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pb cl Hello{pb st vd Main(){sys.h.out("hello world")}}
It should be somewhat readable to beginners, don't forget. What would you think, as a beginner, if you saw this:Code: [Select]pb cl Hello{pb st vd Main(){sys.h.out("hello world")}}
pub class Hello{ pub stat void main(){ sys.print("hello world") }}
Please don't do OOP. For one thing, it's a pain to type all of those declarations. For another, the hardware isn't powerful enough for serious OOP.
// A sample program to show an ideal syntax #include sys.del#include graph.delbinary_form = PRGMbinary_name = "SAMPLE/0"class Hello extends none{ PUBLIC: public method Main() { sys.out("Hello world!/n") sys.outcoord(0,2,"I'm made in DE") graph.clrbuf(Main,1) //pretend that arg one means the normal //graph buffer and arg two means whether or not to update LCD For(loop, loop = 0, loop = 3, loop++) { graph.sprite(Main, loop*8+8, 8, loop*8+8+Sprite) graph.bufup() sys.pause(2000) //pretend it's milliseconds } } PRIVATE: private spritedata{8,8, row} Sprite = [0011223344556677, _ // you can gues that _ allows you 1133224433554466, _ // to parse the next line as if it were 1234567812345678, _ // part of the first one ADCF3E7CFF7F12345]}sys.popPC()