Since aeTIos has released his snake game, I think I should release mine

(slightly modified)
What you do is use the arrows to change the direction of the snake. You can eat the 2x2 blocks to grow 1 unit and you can watch it digest

Bumping into yourself or a wall will kill you (so don't do it!) and after every 20 units you grow, (you start with 4), a counter will count down as your snake shrinks. Once it hits zero, the game will speed up a little. There are 6 speed sa=tages, after that, it cannot get faster. Every time you eat a fruit, another spawns randomly on the map. Did I mention the map was made of 4x4 tiles and is 64x96 tiles? It scrolls so that you can see it all, don't worry

Oh, also, there are about a bazillion fruits on the map at all times, so you won't have to hunt far for another fruit. There is a score system (but not a highscore saving system).
Finally, the program is 3128 bytes
