundane Egg            |                                                     |
| Vajra                  |                                                     |

The world is fairly "smart," and remembers how you interact with people or the trouble you might cause along the way. If you break the laws of a village, then the guards will hunt you down relentlessly. Returning to that village at a later point in the game wouldn't be a good idea. If you wanted to, you could choose a completely evil path; such as overthrowing Lord Calendae and becoming the feudal lord of the entire region. How you play the game is entirely your choice.

I want to implement a feature that would allow you to invest in your own shops that could export services and provide your character with a constant income, or even allow your character to invest in something as large as a stronghold that could be used to train your own soldiers, or eventually be surrounded by a settlement of NPCs under your rule. It depends on how the logistics and structure work, and what I can actually do.
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 09:56:57 am by Zera »

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #1 on: January 15, 2010, 05:59:14 pm »
Wow, it looks very nice!

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2010, 06:29:41 pm »
wow very nice. xLIB/Celtic III too I assume? Can't wait to see more progress on this :)

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2010, 07:07:00 pm »
Wow, that looks really nice! Visually it reminds me alot of the old dragon warrior series. Design wise it's alot different though. All the RPG's you work on are designed differently and I really enjoy that aspect. This looks pretty complex so I hope BASIC can handle all that you have planned for it. =) Good luck with this, I can't wait to see how this progresses. Welcome back btw!

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2010, 08:43:49 pm »
WOW!!!! If only I had a skill like that.. :P
It is very complex, and the non-linear storyline makes it more interesting!!!
It's not only battle-oriented, it's like a real life simulation o.O
All these RPGs (Elmgon, Escheron, LL2.5, and this)
*jsj795 faints

Spoiler For funny life mathematics:
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

Girls = Time * Money (Girls are a combination of time and money)
Time = Money (Time is money)
Girls = Money squared (So, girls are money squared)
Money = sqrt(Evil) (Money is also the root of all evil)
Girls = sqrt(Evil) squared (So, girls are the root of all evil squared)
Girls = Evil (Thus, girls are evil)
*Girls=Evil credit goes to Compynerd255*

Offline Zera

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #5 on: January 15, 2010, 08:48:30 pm »
Thanks for the support and encouragement. I'm not totally sure how the dependencies and structure will work. Very new to BASIC here. I'm trying not to over-conceive ideas, because I can't be sure what will be technically feasible.

I wanted to model the game after something like Dwarf Fortress, where the player would be able to completely immerse themself in the world. Ideally, I want players to be able to manage entire kingdoms. The provided storyline is, by no means, the only way to play the game. Consider it more of an excuse than anything else. :P

Most of the inspiration comes from the old Ultima series. I want the "feel" to be the same, and I want the gameplay to be fluid enough that the player doesn't feel completely lost in verbose command-tables and technical details. It will be largely menu-driven, instead of requiring the player to remember a ton of keyboard / input commands.

Offline jsj795

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2010, 09:06:56 pm »
lol you are way more skilled than I am by the look of the screenshot ^^

Spoiler For funny life mathematics:
Smart man + smart woman = romance
Smart man + dumb woman = affair
Dumb man + smart woman = marriage
Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy
Smart boss + smart employee = profit
Smart boss + dumb employee = production
Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion
Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime
A man will pay $2 for a $1 item he needs.
A woman will pay $1 for a $2 item that she doesn't need.
A woman worries about the future until she gets a husband.
A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife.
A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend.
A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
To be happy with a man, you must understand him a lot and love him a little.
To be happy with a woman, you must love her a lot and not try to understand her at all.
Married men live longer than single men do, but married men are a lot more willing to die.
A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn't.
A man marries a woman expecting that she won't change, and she does.
A woman has the last word in any argument.
Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.

Girls = Time * Money (Girls are a combination of time and money)
Time = Money (Time is money)
Girls = Money squared (So, girls are money squared)
Money = sqrt(Evil) (Money is also the root of all evil)
Girls = sqrt(Evil) squared (So, girls are the root of all evil squared)
Girls = Evil (Thus, girls are evil)
*Girls=Evil credit goes to Compynerd255*

Offline ztrumpet

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2010, 09:49:13 pm »
Wow, you are such a good planner! You have come up with such amazing game concepts, three of which are in the works right now.  It loock incredible, but more importantly it is an awesome concept.  Just reading all of your first post makes me want to play it. :)
Great job so far!  Will this be in pure basic, or basic + xLib or Celtic III?

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #8 on: January 15, 2010, 10:07:35 pm »
ow zera this does look epic XD

cant wait to see how it turns out :)

Offline TIfanx1999

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #9 on: January 16, 2010, 08:40:23 am »
Yea, Ultima was the other old RPG that came to mind (visually) but I'm more familiar with the Dragon warrior series. The amount of things that were possible in those old Ultima games is simply mind boggling.

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #10 on: January 16, 2010, 10:38:28 am »
this looks really well planned out, i look forward to seeing how it turns out :)

Offline DJ Omnimaga

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #11 on: January 16, 2010, 07:30:47 pm »
Yeah the old Ultima games are really amazing for this. Ultima V is like 400 hours long max IIRC

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #12 on: January 17, 2010, 08:24:41 pm »
Niiiice D:
* NecroF-_-ckk doesn't see a 'program is running-thingy' in the upper right corner, what does this game use?

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #13 on: January 18, 2010, 12:44:35 am »
I think those are just screen mock-ups at the moment, but with it being that graphical I can't imagine him making it without the use of a utility (X-LIB, Celtic etc.).

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Re: Sanctum Sanctorum (trying my hand at BASIC)
« Reply #14 on: January 18, 2010, 02:52:49 pm »
Wow, this is very promising!  How would you go about overthrowing the monarch?
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