Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI Z80 => Topic started by: Hot_Dog on November 06, 2012, 02:31:14 pm
I have a little bit of time to continue working on calculator projects, but I left my jump drive at home, so I can't work on Elimination or Infiltration. Instead, I'm working on a fan-made sequel to Word Rescue
The idea is using it to learn a new language! Instead of matching words to pictures, you'll match, for example, a Spanish word to its English equivalent. For demonstration purposes I'm doing the game with Russian vocabulary, but I plan to make the game open source.
The game takes place years later...instead of a young boy/girl dropping slime on grizzles, you're an adult dropping nukes on grizzle ships.
I'll talk a lot more about the project once I'm at the point where I'm designing levels. Based on my past reputation and my work here in Russia, I don't want to raise hopes until I'm at this state. Because then I'll design levels until I'm bored, after which the game can be released.
But here's a preview screenshot
Cooool :D And long time no see.
Great- using a game to help someone learn a language is always more engaging/exciting than normal...
Also, nukes? I've gotta get myself some of those :D
That's not supposed to be animated, is it? That's really exciting, i was thinking recently it's probably possible to put a stripped down version of Anki/Mnemosyne on the nSpire or Prizm or really just a simple SRS. I'm currently studying Russian, so that'd be really cool. I didn't know you were in Russia, i'm currently in China but after my contract here ends i've been seriously thinking of going to Russia... I'd never heard of Word Rescue before, though. I'm excited! (I love languages :D)
That's not supposed to be animated, is it?
Nope! It's just a still image :)
Any updates on this? :D The screenshot looks cool but i can't really guess what the gameplay/anything else will be like from it ;)
Interesting, I'm glad you still work on calc stuff :)
Any updates on this? :D The screenshot looks cool but i can't really guess what the gameplay/anything else will be like from it ;)
Plenty of updates! But I'm still going to hold on the screenshots until I reach the point where all I have to do is design levels
Awesome, i'm looking forward to seeing what's in store :)