Calculator Community => Other Calc-Related Projects and Ideas => TI Z80 => Topic started by: CDI on March 04, 2006, 10:48:00 am
:"tunnel game":."by cdi games":" ":" ":" ":" ":" ":" ":" ":8?ship:0?score:6?tunnell:@start:(8,tunnel"0 0":(8,ship"v":(1,1score:[key:'ship!=2:-ship(key=24?ship:'ship!=15:+ship(key=26?ship:+tunnell-1&1?tunnell:'tunnell=0:+tunnell1?tunnell:'tunnell=13:-tunnell1?tunnell:+tunnell4?tunnelr:'ship=tunnell:#lose:'ship=tunnelr:#lose:+score1?score:#start:@lose:score:."you lose"
Want to know what that is? It's a BASIC game, a simple tunnel game, but a game nonetheless. It's easy to read once you memorize
Is this really a game? :D
you are working on this again O_O
? I remember it from the EPS forums, does this programmign languahe run faster or slower?
Pseudo-code or interpreted?
Looks simple. :D
The HTML page turned out well ^_^
Right now it's intripreted, but I wrote a bloody huge intripreter in QBasic that does these things in order.
It makes a copy of the code, so now it had 2 copys, vmbprgm and v_p both strings
It looks for and registers all :s in a list
It then looks for any error causing code (like : (9,1"hehe") and removes it (thus making error free running for the most part, if it is told to do something error causing it skips that line and stores it to the log)
It then looks for redundant code such as :z?z or :+z1-z1?z and removes those
Now it's ready to run, it then looks over the code once more to find anything that needs removed to ensure proper running
It stores all removal and changes to vmberr.txt and runs, if it encounters an error whilst running it also amends the logs
The only problem is that it isn't all that fast >_> yet, and that if you enter an improper program it can loop forever... I'm also adding support for "custom" commands defined before the first :
So is this really going to be a program that will convert your lang. into basic via the computer?