thanks Omni!
as per request I am posting my code for optimization
main engine::
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:DelVar M
:DelVar JText(‾1,0,90,H
:If S:Then
:If G=3:Then
:If T:Then
:While A≠1 and A≠9 and B≠0 and B≠16 and H
:If E:Then
:If not(E
:If M
:If K:Then
:If B≠D
:If B and B≠16 and ""=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:If A≠1 and A≠9
:If not(J) and ""≠sub(Str1,15(A+1)-15+B,1) and ""≠sub(Str1,15(A-1)-15+B,1
:If S and K=21:Then
:If T and K=31:Then
:J+G(K=25 and not(J→J
:If J:Then
:If ""≠sub(Str1,15(A-1)-15+B,1
:If (A≠C or B≠D) and B and B≠16
:If ""=sub(Str1,15C-15+B,1
:If 2=M
:DelVar M
:If " "≠sub(Str1,15A-15+B,1
:If Z:Then
special tiles (prgmZIT)
:If "o"=sub(Str1,15A-15+B,1
:sub(Str2,1,15A-16+B)+" "+Str3→Str1
:If "!"=sub(Str1,15A-15+B,1
:sub(Str1,1,15A-16+B)+" "+Str3→Str1
:If "Δ"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:If 9<H
:sub(Str1,1,15A-16+B)+" "+Str3→Str1
:If ""=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
:sub(Str1,1,15A-14+B-2)+" "+Str3→Str1
:If "Î"=sub(Str1,15A-14+B-1,1
sword animation (prgmZAT)
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
:If (A=Y and (B-1=X or B+1=X)) or (A-1=Y and (B-1=X or B=X or B+1=X
:DelVar Z
magic animation (prgmZSH)
:H+2(X=B or X=B+1 or X=B-1→H
:If H>9:Then
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
enemy movement and action handler (prgmZEN)
:H+2(X=B or X=B+1 or X=B-1→H
:If H>9:Then
:StorePic 2
:RecallPic 2
as before the chars are a little bit wierd, if you want to know exactly which one it is just ask
EDIT: here are the files in case you want to test them out: