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How is this 16KB?
I'm sure if you wanted to have the community as a whole teach you some optimization tricks you could get the file size down around 8000 bytes.
:.see if hit spike:If (X>left side of spike) and (X<right side of spike) and (Y>Top of spike) and (Y<bottom of spike):Goto DIE:End
parser anything I need to do? and I vote app
ok so can anyone else get past level 4? I can't do it!
and Parser! I found a cheat! If you hold 2nd and mode, you move super slow, and it's easier to dodge stuff! I think this is a main loop problem
OMG! I still can't get past lvl 4! lol
no it's the spikes at the top of the screen! I can get past the first jump and the super fast enemy, but I can't get to the left side of the screen