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:Text(-1,Y,X,"U ;char your using;it looks like thats what your doing (something similar) in the SS, as it makes the char flash:Text(-1,oldY,oldX," ;space:Text(-1,Y,X,"U:Y->oldY:X->oldX ;vars at your choice
Interesting. I wonder if there will be some sort of projectile based enemies? I mean for example every now and then a missile going through the screen and you must avoid it along with other enemies moving around?
It was down last night, now it works fine. Looks great! I would suggest one thing though:Code: [Select]:Text(-1,Y,X,"U ;char your using;it looks like thats what your doing (something similar) in the SS, as it makes the char flash:Text(-1,oldY,oldX," ;space:Text(-1,Y,X,"U:Y->oldY:X->oldX ;vars at your choiceNow when you move it will update your chars old position, and then your new. But making it not flash. Just a thought, I will go into detail if you wish (sorry if you already have this or something like it going on).
make the jump button second because that was really annoying me in zoith because i never could jump diagonally without trying like 3 times and by then i was deadother than that, zoith was greatyoure game looks better though, but not as good as metroid pi, which was like metroid pure + zoith + magnificence