Can someone help me optimize the quad buffering renderers ? I feel it's not optimal at all (even though I spent quite some time on them).
:Lbl LIN
:¦ Pt-Off(r6,-4,{r5}*16+TPTR→r4,L1)
:¦ Pt-Off(r6,-4,r4+8,L1+144)
:¦ Pt-Off(r6,4,{r5+°MAPW}*16+TPTR→r4,L1)
:¦ Pt-Off(r6,4,r4+8,L1+144)
:¦ r5++
:¦ r6+8→r6
:Lbl COL
:¦ Pt-Off(-4,r6,{r5}*16+TPTR→r4,L1
:¦ Pt-Off(12,r6,r4+8,L1
:¦ Pt-Off(4,r6,{r5+1}*16+TPTR→r4,L1
:¦ Pt-Off(20,r6,r4+8,L1
:¦ r5+°MAPW→r5
:¦ r6+8→r6
These routines are basically speed optimized tile mappers that respectively draw two rows or columns (respectively).