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Wow, looks good!He looks kinda depressed though; his head is hanging down.
;ThetaMax is how far to the right to draw text in Word Wrap Mode.;TMax is how far down to draw text.96->Thetamax59->Tmax0->Xmin94->Xmax-62->Ymin0->YmaxZoomSto4->W0->E0->F32->G1->Dsub(Str0,W,G)->Str9;Set Wrap Mode, meaning text drawn too far to the right is wrapped to the next line. M1 = Mode 1.int("M1int(ZECUTSCN;Draws the cutscene "text" (graphics)e^(E,F,Str9)W+G->W;Update the screen. DD doesn't mean anything, but I'm using it ;cause it stuck in my head as "the command to use"int("DDFor(Z,1,600EndFor(Z,-44,-62,-1Line(0,Z,95,Z,0EndLine(0,-43,95,-43Line(18,-43,18,-63ListCUTSC(D+2)->ZWhile W<=length(Str0)int("M1;The next command tells Correlation that "M" and "W" are wider;than the rest of the characters used for text. WY stands for; WMMode Yesint("WYListZTEXT(Z)->ThetaZ+1->Zsub(Str0,W,1)->Str9int(ZEPORTRA;Displays a portrait of the character that is talkinge^(46,1,Str9W+1->Wsub(Str0,W,Theta)->Str9W+Theta->W;Word Wrap Mode. M2 is Mode 2.int("M2int("ZERATULTe^(45,20,Str9End
That looks awesome! I really ... interview! *Hint*
Nice Hot dog, but what's with all the random stuff before the text?